RAM 10-025-Spiritual Teachings Q&A: Exploring the Divine
This document “RAM 10-025” is a detailed spiritual discourse covering various topics such as the significance of spiritual teachings, discussions about the Holy Spirit, interpretations of religious texts, and guidance on spiritual matters. It includes questions and answers that delve into spiritual interpretations and teachings.
Ram Reading 10-25
Lord God, we ask, oh Lord, for Thy light, Thy wisdom, that Thy love may pour forth through us at your direction, oh Lord. For of ourselves we can do nothing, but of Thee, oh Lord, all things are possible.
Be ye one with the Master, as He is one with the Lord! That ye may live, think, and do as the outpouring of love divine that thy brothers, thy sisters may truly know there is but one Lord God.
We are here. We have this group. We are ready for the reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 180, 114, 185, 169, 107, and 131. The date is October the 2nd, 1976 and the approximate time is 8:21 PM. You shall have before you the members of this group, the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the group. We have the inquiring minds of the group, and we will give this reading that is sought after. First, let it be known, in selves, that the Lord thy God is one Lord. For this is the beginning and this is the ending for each and every entity to fulfill within selves. We are ready for questions.
Purpose of the platform
Q Is the purpose of developing a platform for the return of the Christ to raise the level of vibration so that He can return without entering illusion?
S It is to give that which is the proper attitude, the proper understanding to that which is a group, or group idea. That He, Jesus the Christ, may return in that which is the physical form. necessary for the understanding of mankind and the work within this plane. For know ye: He is present in that which is the spirit as definite as that which is as that which is the man. But until that time when there is that which is the overcoming of the vibrations, or that which you would term as illusion, among a people, or enough of the people, the groups, or group, that He may then assume that which is the physical without detriment to that which is the spiritual cause or the spiritual being (even as Mary became that which was the focal point, you see, the ability to hold the ideal, the Christ within the mind totally, to allow the coming of that which was the spirit into the physical) can it be.
Matthew 17 and Mark 10: Importance and significance to the group
Q In our last reading the Source stated in answer to question 42, that Matthew 17 and Mark 10 represented the guiding light and reason for this group. It is not difficult to see similarities between our group and Jesus’ group of apostles as found in the New Testament and that we are being led to understanding even as they were. However, would the Source elaborate on the reasons these two chapters are so important to us?
S First they establish that which ye must realize. For the immediate reaction, you see, was for those who saw the transfiguration to establish that which is an area or a group area of worship, which Jesus, being that which is a spokesman of God, realized could not, or should not be. For there would be a focalizing upon that which was an area, a structure, as man seems to tend always to need, rather than going within. As to that which is given the more, is the instruction that selves must be about the business even as given in these chapters – especially the understanding that even as the messenger came before, the messenger must come again. And in that which is the understanding or the giving of the laws, that each must accept the laws, not in action of the body, but action of the mind and the will rather. This is what is meant by Jesus as He gave the instructions to be.
Prophecy of the channel in Malachi
Q In chapter 17 of Matthew after the transfiguration of Jesus – Peter, James and John asked Jesus, “’Why then say the scribes that Elijah must first come?’ And Jesus answered and said unto them, ‘Elijah truly shall first come and restore all things’.” Was Jesus referring to the last two verses of chapter 4 of Malachi, and if so, does that prophecy concern this channel in these times?
S Even as given.
Ram reading sessions: schedule
Q Is it advisable to let people know the date of giving the Ram readings beforehand or not?
S Only the group need know. For you see, there are positive and there are negative thoughts, though they do not affect the Source of the readings nor even that which is the channel once the Source is being used. But they do have an effect upon those people who formulate or read the questions, the reaction among themselves, and· that which is their own personal understanding, needs, and necessities.
Next topic for accumulating RAM material: Matthew
Q This group has accumulated material on the readings on the Second Coming and the Holy Spirit. What recommendations can be given for accumulating the next subject?
S First, before we get into that, though when it is passed on, even as groups have asked it, not in part, as given, as a group reading or as to a group by those in the last week. The entirety, striking those names and those personal things, striking those personal things being deleted, should be given almost entirely or entirety those who seek. For much was left out, much not worked upon, that others would find meat for the mind and the spirit. As to that which is after the Second Coming, we would suggest that a new series begin on that which is compiling that which is the understanding of the testaments, beginning with that which is Matthew. For others at this time that might need, earth changes and earth effects have much need for those who tend to build in their minds too much that which is the negative power within the earth.
Q Should the next subject for the next reading be centered around any of these topics or is this…
S It should be centered on that which is Matthew and the understanding of same.
Replacing absent members of the group
Q Should others be selected to replace those who have left the group for a period of time?
S It has been given: when this is necessary this Source will let you know.
Edit questions:
Q In answer #47, page 16, line 10, is it Lord Spirit or lower spirit?
S Lower spirit.
Q In answer #14 of the 8-8-76 reading, page 7, line 4, could we add the words “to be” prior to the word “cultivated”?
S Acceptable.
Q What word was meant on page 3, line 3 in the August 8, 1976 reading when the word “accliming” was used? Could it be acclimating, or does it mean adapting?
S More to that which is acclimating.
Q In answer #15, page 7, line 3 of the 8-8-76 reading, would “continuing creation” be a better explanation rather than “the creation or expansion of the soul” as given?
S Both have the same meaning. Either may be used.
The Holy Comforter/the Holy Spirit: awakened
Q Was the Holy Comforter an essential element to the soul, or was it added by Jesus?
S That which is the element, the Comforter, is that which was dormant from the time of creation of the souls, the individuals, as made by God, to be awakened at that time that the christing or the perfection of the first Adam, to become the second Adam, was accomplished.
Q How does the statement made by the –Source about the function of the Holy Spirit in answer #1, page 2 of the 8-8-76 reading, relate to the christing of Jesus and to others such as Buddha and Krishna? Was the Holy Spirit operating prior to that time?
S The Holy Spirit as ye would have it here was not operating until that which was awakened in Jesus the Christ, the master soul, you see. There was that which would be considered a Christ force but not that which you would understand as the Holy Spirit.
Man, animal, beast and the spirit of the Lord
Q In answer #2 of the 8-8-76 reading the Source indicated that creation is “that which gives being and substance to all things whether it is crystalline, gaseous, or what have you, or even that which is as man, or animal, or beast, is that which is the spirit of the Lord” What is the significance of man, animal, or beast here?
S Beast is that which has been created by the acts and the creative ability of man. For there are beast-men and there are beast-animals. For that which is created is not beast in the sense as it is used here; that it was as man and animal.
Thou art gods in the making: source
Q Please give the source of the quotation “Thou art gods in the making” as given in answer #15, page 7, line 13 of the 8-8-76 reading.
S Used several times. Quoted oft by Jesus, the man; by Asaph; and even by Moses.
Praying to the Holy Spirit
Is it proper to pray to the Holy Spirit which is an aspect of God?
S It is proper to pray to God, aspect of God, the Christ; aspect of God; the Holy Spirit. But if ye would in the mind pray for that or to that which is the active force of God, the Christ, that which activates the Holy Spirit, which activates that which is the creative
Group soul of mankind: clarification
Please clarify the phrase “group soul of mankind” as given in answer #34, page 13, lines 19 and 20 of the August 8, 1976, reading.
S This does not mean that you are in a melting pot, or as a pool, but that which links one soul to another, is that which is termed the group soul – unlike those who would say that each soul is but as a drop in that which is the ocean of souls. No. Unless they understand that that drop retains the individuality as God has created the individual. But it is as that which is the link, the harmony of melody between notes, to form that which is the choral arrangement.
Tell no one this vision: Jesus’ words?
Q In Matthew 17 verse 9, Jesus said, “Tell no one this vision, until the Son of Man is raised from the dead.” Did He really say this?
S In so many words. Though not … The thought, you see, being that which is the importance here. For the time was not ready and was prescribed, you see, that those who would naturally doubt could doubt , and those who would believe from the inner being, that which is faith, would accept in faith.
Substance of spiritual matter: how does it operate?
Q What is the substance of spiritual matter? What is it composed of and how does it operate?
S It operates on that which is the principal of light or the prismatic effects light. That which is spirit acts even as the bending of light does as compared to silicates or silicons suspended in that which are other elements of trans lucidity towards that which is the reception of light. In other words, the spirit is that which would act as the coloring of the rainbow to that which is life.
Levels or stages of growth towards God
Q Are all of these various names or labels such as I Am, Christ force, kundalini, Etc., a way of indicating the movements or levels of growth or vibrational patterns we move through to develop Godward?
S This is as stages of God that self must attain, must understand, and move through to find that which is the level that self must develop to escape from that which is this realm.
Buddha and Krishna: same entities
Q Were Buddha and Krishna different aspects of the same entity or different entities?
S Same.
Triad: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Q The concept of three keeps popping up through the ages even though there is no apparent relationship to each thought. Why does this happen?
S This is as the Christ force or that which is even as given as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Son, meaning that which is the place for each and every entity in God’s triad understanding of all things, the place which is allocated for His children to become that which is a force abuilding.
David and Asaph: incarnations of Jesus
Q Are David and Asaph incarnations of Jesus?
S Asaph found in Ezekiel, in Second Kings 18:18 is an aspect of Jesus. Not to be confused with the other Asaphs, especially Asaph appointed by David and Solomon, same man, as to that one who wrote especially those Psalms.
Q Was Amelius also Lucifer?
S In a sense, all are Lucifer.
Q In answer #3, page 3, line 6 of the 8-8-76 reading, what does the phrase, “and others cannot do same and call credit” mean?
S This is that which would be explaining or that which are the stage or evolution of each and every entity as they progress and that which is as the selection for all entities, that they, too, may do the works of the Father rather than that which would be considered Lucifer, Satan, or self.
The Laws: meaning
Q In answer #7, page 5, lines 11 and 12 of the 8-8-76 reading, what is meant by the statement “the laws”?
S The laws are that which is as the thought of God as to the subject area, or plane area, or level area of each and every entity. The laws for those who have passed this plane are not that which are for those in this plane. And there are variations of the laws. For the entities at this plane, there is but one law. And that is to love the Lord thy God with all that is self.
Fatima Prophecy: Mary apparition
Q As related in the book, Fatima Prophecy, published by AUM, there were six visits of the radiant lady of Fatima to the three children in 1917. In answer to question 46, the February 7 reading of this year, the Source stated that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had reincarnated since that time, coming in as a full-blown body to further the help of others. Was the life spoken of as “the radiant lady of Fatima”, Mary?
S Correct.
Q Can more be given as to the reasons for her coming in especially if it differs from what is given in the book?
S Even as that one held the perfect ideal, or the perfect idea, so it is being retained today as that which would help this group, and others that search for the way. Do not be overcome by the feeling, then, that is so human, that there would be worship or even more than that which is an understanding attention paid to this. For there are others and there are the angelic host, too, that do the work. And there is an impediment, you see, when there is attention paid to details that become then as not help but stumbling blocks. Therefore, understand, yes, the aspect, the understanding is here. Even as one now would communicate with Jesus, the Christ, so Mary may be communicated with. But make not the mistake to worship, or to adore, but to understand and appreciate.
Transfiguration: bright cloud/voice
Q In reference to Matthew 17, verse 3, what was the bright cloud that overshadowed the individuals at the transfiguration?
S This was even as quoted at other times as the hand of God or the force of God in action. This is that which is the opening up of that which is as the third eye -even for the briefest of time as seen by others when that which is the Holy Spirit or God’s work is being done at a level that the individuals will understand and may be touched.
Q. Whose voice did they hear speaking out of the cloud?
S They heard that from within themselves, or that which is usually termed the still, small voice – rather loud!
Q What other than that written in Matthew 17 did Jesus say to Peter, James and John after the voice spoke out of the cloud saying “This is my Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him.”?
S Well about 80,000 words! But the gist of it is: Love the Lord thy God. Know that He has selected thee, through Me, rather than selves being that which are the vehicles. Ye have been chosen. And this, then, is the understanding for this group, too. It is not what ye have done or what you are. It is that which God is and does. For sin is that which is the evaluation of selves and God knows no sin. At His touching, His offering, there is the removal of that which ye have done and known as karma.
Q Was Jesus christed at the time of the transfiguration?
S To an extent. But there is not that which we can explain to you. When is gold valuable. When is gold a trinket? When is gold a necessity? When is gold truth? Or is it that which ye must see in its companion surrounding, in the proper aspects, the proper valuation? And each would see it at a different level. So is that which ye are asking here. Christed, yes, but not fully christed. Inexplainable at your level.
New Jerusalem: over Arizona
Q This question is for (267). She has read that there would be a Holy City or New Jerusalem over Arizona and near California that would descend at some future date. The source of that information was not given but she would like it explained if possible.
S The New Jerusalem is the budding of the soul. For Jerusalem is that which is representational in the scriptures of the God force in self, meeting in common. That which is the New Jerusalem, then, is the bursting forth of the soul power among the entities and forming the links that form a platform for that which is the return of the true Jerusalem in action or Jesus, the Christ, again. Here we have that which is hope, promise. We have that which ye would maybe term wishful thinking that it would move towards that which is California.
John the Beloved
Q At Camp Mingus (268) asked the question, “Why was John, the Beloved”?
S For he was even as that which took upon himself those chores that would have fallen upon Jesus in prior times, even as Ram and other places. He is that which is that spark of love, who understood love, being beyond that which is the Davidic, or David, who throughout time followed and walked and administered to him who fell first, who came into this realm freely, though he did not fall.
Earth changes
Q What is the earthquake outlook for the Los Angeles area for the rest of October, especially next Thursday and Friday, October 7th and 8th, and the Thursday through Sunday period, October 21st through 24th?
S Rather calm. The only area that might really feel anything at this time, thanks to prayer power, is that which is the San Pedro area towards that which lies hooking in motion to Catalina Island and north again.
Q But nothing in Los Angeles to San Bernardino.
s Nothing of any great extent.
Ye are not of this world
Q (197) asks, “Please define the phrase ‘Ye are not of this world’. Would this refer to the wave of souls who entered with Adam as a rescue team?”
S It refers to all who have entered at any time. For that of this world is the animals created for this world, the silicons, the silicates, what have you – the mineral forms that were created for this world in this world. The souls, the entities, were not created for this world. This world was created as that which would be a passing place for them. For ye are not of this world, but of the higher realms of creation.
Pythagoras: Essene?
43. Q Was Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher, a forerunner or “father” of the Essenes? If so, did he do much in the pre-planning for their later work in preparation for the coming of Jesus?
S He learned from them, from those who would be the first or the forerunners of the Essenes, you see. Formulated and fed back that which is –the information. As the mind developed, the soul understood. It was, once again, a triangular effect.
Bible: clarification
Q John 15: verses 21 and 22 reads, “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.” Is this a correct translation of what Jesus said? If not, please give His actual statement and explain it.
S Near enough! For what is meant here is the missing of the mark; where there was no mark to shoot at. For it is the christing that each and every soul must shoot for. Therefore, ye could not sin: Astray, yes. Fallen, yes. But not sin, not missing the mark.
Q In the first part of Mark 10 quite a bit is stated about marriage and divorce, Jesus stated that from the beginning no divorce was intended although Moses provided it for the Israelites. Does this have reference to being wedded to truth and not setting it aside?
S This is correct.
Noah’s ark
Q There are those who down through the years have visited, photographed and taken samples from a large, wooden object high in the mountains in eastern Turkey. They claim the wood has been dated as being 5,000 years old . A movie has been made based on this information. It is called “In Search of Noah’s Ark”. Is this object Noah’s Ark and if not what is it?
S It is not the Ark. It is that which is left of the sacred structure that is pre-Hebraic. Came before, or at that time, when the earth mother god was the focal point of attention in this area of the world.
Diet: Eggs
Q In the Cayce readings it states one should eat the yolk of an egg and throw away the white. What is the reason for this?
S Because that which is…both have amino acids, but that which is in the white of the egg contains that which is intended to harm predators or that which would feast upon eggs – the egg being that which is representative of rebirth. Therefore, the yo1k itse1f being that which is life, representational, and not having the element built in it by nature of that which is almost impossible for a human body to assimilate or digest. In carrying that element of destructibility or poison within it -toxicity – should be 1eft from the diet.
Q Is there anyone in this group that should not eat eggs?
S If there is one that should eat the least amount of eggs, it is the one (169).
Q Nutritionists apparently have been carried away on the content of cholesterol in eggs. How many eggs would an average individual be all right in eating?
S Who’s average?
Q Well, they practically have cut the use of eggs by 50% anyway, during a matter of five years and is two eggs a day, say three times a week warranted?
S For some, one egg a day is too much. For others twenty eggs a day would be adequate. Much of it is in the mind. Much of it is that which is once again abuilding. For those who would cleanse the body well, some eggs would – a fine food.
Q For me, if it’s necessary to get protein one way or another for myself, what would you recommend? (185)
S For this entity, go lightly on the eggs, but find the proteins in the cheeses, the nuts. Fish is good for this entity, saltwater fish, deep water fish for this entity. The shellfish are good for this entity. Poultry is good for this entity, although they should not be basted in their own juices.
Swine Flu shot
Q Should any of us have the swine flu shot?
S This is a matter of selection. Oh, how this is being abuilded within the minds of man to infect themselves with their own thoughts, and their brothers and their sisters. With the creation of the mind, the poison of that which is based in politics and dollars and the fear that some can pass on to others.
Souls entering from other planetary influences
Q (197) also asks, “Have souls entered this earth plane from other planetary influences without incarnating, that is without birth and death, but possessing humanoid bodies? In particular, would any have entered from Venus to help protect the infant Jesus and His family and friends?”
S Ye are getting into that which is the wishful thinking of others or that which is the abstract ideas presented of other beings doing this. No. That which is the God force was enough to protect any infant and that host which was about Jesus at that time were the angelic host.
How a vision is created
Q How is a vision created?
S Well, there is the human vision – pretty distorted! There is that which is inducted vision. And then there is that which we would term the spiritual vision, where the thought of the Higher Source is imprinted upon the mind of self, and even deeper than the mind, opening that which is the vast storehouse of the I AM within self and allowing it to fill the body, momentarily, with that which is the understanding.
Cancer: causes
Q What is the reason for the great increase of cancer in so many people at this time.
s Hate.
Q Could we be given some of the cures for it?
S Love.
Hysterectomy: hormone shots
Q A hysterectomy is a common operation for women of menopausal age, although there is now a growing body of opinion that such an operation should not be undertaken lightly. For those women who have had such operations, are there particular herbs, foods, vitamins, exercises, et cetera, which would alleviate the need for hormone shots?
S First of all, any part of the body removed is detrimental to the body and should not be done unless in greatest necessity for the physical continuation of the body. It is best for each and every entity that has had the hysterectomy to particularly take in the red vegetables, that is to say, the peppers, the tomatoes, the radishes. For these stimulate the body the more. It is good for these entities to have as much of the golden and yellow variety of vegetables and grains as possible. Then, the figs, black olives, and dates should be taken into the body. These will affect the body processes to the greater degree. For you see, when there is removal of the body, there is a breaking of the flow or that which is the necessity of these body particles to affect other particles, or particulars, of the body.
Birth control
Q How effective is the herbal birth control method called Shelink Herbal Pill #9? Of the four herbs, the main ingredient is the Chinese chi je date herb.
S About as effective as that which is called rhythm.
Q How effective is rhythm
S Pretty poor. Ask the Pope!
Q Does that include astrological rhythm?
S Astrological rhythm is much more apt to be correct a thing.
Individual’s Visions and dreams: interpretation
Q This is for (193). She writes, “The channel told me that I have an emerald, metallic green border. Can you explain why?”
S Well, each and every entity is a mark unto themselves. It is not from that which you’ve done or not from that which you will do. But even as you have been given a name, colors are part of your name even as that which is harmony, melody come together. So, part of your name is melody. Part of your name is harmony. Some, – you must understand that music is also color and when that which is the development of self is attained, ye will see all things as color and music rather than shape, size, density as you do now.
Q And she (193) asks for a dream interpretation that she had April 16, 1976. “I was in my classroom which was very cleared out. Some children left without permission with a previous high school teacher of mine. On their return I asked the teacher why he had taken them. He said, ‘To go and meet a man’, to whom he then introduced me. The man wore a blue denim hat and coveralls and had much facial hair. The teacher told me that because of some transgression he had forced the man to burn his face with a torch held in his left hand. His face was very shiny and maroon red. The poor man then began turning into a dog and lied down on the ground in great spiritual, emotional distress. I watched him suffer for a while, then walked over and put my feet touching his, for some reason trying to be inconspicuous. He at that moment relaxed and I felt happy to have brought him relief.”
S This is telling self that the actions of the entity, or the self, must be aimed from the soul force to others, touching others. Even as given before, that which is the lower elements of self, touch the ground (that is the feet) to those who have defaced or defamed themselves. For each must have the teacher within. For the Master Teacher is God or the Christ force. Therefore, when those wandering thoughts, the pupils, leave self or those actions in bringing back that which is others who have need, or even self or parts of self that have need, then be about that which is even the example of Jesus who stooped from the highest level to touch the most base part of that which is the human body. If ye could understand, the feet are the. most base part of the body, though others would have other areas of the body be that. That which is the feet represents the touching of the earth or the lower elements of self into the material. If ye can stoop that low to pour from even this of self into others, or bear to touch that which is the lower elements of others, to give them strength in their needs and guidance, ye have accomplished even as the feeling then was given to this one of the stirring within self of the Christ force, or the regenerative ability in self to regenerate others.
Business and relationship readings for members, friends and family
Q This question is for (269). He is the custodian of the Zoe Nickerson readings. She is now Mrs. Henry Ross, the wife of an architect in Washington. (269) asks, “How can these readings best be used to be of the greatest service to others?”
S There is a need here for that entity to have glasses, or the adjustment of same. Yes, they may be used. They may be published for there are many who would respond to these readings. As cheaply as possible with not the thought of making money out of the publications.
Q This question is for (270). He asks, “Would English walnut trees either the California northern varieties or the new Carpathian be good trees to plant in the Patagonia, Sonoita, Nogales, and Arivaca areas of Arizona and would it be advantageous to graft these trees on to the black walnuts native to the area?”
S Carpathian would be the best. You’re going to have a difficult time in the grafting. It can be done. Both will give a combination here of very great hardiness. We would suggest that a heavy mulch of manure be used. It should not be processed manure but rather that which is natural. Even though it bears many seeds of mesquite, et cetera, it is best.
Q Would chicken or steer be best, sir?
S Steer.
Q Is it all right for (101) to hypnotize me to help me lose weight? (169)
S Yes but be careful of the attitude of self. Be careful of that which comes out. Take it or leave it, but don’t let it bother self. For the entity, this entity, sees so much pointed at self when it is not pointed at self, or uses that which comes her way to degrade herself when there is no necessity of same or really rhyme or reason. Have more confidence and faith in self and you’ll progress the more.
Physical readings for members, friends and family
Q (178) is unable to be here because of illness. Please tell me, is the diagnosis given correct and what else can be done to help her?
S We are looking into this entity. Poisons. Poisons. We find at this time the entity is infested with two distinct poisons. We find that which would be termed as false, or near, ragweed to be detrimental to the system, but we also find that elements of toxicity are being collected in the body through the water system that the entity has been partaking of. Tap water or that which is considered city waters are detrimental at this time for this entity. Should be avoided. Especially that water that has been contained in iron or that which is oxidated iron are detrimental to this entity. For that which affects the derma, the intestinal lining, and that which is the diaphragm of the entity the more, is relatively related to those direct poisons found in the rusting of iron. We would suggest for this entity that there may be a continuation of the medications as given, though they, too, have some reaction within the body and should be stopped as soon as possible. That there should be in this entity no salts taken within this body for the duration of this problem; that the body should be cleansed as much as possible. There should be no oils or inunctions put upon this body as they will irritate the skin the more and retain that which is the poisons that would be released naturally. The entity should bathe in water that has been treated with sodium bicarbonate, 4 teaspoons to the tubful, to counteract that which is the natural tap water or the irons found within it, or that which is the oxidation of iron within the water. And the entity should take a combination of about 4 ounces at least, a day of an equal mixture of figs, dates, and ground almonds. Especially the figs are important to this entity, but it should be in a combination of equality here.
Q Is that any kind of, or particular kind of figs? Would the black figs be better than.
S Black figs being preferable.
Q Concerning the water. I have a water filter that employs a cartridge made by Eastman Kodak that employs a reverse osmosis process. Does that filter out these particular oxides? (131)
S Very much so. It would be very helpful for the entity, that entity. Others· here are strengthened by the oxides, but not for this entity.
Q Then this had nothing to do with the antibiotics that were given to her about the 17th?
S The antibiotics played a role, even as given. However, it is the buildup of the toxins from the others that caused the reaction, you see. The antibiotics could be used again, though antibiotics for this entity are not the best, especially those of the penicillin strain. Yet for this entity necessary at that time. Were it not for the buildup of those two elements as given, especially that which is the iron oxides, there would have not been the reaction within the entity as the entity had it.
Q Would the water from Arivaca (small town southwest of Tucson, where one of the members was building a spiritual retreat center) be all right? From our well at Arivaca?
s Yes.
Q Recently after walking, I’ve had some very severe, sore muscle pains in the thighs. Please tell me the cause of this and what should be done to prevent a recurrence. (114)
S First, the entity should be well aware of how the feet are shod. For this entity, even that which would be termed as earth shoes would be preferable to that which the entity wears normally. We have here, see, a disbalance within the body, especially the pushing back when the body should be pushed forward the more. Putting more upon that which is the ba1ance of the foot, not upon the ball of the feet, but upon the heel the more. It wou1d be good for this entity to always massage the feet as many times a day as possib1e, particularly at noon and at night.
Q I seem to be having a great deal of difficulty losing the weight that I should be losing from my physical body. I lose some then I gain it back. Can you give me any suggestions or help that I can use? (101)
S We find in this body a refusal of the body cells to heed that which is the mind. And partly this entity must focus the will the more on becoming the master of the body. Not willing it to lose weight, but telling the body, and meaning it, as a fact, that that which is the mind does control the body, in its entirety, and the will is the tool. It must be total power asserted over that which is the body, or the cellular body of the entity, which reflects that which is the entity’s inability in another time to control the body appetites, living in the lap of luxury while those about the entity suffered the more. The second is that this entity must work on the flow of that which is the magnetic forces within the body, keeping it in the circular motion going from left to right within this body. It is good for this entity to take the hands beginning at the side of the entity, after bathing, putting the hands together, cupping them, and bringing the hands down along the left side down the leg to the feet. Then without breaking (have the feet touch~ you may sit as you do this or stand) bring that which is the cupped hands, or those hands clasped together, up and towards that which is the right side – up, up the leg, up the thigh, up to the side of the body again. Do not break that which is the clasp of the hand. The hands may be disengaged at this time~ brought back to the left side and repeated. About ten times at a sitting would help the flow in this body. It would also be good for this entity to not wear silver about self at this time for it disrupts the flow of the body forces or the electrical forces in the body.
Q How high up the side of the body? (101)
S As high as you may reach.
Q Is there an affirmation that would be helpful in making the body know that the mind is controlling it? (101)
And now we are at this time preparing to withdraw. We give our love, our blessings.
And know that ye are surrounded at this time by the love of the Father, of the Son, of the angels, and to Her that holds that which is the Ideal.
We are through with this reading at this time.