The document titled “RAM 10-024 (Holy Spirit)” is an in-depth spiritual exploration on the Holy Spirit In-Depth Spiritual Exploration; the concept of the Holy Spirit in a spiritual or religious context. It includes discussions on various aspects of the Holy Spirit, such as its role, function, and impact on individuals and groups. The material delves into spiritual teachings, exploring the relationship between the Holy Spirit and human experiences, perceptions, and actions.
Ram Reading 10-24
Merciful Father, have mercy upon us. Use us, oh Lord, as channels of Thy love. Work through us, oh Father. We ask this in love through Jesus the Christ, our Elder Brother.
Behold! The day of the Lord is at hand and ye shall carry His word across the land to those who would seek and know His way, His truth, His love. We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 169, 185, 114, 178, 107, and 131. The date is August the 8th, 1976 and the approximate time is 7:33 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the group. We have the inquiring minds of the group and we will give this reading that is sought after. But first we would give, then, as guiding lines, that which perplexes, or that which is perplexing, members of this group, and others, as to that which was the revelation of the seed, or the word, that work of this group, and its purpose, within this time and place. For even as the storms come upon the land, so the storms will come upon this group, this people. And yet, the storms bring rain, and rain that washes clean and rain that causes new growth to give life to the land. So it shall be. But who among you should fear or have that which is doubt? For it is well said that if the Lord be on thy side, whom have you to fear? Therefore, in the light of that which is given there will come inquiry from those who would have, you see, the word or the guidance and this, then, is that for ye to be – the guidance. For that which is the seed will grow and those who would come against this group or this idea or this way or path, even they are such as they who went against the Prince of Love and His disciples and the word. And ye must be then guided by that which was given then: “Father, forgive them; they know not what they do.” Can ye do less? Ye cannot. For if ye do less, ye have given them that which is as the fuel for their hate, their chagrin, their foolishness. Tread then softly, wisely, living as He would live, retreating not, but being inoffensive and only giving that which your heart knows is best at the time. We are ready for questions.
Discourse on the Holy Spirit
Q On June the 12th, 1976, the Source indicated that this reading would be on the explanation and the use of the Holy Spirit. Would you please give us a discourse on same?
S Much has been given on this subject to this group before, and through this Source in readings. We would first, then explain this: as to the actual function of the Holy Spirit somewhat as indicated before and yet more. Whereas ye know there is the Father, that which created and is immobile, in peace, is the source of power and that which is, the I AM or the God force within each and every individual and that which is the Christ or the perfect idea, or ideal of each and every entity. That then, which is the spirit, too, or God in all things, or the action of God. But the Holy Spirit, as given, is God . This is God that can comprehend the fallacies, that which is of the illusionary and know it for what it is. For God the Father cannot comprehend that which is not truth. It is for the Holy Spirit, then to be that link between the Father, the Source of all power, the Creative Force, and that which is the Christ, the I AM and the Spirit manifested in all things. Therefore, that which is the Holy Spirit is the action or the word of God in action, the force of God in action, or action itself, or love.
Spirit of the Lord and the Holy Spirit: differences
Q Please discuss the difference between the spirit of the Lord as given in question number 45 of the 6-21-74 reading and the Holy Spirit.
S The spirit of the Lord as that which was given in Genesis whereas it is quoted that the spirit of the Lord walked upon the face of the deep. This is indicating that the spirit of life, or creation, or that which animates, or gives being and substance to all things whether it is crystalline, gaseous, what have you, or even that which is as man, or animal, or beast, is that which is the spirit of the Lord.
Expansion of the Holy Spirit in our lives
Q What can individuals and groups do to bring about the expression of the Holy Spirit in their lives?
S By living even as given in the manner of He that is as the blueprint for each and every individual regardless of personage. By becoming totally giving to others. By acclimating self to the needs of others. By walking with thy brother, thy sister, in their travail. By becoming as He who became christed. That which would sacrifice self to the nth degree or doing all things with only others in mind and serving God. This brings forth the Holy Spirit. And as others cannot do same, and call credit, then it must be from that which is the spirit within contacting that which is the spirit without, the Christ to that which is the Holy Spirit making themselves the channel of God’s love. This is not to say that selves may not be a source of love and goodness without contacting that which is the Holy Spirit but may do so by using that which is the Christ within, the I AM force. And yet, to be as He who became christed, became the way, the truth, and the light, self must use that which is the Holy Spirit by putting desire and self aside.
The Holy Spirit is arisen and present now
Q In 185’s reading of August the 8th, 1972, the beginning words from the Source were, “Love the Lord with all thy mind, with all thy body, with all thy soul. For the Lord is love and there is but one way to the Lord and that is as has been given of old, ‘You must love the Lord.’ So the Holy Spirit is arisen, so it is present now.” Please explain, “So the Holy Spirit is arisen, so it is present now.”
S Even that which is the touching of the Christ from within to that which is God without or the communication or the fact that self has used the will to put aside the mind, the body physical, and all the mental aspects of self, to connect, or to put aside the desires and be one with the Father. This arises the Holy Spirit. Not as He, the Prince of Love caused it to arise but in the manner that selves may use same. Know it to be even that which was then (rather than that which was the babbling of voices unknown to others, or the frothing of the mouth, or the carrying on of the adrenals) but the Holy Peace that pours forth to others.
Few are ready for that which is the Holy Spirit
Q I received the following from the voice within on September the 18th, 1972 after a discussion on the Holy Spirit as stated above and I’m going to quote: “Many people are not ready to receive that the Holy Spirit is here.” I imagine this came about because of our discussion and that the two are interrelated. I would appreciate whatever you can give us at this time on the statement or, that we may have greater understanding. (169)
S. Few are ready for that which is the Holy Spirit, for their minds are trapped in themselves, in the personification of the ego, in that which is the extension of the ego, that which is as they have builded in this life and in past lives, in the glory of that which is of the material-mental world rather than the spiritual world or the spiritual-mental world. Therefore, those who would not be ready cannot conceive. Though even many who are not ready, conceive in their own manner that which is the Holy Spirit and the spirit that touches themselves arid the holy work that comes through themselves. Remember, even as He has chosen, though, selves must choose the Holy Where the Prince of Love chooses those who will work with Him – for they do not choose Him – it is for the individual to choose the Holy Spirit. It cannot be otherwise for God must be made aware of self. What is this? You say God is aware of all things? The Holy Spirit is aware, but God the Father, the Creative Force, is not aware of fallacy, is not aware of personality, is not aware of the illusionary, but is aware of the Christ, the perfect ideal, the perfect idea.
What can we do to clear the way for the Holy Spirit to come through?
Q How can we clear ourselves from the ego and the physical influences that prevent the Holy Spirit from coming through?
S Even as given to the channel, so should it be for each and every individual, and certainly the channel has not lived up to that which was given. That is, in the time that prayer and meditation become one and a constant living thing throughout the day, throughout the night, through awakening, through sleeping, will there come that which is the Holy Spirit. This is putting aside self. This is the contact with the Holy Spirit. This is the answer, the only way.
Q It sounds as though you said in answer to (185’s) question that we could be praying for the Holy Spirit and yet at the same time acting in such a way that it can’t get through. Is this true?
S This is correct in all things that are of God
The Holy Spirit lies among you: explanation
Q An individual reading was given on July 7th of last year. After some supplementary questions the Source said in part at the end, “Then we would give the blessings of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Spirit which lies among you, which stands with you. For He is ever present and blessing you now.” Would you explain what is meant by “the Holy Spirit which lies among you, which stands with you”?
S The Holy Spirit is that which is even as given, manifests itself that all other fractions, all other factions, of God may function as they are to function. Between each and every individual at that which is the soul level there is the functioning of that which is God, the I AM, or the Christ . Therefore then, the Holy Spirit functions and that which stands amongst you and remains with you at all times is the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit that works with you manifesting Itself daily in that which is: the laws.
Endocrine system and the Holy Spirit
Q What is the relationship of the endocrine system to the Holy Spirit, if any?
S Only as the endocrine system functions the more perfectly and that which is the rising within self, or the raising within self, of that which is the spirit that manifests within selves, the I AM, or the force that is known to be God within self, (raises up through the body perfecting itself through the putting of self aside of the mind and the function of the higher elements within self) that which will contact the Holy Spirit allowing the Holy Spirit to pour within self, through self, adjusting and using that which is the Christ Force within.
Conscious mind and the Holy Spirit
Q What is the relationship of the conscious mind to the Holy Spirit, please?
S There is little relationship between the conscious mind and the Holy Spirit. Only as the mind strengthens the tenets, the beliefs, that it has of God and sees that the actions of the mind, the actions of the body are in line with that belief, is there a connection between the Holy Spirit and the mind. Where the mind functions the more and the will is directed to direct the body and the mind, then comes that which is the release of the Christ Force and God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit that may function through the entity to do those things which are the positive nature.
The ego and the Holy Spirit
Q In one of our previous readings you differentiated between the “soul ego” and the “common ego”. How do these two different egos relate to the Holy Spirit?
S Soul ego even is that which is abuilded personality of the ego – that partly of God and that to be cultivated through the many lives in the search for God. Not part of that which is the subconscious, or the ego of the body. The ego that is of the body is the false ego or the ego of the mind – that which is illusionary. But the truth of God’s ego or that which would even be termed very loosely as the personality of God and the personality of the soul is as one, in destiny.
Soul and Soul body/I AM
Q What is the difference between the soul and the soul body?
S The soul of the soul body is as more of the spirit of God that works within all things that are created. Whereas the soul or the soul ego or the soul that is the entity in truth, is that aspect of self that retains God, the Creative Force, and is the home of the Christ Force within self.
Q Is the I AM the soul body? If not, what is it?
S The I AM is that God force within self, part of the Christ Force, that is the director for that which is the spiritual nature of self, the spiritual search, and is that yearning to return to that which is the oneness.
Spirit/Spirit Forces, the soul and soul forces
Q Please define the terms spirit and spirit forces and how they differ from the terms soul and soul forces and angelic host and angelic forces.
S That, which is the spirit, is as given before or even as God who created a force within all things that is of Himself. The spirit force is that creative force that is used to maintain the elements of the law within all creatures. It is found within even that which are the forces of the angels and the angelic host though they are governed by a force not unlike the I AM though not as cloaked or clouded as that which is found in man. The soul force of man is that which is the gift of God (that is the Creator) or the creative work to the highest degree that can be, yet uncultivated: to be cultivated by that which is the force that is the selection of man as to that which is the freedom of his choice.
Growth, evolution of the soul and the Holy Spirit
Q Please describe how a soul changes in time and outside of time especially in relation to the Holy Spirit.
S As that which are the activities of the mental processes, the will, the mind of man, allows that which is the soul force to operate in the direction of that which is the creation within self of the maturity that is needed for each and every entity to be about his Father’s business as to becoming that which ye are – gods – even as spoken of “thou art gods in the making”. This then is the creation or expansion of the soul, the soul force within time and yet beyond time. For it is that measure beyond a time where selves become even as gods to create that which are the worlds to be manufactured, governed and ruled as God has ordained it to be.
Aquarian Gospel: Holy Breath
Q In the Aquarian Gospel, in chapter 105, in section 16, Jesus, was rebuking hypocrisy and He states: “But if you sin against Holy Breath by disregarding her when she would open up the doors of life for you, by closing up the windows of the soul when she would pour out the, light of love into your hearts and cleanse them with the fires of God.” This goes on, but many times it refers to the Holy Breath. Is this…
S This is the I AM or even as the spirit of God but usually connotates the I AM force within self, or that which is the creative God within self, or that which opens the way to the Christ force.
Glorifying Jesus and giving of the Holy Spirit
Q Please clarify why it was necessary for Jesus to be glorified before the Holy Spirit could be given as indicated in John 7:39 and John 16:7.
S For what is glorification but that which is the glory of God or that which is the working of God or God’s mercy or love. It, the glorification, must be the purification or the truth made known.
Movement of the Holy Spirit within each soul
Q Please discuss the movement of the Holy Spirit within each soul and its expression in the material.
S The movement and expression are the same, the very same, as that which is the most important thing in your universe, the electron, that which is found in all atoms or causes all atoms to have balance and force. Regardless of that which science would give it, it is the electron which controls and runs each atom. This is the same within selves, the use of the Holy Spirit. This is the Holy Spirit working within self at this time.
Holy Spirit abides within – doubt not
Q In my reading given July the 25th, 1972, the Source said rather forcefully, “know that in self is the temple of the living God. Not just say it, not just acknowledge Know it! It is the truth. For in thee abides the Holy Spirit of God Himself. If you were low and unworthy, He would not be there. Face it, it’s true!” I believe this with all my heart, but how can I know it beyond a shadow of a doubt? (169)
S This is as personal choice. Where you would think about the doubt, doubt will exist. When you banish the thought of doubt from the mind there is no doubt. Remember, the world you exist in is partially created by self and if ye have doubt within your world it stems from thine own thinking. Even as given, the mind must be controlled by that of the will. Therefore, make the will do the work. Banish the thought that is negative, and the mind, and it will no longer exist within self. For this entity it is imperative the entity not think on those lines of negativity, for as the manner of this mind’s working so becomes that which are the building blocks that turn to stumbling blocks. Then turn the stumbling blocks to nothing, concentrating only on that which the mind would have it to be – and it will be.
The Christ force at the time of Ra-Ta.
Q I had believed that the Christ force wasn’t active until Jesus walked the earth. However, when reviewing my reading given through this channel the Source said when speaking of Ra-Ta and the Great Pyramid, “For as Ra-Ta the entity was close to self and the entity saw the building and the reason for the love of God in motion, in action as the Christ force that healed those who needed healing, and saw raised and helped to raise that which was the monument, or that which is a testament, a book of learning, a monument to the living God in the Great Pyramid.” How did the Christ force as used during Ra-Ta’s time differ from the Christ force used during Jesus’ time?
S The Christ force, remember, is God’s ideal, the ideal that you are, the perfection without blemish, only covered, hidden, and contorted by the human mind, the human action. And in those times that it was brought forth it has done its job. Jesus, the Christ, worked the Christ force through that which was the perfection of the mind, the body, and the spirit. Whereas Ra-Ta and others used that which was the mind and only partially that which was the spirit. But it was used because it is available to those who have developed the way.
Creative Spirit and the Holy Spirit
Q What is the difference between the Creative Spirit and the Holy Spirit or how do they relate?
S The Creative Force or God Himself is the Father. That which is released to the world, or to the worlds, or to environs, is that which is the Spirit or the Creative Force in action. That which is found in the lower base to the higher base, objects, things, personalities, all things – even thoughts. For even the thoughts you have are a variation, regardless of the type of thought of that which is the Holy Spirit, using or having been used, by the Creative Force. Know this: as ye reach to that which is the Holy Spirit through the Creative Force, the Creative Spirit, as guided by that which is the Creative Force or the Holy Spirit within selves, or the linking of same, then ye have come upon that plane where the action is as one rather than the diverse actions of many.
Desire as an obstacle to the Holy Spirit
Q How is the achievement of a lack of desire related to the Holy Spirit?
S For desire is ever a personal thing, a mental thing, a willful thing. To put aside desire is to open the way for that which is God or the Holy Spirit to pour through. If self cannot put aside desire, then make desire that which is desire of God, for God, through God. It’s the next best thing, but not the best.
Q How can one set aside the awareness of the desire to do good?
S By putting aside the thought, even as given before in this reading. By only doing, making the desire first a tool, to cause self to do those things or become a channel of those things which are good. And then to put aside the desire by not thinking about doing the good but having the good pour through self as a channeling of God’s love to His children.
Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit
Q Can more be given on the difference between the Holy Comforter and the Holy Spirit?
S The Holy Comforter is that which is the Christ Force in action. For when He, the Prince of Love, sacrificed Himself, He gave a path that each and every entity may use that which is the Christ Force, giving to them for the first time the Holy Comforter, that which they could not use before. That which is the Holy Spirit is that which releases the Comforter in each and every entity.
Failing to recognize the Master after the resurrection
Q In response to question number 70 asked at the last work reading (10-023) as to why the first to see the Master the day following His resurrection failed to recognize Him, the Source gave, “Because of the rearranging of that not only of the atomic structure, but of the spiritual forces though not loosed but not yet bundled. There is distortion to that which the human eye sees.” Could you describe this in a little more detail, please?
S We have here, you see, that which is the rearranging not only of the atomic structure, as given, but of the spiritual structure or vibrations – all being one, you see.
As to that which is the raising of the man Jesus to becoming that which is Jesus, christed, or that which is the spiritual essence of God in action, you find here the flow of the Holy Spirit, or that especially which was the electrons of the body magnifying themselves, rearranging themselves, dignifying that which is the rest of the atoms, the molecular structure, the essence of the body, the vibrations themselves. It is even as that which is considered turning on the light, where a flow of that which is electricity is allowed to find its way into that which is a vacuum, to that which are the filaments, allowing as the passages the giving off of that which is light So, in a way is that which happened to the man, to the spirit, to that which was the vibrational field, causing millions and billions of miniature suns to appear in that which is the body proximity or the area occupied by that which is the vibrational field of the body, or that which is the light pattern of the man, spirit, called Jesus, the Christ.
The great pyramid: King’s chamber and spiritual forces
Q How do the forces within a pyramid, especially in the king’s chamber area relate to spiritual forces? Are they spiritual forces and which spiritual center or centers, in the body are affected the more?
S Ye have, here, you see, much effect upon the thymus, much effect, though upon other areas especially that which is the solar plexus, and that which is the thyroid area in that order. You have here that which is affecting the triad systems of the body, especially those that are the triad elements within the body and especially that which are the electrons of the body. To an extent this is good, whereas it brings more harmony, and yet be wary. For in affecting those areas especially in the endocrine system where the body has not yet been conditioned by the mind and the spiritual seeking, there can come that which is unrest and even that which will dilute, or delude, the mind and the forces therein into that which is thinking, seeing in a manifest action that is not correct for this plane nor the planes beyond.
Holy Spirit as a gift from God
Q The Holy Spirit is often referred to as a gift from God. Is this a natural gift from the Divine or is it an opening of one of the spiritual centers or chakras?
S It is the actual gift. For it was created. God separated Himself from the Creative Force. He separated Himself, leaving that element of creation or the prime thought or peace and made manifest that which would bridge the gap between Himself, Herself, to thee through that which is the spirit, that which is the I AM, that which is the Christ or the Christ Force, that ye may find your way back through the gap created by self, that God can understand your element, the element of illusion, whereas the Creative Force, God the magnificent, cannot. The Holy Spirit, then, is wonderful, whereas God the Creator is magnificent!
Q Please explain how the Holy Spirit can be a gift from God and yet all men be created equal.
S It is the gift to all men, where those who would have it and follow the dictates as given by the laws. What laws? The laws that are issued for those who are trapped within illusion and those planes leading back to God . It is the gift. It is the light. It is the way. And it is for each and every· man to be able to take advantage of same. It is free choice. It is free will.
Earth Changes and God’s will
Q Speaking of God’s laws. Are we asking God to break His Own law when we pray that His will be done instead of what has been earned when we are praying about the earth changes?
S Allow His will to be done. Remember His will supersedes that of the illusion.
Kundalini/the Christ Force/the Holy Spirit
Q Please define the term kundalini and describe the correspondences and differences between kundalini, the Christ Force and the Holy Spirit.
S The kundalini is that which is the releasing within self of the force of creativity within that, that is self or the I AM force within self. This is separate from the Christ Force. For the Christ Force is that which was given before, the manifestation of God, the Holy Comforter, within self to be allowed forth for the good of others through self-denial of that which is desire. For the kundalini, the I AM may be brought forth, the I AM through that which is the Creative Force in self for the good or the not so good of self or others.
Q What is the difference between the divine marriage or union of kundalini or shakti from within, with Siva without, and the union of the Christ, or Christ Force, or I AM, within, with the Christ or Holy Spirit without?
S It is the same.
Q Please describe the energy brought up and down the spine by the practice of kriya yoga and what relationship does it have to kundalini, the Christ Force, and the Holy Spirit?
S Here you have a manifestation more of that which would be called the animalistic or that which is of the lower spirit that conducts or manifests itself the more in inanimate objects or animal objects – not the spiritual force known as Christ Force, kundalini, the Holy Spirit. Lower than the I AM and yet a necessity for many to find that first· which is the I AM, then work through that which is the kundalini.
Negativity and the Holy Spirit
Q Is there a negative attribute to the Holy Spirit and, if so, how can we avoid manifesting it?
S There is no negative aspect in the Holy Spirit, but selves may use that which is a hand-in-glove with the Holy Spirit, the Creative Force within self to do negative things. This is much used .by entities who think that they have contacted the Holy Spirit.
Speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit
Q Please discuss the relationship if any between speaking in tongues and the Holy Spirit.
S This has been discussed before. In that which was the original touching of that which is recorded to the western man of those who were the disciples by the tongues of fire. This indeed was the use of the Holy Spirit to manifest itself or make known its presence within all shapes, forms, all conditions of man, as man would have it brought forth if they would search. Whereas that which is presently used the more, almost in total is that which is but the outpouring of the ego and that which is of the subconscious mind in its search for self-aggrandizement.
Jesus and group soul
Q Does our Master, Jesus the Christ, represent a group soul for the human race or is the group soul God Himself?
S He, that is the Prince of Love, is that which is as representational of the group soul of mankind and He, as Jesus, of those on this planet or that work through this earth plane to become that once again – one, with God.
Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ: Numerology
Q In one form of numerology the words Holy Spirit total 151 and the words Jesus Christ also total 151. Is there some special intrinsic value to that number that you could comment on?
S When self reaches 151 in the essence of the body or that which is the weight of the body spiritually, (and don’t ask us to explain that yet), then self becomes as He, the Holy Spirit, Christed, the Link.
Baptism and the Holy Spirit
Q Is it necessary to be baptized, then, to receive the Holy Spirit?
S Baptized by spirit, not by man.
Four years earlier a new dispensation was given regarding readings: in the future the Holy Spirit will come through individuals.
Q Four years ago tonight I was given an individual reading through this channel. Before questions were asked, the Source said in part. “But first we would give this word of warning: that unless those who are gathered here are willing tonight, to hear the truth, not as they conceive as the truth, but the truth as is the truth, then let them not ask. For tonight this reading will be as readings are to be in the future. For there shall not be much longer for readings as such to be valid, from any source from any channel, from any place. For now is the time of accounting, for there comes that which has been released, and the truth is now in the land, of that which man has caused, and he will reap! We are now ready for questions.”
Q. How far off is the time when readings such as this will no longer be valid?
S First, Happy Anniversary! Second, we would give this: that time when there is a group that can operate without desire, without awareness of self, as this group should, will come the time when there will be no need for that which is as a channeling such as this. For the Holy Spirit will pour forth, manifesting Itself in all ways and now we would give to this group, as this channel is tiring, that there must be an awakening of the purpose of unselfness. For there still is that which manifests in each and every entity in this room. Selfness. Putting self before the needs of others, and of God. Regardless of what you do or how you use your material, spiritual, and mental wealth, if it is dedicated to that which is not self’s desire, not that which ye could do without, not that which ye could throw away, then you are not using the fullness of your potential to serve God. It is a time for rethinking among selves, to dedicate selves to the thought, to forgive the petty differences and selfishness of selves and especially of others. To forgive the spite that will come your way, to ready that which is the spiritual self by releasing the I AM force that it may conduct Itself to that which is the Christ Force and in turn the Holy Spirit. This is the time to prepare the minds, the bodies and the spiritua1 natures of self, even as guided, even as the objective as given in Matthew 17 and Mark 10 – to use that as the footstool, the cornerstone. That is the rock you must build the platform upon is enclosed. (And we would especially give to the one member who is not present, that which is the offspring of the entity that is the channel. That that entity should purify self the more through juices each morning at least 8 to 16 ounces of juice, to immerse self nightly in that which is the Epsom salts bath for the next 14 days, to exercise the deep breathing the more to perfect that which is the greater part of self.)
Visions and dreams for members: interpretation
Q This question is for (259). What causes the painful, bright lights that have occurred in many of my dreams since 1971, awakening me and impairing my vision for a few seconds to a couple of minutes?
S This is a release or the awakening of the soul force, the I AM force within self.
Karma an illusion?
Q Going back to your question, your answer a minute ago, about karma and God’s law. Is karma, then, an illusion?
S It is a created thing for the illusionary plane. It is a thing, but it is a thing that dissolves upon the breaking of that which is the wheel of karma. And He, the Prince of Love, gave the way that ye may break it for selves, casting aside that which ye have created in the illusion for that which is created by God.
Karma and forgiveness
Q In that answer, sir, am I correct in feeling that the answer given by Jesus was forgiveness That as we forgive others we eliminate, we are healed ourselves of those things that are due under the physical, illusionary law of karma and thereby cleanse ourselves and cleanse the world in part. Is this correct?
S This is why He is the way, the truth, and the light and the breaking of the wheel of karma.
Spirits and the chakras/petals
Q Are there different spirits associated with each of the chakras or spiritual centers?
S There are aspects of that which is the force within self, or the spiritual force within self that is associated with same.
Q There are supposed to be a different number of petals in each of the chakras: four petals in the lowest chakra, six in the second, ten in the third, a hidden chakra of eight petals, in the heart chakra with twelve, the throat with sixteen, and so forth. What do each of these petals symbolize? Is there a different spirit associated with each petal?
S Even as mathematics run that which is as music, so the petals are that which attune the center and act – well, much like that which are conductors, tuners, what have you, that will bring the rhythm, the harmony to this area and pass it to the next, that it may sing in harmony with the force of God. Holy Spirit: a gift or choice
Q Does every entity experience the gift of the Holy Spirit in each incarnation or is this simply a matter of self choice?
S It is available in each and every incarnation. But once again, as ye have put it, it is self choice.
Channel present when planning questions
Q Is it all right now to have the channel present when questions are discussed or prepared for an upcoming reading?
S It is correct. You may have the channel. For the channel cannot influence, but is influenced by that which is the force beyond the force of self. Yet, to still the doubts of those who would doubt, is better to be continued as is now.
Helping the channel and the Source
Q Is there anything that we can do as a group to make it easier for the Source to come through the channel?
S To remember this: the guiding light for this group, the guiding line even especially in the light of those thoughts that are manifesting from others and other groups at this channel, at this time to be found in that which is Matthew 17 and Mark 10. Know you, this is the guidance. This is the rock of this group. This is the word of this group and the function of this group. All together these two are as the law of this group and the reason for this group.
The spirit on the cross and at baptism: Jesus
Q This question is for (260). Is the spirit that Jesus gave up on the cross the same spirit that was given to Him at His baptism?
S No. But part of a collective. Once again, you are dealing with that which there is little word image for the entities here but view it as a bird with wings. That which was given at baptism was a wing. Another wing was collected later, each wing being composed of feathers to make it fly.
Q Was He without a spirit prior to His baptism?
S That which was the I AM was present. That which is the Christ Spirit un-unfo1ded, as you might say, was present. But the Spirit of the Lord or that which was the Holy Spirit in this case, came to the entity. The Spirit of the Lord being present within self, or that animal force too; and yet not used, as those others were not used to the fullest.
And now we give this: the blessing of love manifesting itself in each and every entity through that which is the Christ, through that which is God, the Holy Spirit. For God the Holy Spirit is touching each and every entity in this room. That the Christ that lies within is now manifesting itself within each and every entity at this time is a fact. Therefore, the blessings of God, the Father, the Creator is upon this group these people at this time.
With love, with goodness, with perfection we give to you the strength of God. Use it wisely. Use it!
We are through with this reading at this time.