RAM 10-045-Divine Guidance: Insights from Matthew’s Teachings
(Ed. Note: This reading was given upon the conclusion of Matthew. Most of the material were clarification questions from different passages of Matthew. The questions and answers have been inserted at the appropriate place in the Bible readings. This has been placed at the end of the file. There were also questions on a variety of non-bible related topics. These have been moved to the beginning of the file.)
This document contains comprehensive discussions that touch upon spiritual insights, the complexities of karma, and the profound interpretations of biblical texts, particularly focusing on the teachings of Matthew and spiritual guidance.
Father, mother God, we ask thy blessings, thy light, thy love. We ask that the Christ be with us, that that which we receive will be of the period for in reality, father, that which we ask for is others first father others first that they may find the light the love the way the path.
Behold the light! As the gone comes so surely will come the light that all may find the path, the way, the truth. For his love is ever present and his way is clear. Behold, then, that which is the Lord in all the acts that are love that are peace that are goodness. We are here. We have this group. We are ready for this reading.
Those present in the room are 110,199,101,180,107,114,178,169,185, and 131. The date is May 7th, 1978, and the approximate time is 7:44 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the group and we have we will give this reading that is sought after. We would give to this group then, that it is in the use of the proper use of that which is as the forces that we succeed that ye succeed, that ye open the way to find the peace. It is the balance, the force of this earth, and the celestial force. And in between the two you must balance yourselves. We are now ready for questions.
Israel – Jews and Palestinians and the Homeland
Q Is it a karmic need for this time for Israel to solve the question of a homeland for the Palestinian Arabs in order to retain its own homeland?
S It is a matter of that. For you see those that they drive away at this time are a mixture dash some who have sought the promised land and travelled with Moses, and some of those who were driven away by the Israelis, the original Hebrews of the land, and taking that which is the Palestine area. Therefore, there is a doubling in convolution for that which is the peace of the world. They must do this selection at this time. For it bold ads ill for all who are about if there is not the meeting of the minds. This is not to say that the land of Israel must give itself totally, but must compromise the more and rejoice in the Lord rather than the arms of a man, or the man, or the man, or the women, friends, what have you, as the defense.
Q Since Israel is symbolic of the will does this also have an individual meaning?
S It has that. Where the will subjects itself to that which it knows in itself, directed by the mental conditions of self, even the intellect and the subconscious then, joined in taking to itself that which is proper, that which it knows is the spiritual intent. This, then, is as a symbol of each and every individual coming to grips with that which it must face, or they must face, in the overcoming themselves, to find the proper balance, the will, the intellect, the spiritual. None dominating, but all equal.
Q Does Israel mentioned in Matthew, have the same meaning?
S The connotations of Israel quite often are that which is the searcher, the seeker. But quite often, too, it is a combination of the seeker and the use of the will, or the will itself. And even as we have given now, it is the will seeking, then, that which is right, that which is righteousness rather than selfishness.
Armageddon – Israel, Russia and China
Q There have been many interpretations that Armageddon will come out of this confrontation in Israel. Is this something we have to expect – a World War starting here?
S One area is this area. But the fear, the turmoil, the destruction is yet to come from the yellow race. For in the area of the Gobi is the greater force of building that could, and if unleashed, will destroy this world as you would see the world and have the world to be. It is also the yellow influence upon that which is the near east which can or would tip the balance to that which you would call a new Holocaust, Armageddon, what have you.
Q Could you describe this force in greater detail that is a building in the Gobi?
S You have next to the Gobi that which is the critical area for the Chinese peoples. You have in that area above the globe that which is termed Siberia, the power source, the storehouse of materials, the treasury in essence, of that which is the Soviet Union. You have a confrontation here of that which is the Soviet might and the might of China, facing one another, both nuclear armed, both with masses of personnel and other weapons. You have that which is the biological, the bacteriological, and the gas, or chemical warfare weapons stockpiled and stored by each side. You have those which are forces within the military of both which seek, even as that termed established in your own country so long ago as, “first strike mentality”. Therefore there are forces abuilding more and more.
Aspects of a soul: Mary and Jesus
Q Reference question 13, page 8 of the October 30th, 1977, reading. Did Jesus have any female lives in the earth?
S Negative. They appeared and his learning was affected by that which was as Mary. Mary, in turn was affected in subjected to the lives, or the male lives, as found in Jesus, the man. This is why there was so much even feminine grace, those strength within Jesus the man. Likewise, though not spoken of, the strength of character and that is found, that you would call masculine, that was found in Mary – often shocked those about her with her strength of purpose and abilities.
Q So this is one way the soul uses aspects to get balanced through different lives and different sexes. Is that what you’re saying?
S Aspects are that which you would see as rays of light or what light waves coming from a body such as the sun there are those things which are drawn together or returned together from the one to form the one.
Q Did Mary and Jesus share the same subconscious mind?
S Each had their own subconscious mind, though there was total understanding and peace between the two. But remember, even as given, it is mirrored or raid back to that which is the central body or the soul force itself, see? Therefore, in essence, all aspects share the same total or true conscious subconscious superlative mind.
Q Did Mary, as an aspect of Jesus, incarnate each time that he did?
S No.
Q Have there been any other aspects in the earth from the soul that Jesus and Mary came from?
S Only in the Direct Line of the two.
Q In the reading of February 25th, 1978, it was asked in question 46 whether the mother of James and John gave birth to a girl at the same time that James and John were born. The source said in part, “this is as that which was brought into the family to bring to that which is, was, necessary to develop those two souls, that which is the triad or the tribunal aspect.” Did the source mean those two aspects instead of those two souls?
S Each aspect has a soul. Jesus had a soul. Mary had a soul. But it is part of that which is the great soul, or the superlative soul as we have given earlier in this reading. That which is questioned here, each had their own soul and that which was brought in was the soul force to balance the two.
Q You are saying that each aspect then has an individual soul, and that portion of the soul belongs to the main soul. Is that it?
S This is correct. When the Creative Force created the souls, He created the souls that are even as we have given, the sun giving off rays, each ray is an individual and yet part of the same, as soul that become the soul at its root.
Angels, Saints and the White Brotherhood
Q Can we be told if the group that gave the February 18th 1978 reading were angels or souls that have overcome?
S Neither. They were those that have selected the celestial bodies rather than that which are the terrestrial bodies as ye have. If this confounds you, the man,(114), could look to Cayce 262-52.
Q While we were on this, could you tell us, please, who are meant by the Saints?
S Those that have come into that which is the understanding through the sacrifice of their own egos, and yet have not risen to that which is the total overcoming. These are those who quite commonly are called the White Brotherhood but are Saints.
Q If angels do not have souls are they just a separate creation?
S They are a force, a life force they are creation and separate cannot manifest themselves into thinking individuals, though they possess longing and are allowed joy and love, and feelings that you cannot understand within the earth plane, cannot make choice however.
Matthew – deleted passages and where they are today.
Q If it can be given at this time, we would appreciate receiving what the source would give us of that which was deleted from the book of Matthew.
S You ask too much at this time. 73 verses have been deleted, a total of 800 passages deleted. To give you an understanding of the amount that you ask, next time you have an idle hour or two, count the passages that are in Matthew now, comparing it then to 800.
Q What happened to them?
S They were deleted for the very reason that too much would have been given to some in the understanding of that which is as the reincarnation. And later more deleted to support those who were in high authority in and without of the church, that they could enforce their ideas, rules, and regulations upon the peoples. The first deletion was, to a degree, noteworthy, and to a degree, correct. The 2nd deletions, the greater amount of deletions, were destructive and harmful especially to those who did the deleting.
Q Can we have the dates of those deletions or is that just curiosity or would it help us in any way?
S Not at this time period but in the future time it can be given so that those who would write of those things may give an accurate description and even leads to where materials supporting same from the past may be obtained.
Q Are there then still some, one or more copies of some of these in existence?
S Not total. Yes. The Greek Orthodox have two such copies. The Vatican itself has one copy in total. And this is under lock and key always here of the Pope himself. Not kept in the vaults or the archives, but kept in a chest within the bedroom of the Pope.
Q This, then, is an active suppression. Is it also that way for the Greek Orthodox?
S They are not sure of their own position. And because the decision was made some 600 years ago to put this aside until they could get revelation on same, it has been left alone. There is some knowledge of some same among the select, but none have seen the documents. For they hold true to that which they believe is as the guidance given to them
Nuclear war seen as a cleansing
Q Would a nuclear war indicate a failure on the part of establishing a platform?
S No. It is a phase of cleansing if it occurs.
Q If it occurs, what is the purpose of that which is being given right now?
S The purpose of that which is being given now is to establish at that time, after the cleansing, a working force within this earth for if there is that which comes to that which is the nuclear war or the nuclear change, it is to cleanse the material drive of mankind and especially to cleanse that which is the mind, power, will complex that extends itself so heavily within this earth plane.
Mind, Power, Will complex – Shadow government – China and Russia
Q Could you explain what you mean by the mind, power, will complex?
S Those who tend to build thought patterns in others that they may control the others. Those who use the power of the mind simply and forcibly to control others. And those who by their own overabundance of will constrict the growth of the mental abilities and intellects that govern, then, the release or the patterning of the release of the spiritual qualities within mankind.
Q Is China and Russia the shadow government behind our government as has been written about, where we’ve read a lot about?
S No. But there is no such thing as you would determine that case there is a power within this country that you would term as evil that directs many forces that force governments presidents would have you within this country to do more or less the biddings of same. The power of the Russian-Chinese influence is upon that which is the destructive tendencies that lie within the subconscious of this nation. For the nation itself has a subconscious even as others have subconscious. The subconscious we speak of now is not that which is the subconscious that we use as the mind that you have in truth when this conscious mind is corrected or gone, being your true mind. But is the term subconscious meaning the forces, life forces, or destructive forces, that are built into the human aspect and the human intelligence.
Q Does that mean that there are actual individuals in this country that are bonded together for this purpose?
S No. They are together in that which is using this country to enrich and empower themselves and play power games with governments outside of this country, inside this country, and establish the flow of goods and monies much to their liking. Very few have been able to stand up against them. It is only when there are internal conflicts within these groups that individuals outside can make the adjustments. This is on, then, the physical, intellectual plane. Whereas ye that understand the spiritual must realize that what they do is of no consequence to those who seek and find.
Q Was “Deep Throat” in any way tied in with that group in the Watergate affair?
S Partially so. That entity as you name as “Deep Throat”, though he will not we will not delve too greatly into it was disarranged, still is!
Q When you say disarranged. Is that the same as deranged?
S His mental imbalance was not that of insanity but disarranged or deranged meaning that of insanity. Disarranged is not put in order.
Q Did the Cayce readings say that China would someday be Christian or that we would have to…?
S The force that could break open Christianity in that which is the Asian area, in reality lies within a Russian group in the Soviet Union that can open up China to that which is the Christian doctrine or ideas, not in the name of Christianity but Christian in the actions and the understanding of the place of Jesus the Christ.
Forgiveness and the Joy of the Lord in Matthew
Q Please comment on forgiveness in relation to the law of retribution.
S Retribution is that which all oh. Forgiveness is attained through that which are the works beyond, or the full use of opportunity. This in line which has been given to you of the sins of Commission and omission.
Q Well what is the joy of the Lord of spoken of in Matthew’s?
S Joy of the Lord is that where there is communion between self and thy God when did occurs, first that which is the sole force understands it, and leaps for joy. This sleep is felt within the body as an individual that is attuned. It is not that which is the frenzy that is found among certain religions, or those who think they are touched by God. It is pure, wondrous, harmonious. It is joy.
Q Following up on this question of forgiveness. If a person forgives somebody a really nasty thing, is it correct to believe that by doing that as the law is equal, “as he sow, so shall ye reap”, that the act of forgiving this would wipe out the same offense in the background of the entity?
S First, let us understand there are levels here. You may look at those who have done something to you and say “I forgive” and ye have done something. Ye have helped yourself in the physical. But if you look at that entity, or those entities, and say in truth, from the depth of thy being “I forgive”, even as the man Jesus did same, then the debt is removed. The law of mercy and grace are the order.
Q This question pertains to the 10-26 reading on December the 26th, 1976. If the children who came in to be killed by Herod volunteered for this event (Matthew verse 16 and 17) is it possible that the Jews who were killed by Hitler also volunteered to come in for this happening?
S No. This is a process, then of building up. For regardless as you would see the world your world in your time, is not the same as the Christ in the flesh, in the man Jesus awake a walking. For there then, was that which was as the giving, the earning, rather than that which is seen as the negative, or even as a positive force within the earth, the earth lives. No. Those that suffered, as you call it, under the man Hitler, were there not so much as giving of themselves, though many were there by selection. For was that which must have been faced and they were there at the proper place, the proper time. Even as in places of this earth, in this time, others face similar situations.
Q When you say selection, Sir, I gather that some choose to do this, and others were required to do this and face it. Could you give us some understanding of this of the difference between choosing and being arbitrarily told to meet karma?
S There are those that must come in and face it, and know they must face it. These are those who finally are forced by their own need to progress into facing the situation. There are others who have learned or who are ready to learn in the earth plane that have become as borderline too, that make, then, the choice to be in the place to face that which is the optimum situation of the time of learning and maybe even more so, that they may gain the greater amount or greater degree of overcoming that which has been planted by themselves. It is in the form, a selective then or choosing of the time and place of reaping. With those have not chosen the time or place but have come to the understanding that they must progress.
Q This question also refers to 10-26 reading, it is question 43. The source stated we have been here as in john that there must come the awakening and selves that it may be that which causes sacrifice as seen in the purification diet of the entity mentioned or that which gals and bothers and is worrisome as in the hair shirt. Are we expected to sacrifice as John did when the source stated this?
S Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice is that of the spirit. Is it not in the Psalm said the God asks for a broken spirit? By this is meant the humbling of self, the lowering of the ego, the uplifting of the spiritual nature of self. God does not require destruction, bloodletting, or pain. For the overcoming of the world the questioner has mentioned is an individual thing period it is a step by step process accomplished one stage at a time period it is for those who would be about the father’s business to overcome this and that and again another period for some it is the first step in overcoming the material, to overcome possessions. The next step, then, overcoming pride. Many develop pride in the overcoming of possessions dash pride in themselves and in the way. It is a progressive thing, you see. There are so many things to be overcome, so many things to do. Some have to learn, first of all, to still themselves dash and this is our overcoming. Make no mistake, ye must overcome desire and want. And yet we say overcome. Dispel, not destroy, not displace. But to put in order that which is a balance, that which is the proper use and understanding of the term urge, desire, want, they must be on a level, even as that which is the will, the intellect, and the spirit must become on a level. Then ye have overcome the world. We have progressed to the point that ye may be as he, Jesus the man who became christed that you too may be christed.
Q How does this overcoming of self, help put others first?
S When you overcome self it is by your actions, in truth towards others. You may desire to do that. You may want to do that. You may feel the urge to do that from within. And you must proceed then in that manner. But then you must overcome the want, the desire, the urge, and just be. This does not mean remove yourself from the world. For the example, Jesus the Christ, was in this world, aware of this world, the ramifications of the world and yet overcame the world. For when you put others first you are saying, in reality dash if you do not understand what is being said is dash guide my actions from thought to movement, from the infinite to the finite, that what happens is you, God, for others. You have not lost contact with spiritual, the mental, or the spiritual or the physical in doing that dash but they are in their place. The ego is in its place properly chastened, properly used.
Q Matthew 12: 3 and 4, is there any significance in shewbread as a symbol?
S Yes. Remember this: that David when he fled for his life, came upon the temple. And he and those with him (5 to be exact) needed that which was food and asked so in the temple. Though it was not the great temple, yet it was a temple, consecrated, holy, the bread was there. What did he ask? He asked for bread. He was told only the shewbread was available. His answer was that he was sanctified and the bread was not sanctified any longer period it was a meeting, and a meeting that you must come to say. For see the bread, the bread was there to feed the body but also there was that which was as the sword taken from Goliath, see – that which ye must raise yourself. For how did David put it? No greater sword is there. This is the symbol: that you must eat of the house of the Lord, sanctified and it unsanctified, in between, in the middle, the balance, and ye take then, the sword and go forth.
Q In Matthews 17, please clarify our understanding of the meaning and relationship between Elisha, Eliza, and Elijah.
S well, we have there, see, the first being as a priest of the ancient type, first to be the priest consecrated. Then you have that which is as a prophet, or the great prophet. And then you have that which is as the prophet of peace and fulfillment. Thus you have the three you see as referenced there.
Q What sign was Matthew born under?
S The sign of the Lord! Matthew was he who in your outlook of astrology was born a Taurus.
Q Does it have a symbolic meaning to the book of Matthew?
S Yes for he was the beginning, you see, the foundation. And that requires the strength that is the sign of the Taurus. Even as you come upon the one soon, as mark, the dual sign, the Gemini, being that which is the intellectual and that which is as the spiritual in conflict and in overcoming.
Q In the 10-26 reading of December 26th, 1976, question 50: the source mentioned that there is a cleansing of individuals and there is a choice of going on into other spheres to redeem oneself. Would you please clarify this third choice of going into another sphere for cleansing?
S There are two relative areas that are generally chosen: other planetary systems, or the planets of this system. Remember that each planet has an area of influence, especially for certain individuals the more. You broach a complicated subject which necessitates the understanding or that which is the search in the rays, the sub rays, and that which is the spectatorial or spectrum approach of the sole force to the cosmos. We will give more, and in depth, so that the entity may understand the more at another time when a whole lesson could be, and can be, and will be given on this subject.
Is there a relationship between this and Alice Bailey’s concept of rays?
S Very much so.
Q Are they generally correct or?
S Most generally correct.
Q Would the descriptions of the planetary realms be generally correct as found in 330’s (Ruth Montgomery) book?
S No. This entity is more or less disjointed and disarrayed though there is a concept here in correctness.
Q When Jesus was in the temple cleansing scene, when he turned over the tables and so forth, was this symbolic of the body?
S This is symbolic of the mind throwing out that which is the spoiling of the temple that is the body. If you meant body in that sense it is correct.
Q In reading 10 – 27, the the holy city of Naptha, where is it located?
S That was located upon the northwest shore of the sea of galilee.
Q Is it the same as Napthal, Napathal, and Napthalim?
S These are later terms for the same.
Q On page two line 22 and 23 of the reading of October 23rd, 1977, it states “must cleanse themselves duly should this be” Should this be d-u-l-y or d-u-a-l-l-y?
S The latter.
Q Reading 10 – 31 given June 26, 1977, lines 24 and 25 states: “they only circumvented the law”. Please elaborate on souls coming into the earth plane for a specific purpose that circumvents the laws.
S Well you have here many things, you see. There are those who understand, or have the potential to come in and to go around that which is the law of karma, to reach that which is as sainthood or beyond, see? Once you have overcome, you have arisen for this is what the master feared would happen to some who had not earned, would call upon his mercy, that he would have to free them from the law. They didn’t do it because they weren’t aware, not astute enough. However, for those who can, even as we have given before, it is possible in one lifetime to overcome, they’re not probable. For most it is over and over and over again. It is to realize, to come to the total understanding, total understanding in the totality of the being that can radiate out to that which are the aspects, present and not present, being linked as one, the understanding. All becomes one. The law of mercy, of grace is in operation and it is over. Then there are those who have come in, do not meet fully the requirements and they too, then, have circumvented the law, but only temporarily and must come back again and face that, and more so, that they have pushed aside.
Q With these references to aspects, how common how general is the soul using aspects?
S The souls all use aspects and must use aspects over and over again. For instance, the questioner at this time (114) has an aspect in the area of Uranus at this time learning, by selection, advancing the entity that much more. It is as a person, you see, to make you understand, in roles in a university or college, and takes many classes at the same time, the same semester, the same year. And after so many years of collecting many, many classes, go forth as a graduate. This in a crude way is what the soul does with the aspects.
Q Going back to the original question that was asked about dually and duly. We must cleanse ourselves dually. What does the dually refer to – mental and physical, or…?
S yes. The mental and physical must be cleansed. And this is washing away by using that which is the example, the love of the Christ, by using that which is the sacrifice by Jesus the man as the lever that raises the spiritual himself and at the same time brings into proper focus and balance the mental and the physical.
Q Again, in question 13, page eight of the October 30th, 1977, reading does total reincarnation refer to the final move from the physical end to the spiritual?
S This is correct.
Q Page 11 of the reading, the same date, on line 6 should there be the word that between the word those and the word search?
S Correct
Q Which Simon the leper the one who became Peter the rock?
S No.
Q Is there a spiritual significance in the eating of goat and lamb?
S Yes. He who took the beating became even as that which was the scapegoat, remembering that the high feast was celebrated by the Hebrew men when the scapegoat was used and driven out and destroyed, symblomatic of the taking and the giving of the sins of Israel, investing it in one object, and being destroyed. The lamb, of course, the symbol of the sacrifice. The blood of the lamb to drive away that which is the destruction that man has occurred upon himself.
Q Is this the reason that he was born, that Jesus was born under the sign of Capricorn, symbolized by the goat?
S This is correct.
Q May we have the dream that Pilate’s wife had that had troubled her so?
S This is the dream, yes. The dream here was that rather of a vision, of that which is heaven as the entity could understand it, with Jesus the Christ being as the gate and holding that which is life within His hands. The entity was also shown the fate of the husband for his part in that life and the karma that followed him.
Q In the information given to us regarding the generations from Abraham to Jesus being divided into three groups of 14 as in the December 26, 1976, reading, Page 3, line 7 and 8, what is meant by “the perfection of the centers of the body, sevens twice over”?
S This is that which is the perfection first of the understanding through the intellectual regarding the physical body, and the physical use, or proper use, of the seven centers. And then that of the perfection of the spiritual, which is the highest, going to that which are the seven centers. This is the twice over that is done to raise self.
Q Was the soul born at the same time as James and John and was she, if so, from the same soul, the master soul?
S Not at the same time period yes, of the master soul.
Q Is the nature of the soul totally alien then, to the conscious mind, the true soul?
S The conscious mind, yes. It cannot even grasp. Some who have visionary ability grasp at a time a little of the soul, but only those who become into the position, who become into that position that Jesus, when he was in the perfection, could understand.
Q At that time when I supposedly saw my own soul, was that in truth the way I saw it? (185)
S You see what is available to your understanding. It is like spiritual shorthand.
Q To our limited, finite minds, is the description “a force field of energy” something that is close to what a soul is?
S Yes, or electricity, or electrons, or some power to a degree in your understanding. But that would be as be termed a very casual understanding.
Q Was the girl that was brought into the family with James and John younger?
S Yes.
Q How much?
S Six months, three weeks, 2 days, 4 hours, 17 minutes on the minute.
Q Younger than John, I take it.
S Correct
Q In the 10 – 33 reading of July 31st 1977, Yeaode was the name Jesus was given in the family according to the Source, line 11 question 37. What is the correct spelling?
S Well, we would give you the Assyrian or that which is the Hebrew if he had that which is the tablet of form to write in English oh Y-A-U-H-O. Yauho.
Q What was the circumstances in which the girl was brought in with six months difference? She was not, then, a sister. Was she adopted, or brought into the family in another way?
S Bloodline, relative, donated by poor relatives.
Q 10 – 33 again, question 34 the Source stated that Jesus was known by several names within the family and the community. And again it lists two others Jeasou and Jazon. Could you give us the English spelling of those?
S Jazon, or the latter is much like it would be spelled as you would find it in the Latin version. Jeasou as Y-a-z-a-o. Yazao.
Q Could you give us the Latin spelling on the former?
S The entity can find the same by looking in the Latin or even in source names within several bibles that use same. Not that we are passing it up but this is something that the entity can do for self. See?
Q In the case you reading 1904 – 2 it is indicated that Mary fulfilled her physical karma by bearing three children by man did Jesus have physical karma to fulfill and if so, what was it?
S His physical karma was to learn to work with his hands and to do the tasks that are allotted to a worker that the understanding could come. For he had never come before informal guys as one who used the body actually to do physical labor of any skill, or of any kind.
Q In reading November 26th 1977 page 11, does one have to be present in a body in the earth plane in order to receive the second coming and avoid the returning over and over again?
S All the earth, all the heavens shall know the coming. There shall be that which is the love and earning of those present in the earth plane to relieve and help and guide those who are from other planes. For those who are on the fringe, who have reached, it is the time of rejoicing. For the chains will be dropped, the jail will be burst, and they, 2, may say, “It is over”.
And now we give that which is the love comma the blessings that is ours as that which is the Word to give period we are through with this reading at this time period.