RAM 10-105-Exploring Christ and Spirituality: The Holy SpiritRAM 10-105-Exploring Christ and Spirituality: The Holy Spirit

(Ed. Note: This reading was given upon the conclusion of John. Most of material were clarification questions from different passages of Mark, Luke and John. The questions and answers have been inserted at the appropriate place in the Bible readings. These questions has been placed at the end of this file. There were also questions on a variety of non-bible related topics. These have been moved to the beginning of the file.)

This document “RAM 10-105” contains a spiritual discourse with various themes such as understanding Christ, the concept of the Holy Spirit, spiritual growth, interpretation of religious texts, and guidance on spiritual matters. 

Ram Reading 10-105                               



Beloved Father-Mother God Who has given us life, opportunity and love, be the guide now that we may find the Way, be Your tools, and truly take into ourselves that knowledge given to us and use it as you would have us use it; in wisdom and in the spirit of “others first, Father, others first.” We ask this in the name of our Elder Brother, He Who is the Door, the Way, the Light and the Life.


The Glory, the Hope, the Way, the Peace is His and His alone! And yet, He that is, has, and always was, holds it out to you. That which is His is yours if you would but follow the Way, tread the Path, and lay that which is selfishness aside. And in doing so you hear the song, you feel the touch, and know the Word. Be you then about that which is your Father’s business rather than your own business and make your day a day of the Lord’s. Rejoice, then, in life. Find the beauty, the love, the glory, the humor of life, lest ye miss that which is the opportunity to be as that which He would have you be. We are here. We have this group. And we are ready for this reading.

C   Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 217, 107, 114, 178, 146, 169, 185 and 131. The date is October the 24th, 1981, and the approximate time is 8:10 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.

S   We have this group, the inquiring minds of this group. We have the Light, we have the Way, and we are ready for questions.

Clarification on being Christed

Q   Does one have to be in this plane to be christed?

S   He Who was christed first was in this plane and since He has given the Way, the Door to others, they, too, may be christed.  It is unlikely that this will occur–and yet it is always the possibility; it is the gift.

Explanation of “when two or three are gathered” He will be there

Q   In one reading you indicated that, or it was indicated that if two people were in the field and one was taken away and one was left, this was actually two different bodies the same entity. Is this same thing true of the saying that, “where two or more are gathered in My name”, “two or more are gathered in Jesus’ name” that Jesus would be there. Is this the same thing, is it two parts of the same person or does it have to be two separate entities?

S   Has He not come to you when you are by yourself? You have more than one nature within you, more than one life, more than one personality. And when you gather in His name, it is that time of prayer and meditation dedicated to that which is the finding of the Christ.

Q   Then it doesn’t have to be two people.

S   That is correct. For those who physically only understand, or rather understand only on the physical level, then two or more are necessary for them.

Explanation of illness as a blessing

Q   If one believes that God and I are one, how is it possible for people to become ill?  Or that believe this way.

S   First, they have not attained to that which is the truth of what they say they believe.   They have not overcome the illusion that they live in, or they may not have reached that which is the overcoming, or the knowing, or the receiving of that which is the opportunity that is given to self or others through that which is illness.  Sometimes, you see, illness is a blessing–whether you know it or not.

Clarification of age of Peter when he died

Q   In reading 10-47, question 4, it indicates that Peter’s death took place 40 to 42 AD. Then reading 10-60, question 58 appears to contradict this indicating that he died in 64 AD. Please clarify.

S   Oh, you have the fault of the Gregorian calendar; and, you see, the Greek, or that which is the Hindic calendar being that which is correct, or that by the lunar calendar being correct. Your 44 is best.

Entities from other planes helping those on this plane

Q   What kind of work do entities do on the other side or in other planes?

S   Well, a little of this; a little of that. They learn patience to a great degree, if they haven’t learned it in this plane, though this is the plane of learning patience. They work in many things as to that which is expanding knowledge within themselves, becoming aware of the faults of this plane, and the faults that they have had, that they have overcome, that they have not overcome. They work on that which is companionship, understanding of the forces that work throughout the universe, within selves, and how the functions of the physical selves respond to that which are the forces of the spiritual nature of things. This is one reason, you see, that mankind is getting taller in stature as the time progresses. For within themselves they know more of that which is the correct method of growth. And yet, there is that that goes with it, the compounding, then, you see, of other weaknesses, diseases (as you would call them) and physical drawbacks that did not exist to the greater degree in times past that you see among yourselves now. 

Q   Are the entities on the other plane able to help entities on this plane?

S Sometimes. However, this is interference. for there are those who would raw entities to themselves from the other side and this is interference. Seek only through that which is the spiritual nature which draws, then, the workers who are to do these things (which are the angelic host) working, then, directly with the forces of God that these things may be incurred upon this plane that is better for mankind. Entities working across normally are detrimental to those they help and more detrimental to themselves, causing that which is a greater binding to the material plane than they should have.

Q   Could you tell us what was happening, then, when Edgar Cayce appeared to (627) and said, “Get out of that bed, there’s work to be done” and she died two hours later?

S Well, first of all, it was not Edgar Cayce. It was that which was the interpretation to the entity that it was time to be on the way.

Entities on the other side and how they still learn

Q   This learning process on the other side – would this be through actual experiencing or through observation of what was going on with others. What would be the method?

S   Entities there see, feel, and understand what is going on in other worlds, besides this one. They have the good old- fashioned lecture method; they also have that which you’d best understand by books, et cetera. But you see, being able to see into many planes at one time, and at the same time being tuned into that which is higher elements, higher personalities, who explain, relate, and subject – the entities, then, grow the more. But remember, what is put in can only be used as the entities progress in that which is the material. In other words, the store of knowledge and experience as gained in other realms, other levels is an entity’s to command when they have command of the material situation, and have the drive, the effort, the will, to condition themselves to progress in this manner.

Q   When entities have been on the other side for a period of time and are preparing to come back to the earth, do they have a memory of what earth life was like? Or do they kind of forget?

S   Oh! Oh, you’ve heard the expression “being dragged away screaming and kicking?” Yes, there are many who would do almost anything to stay away from this abysmal place. There are others who just can hardly wait to be part again of that which is the earth plane – sometimes for betterment. For you see, crossing over does not mean that suddenly you are a great spiritual being, an enlightened being, but rather that you are still very close to this earth plane that you have come from. Those that are spiritually advanced in this plane may bypass certain levels and go to very high realms. Those are the ones who on return, return so peacefully, so full of that even which is peace by your standards, that quite often they are considered the “good” babies who are so happy, so attuned to being pleasant and good experiences for others. Q

Is this the primary plane for learning love?

Q   If it’s as difficult to learn to love as it is to learn patience, is this the primary plane for learning love?

 S This is the primary plane where love of self has been learned. Therefore, it is the plane that you must learn to unlove that which you have learned to love. This is the ego. This is, then, the cleansing of the ego. To learn to love others equally, or more than selves, is a task that is monumental in nature. But it is of this plane in overcoming (the learning, though, of which may be obtained in other places, in other times and drawn upon at this level) that the attaining may occur in the proper place, in the proper realm.

The “fall of man” is the first step in becoming eventually Christed

Q   Please clarify and explain what is called the “fall of man” and the part played by Jesus. How does that relate to this group?   

S   Well, He’s picked you up before; He’ll pick you up again. He’s very patient about it. And if you will consider yourselves, then, to be typical, an example of mankind, your fall is that which is partially contrived, partially desired, and partially through ignorance. How else could you learn? How else could you follow His footsteps? How else could you become christed if there was not One to show you the way in, and extract you later? You planned your fall; others planned your fall, and you willingly accepted – both your own planning and the planning of others. You then did that which was the necessary thing so that in times to come, when you have the opportunity to lead in and to lead out, you may do it with the assurance that you can and will. For He has done it first and you and He, then, are one. You see, His task is never ending; yours only beginning. But all will be successful in the end.

Explanation of Paul’s term “seeing through a glass darkly”

Q   What did Paul mean when he said that “Now we see through a glass darkly but then we shall see, face to face” or – I can’t quite remember that quotation but it indicated then we shall, we shall, no – we shall see. . .

S   You’re doing as good a job as those people who translated. He meant that he could see or understand, just as you can see and understand, dimly but not clearly. And at that time, then, there will come the opportunity to stand face to face with that which is your God, your Creator, in understanding, in harmony. Then that is removing the physical understanding, the physical means of seeing. It is a spiritual thing, you see.

The Subconscious mind and healing

Q   Which part of which mind takes care of such things as sending the proper juices to a cut or wound for healing?

S   Well, you have the subconscious mind that in a sense is like the animal mind or forces that you find with the animal, or the dog, the cat, what have you, and helps their healing also.  You have this which is a built-in device for the physical body.

Q   Doesn’t have anything to do with mind?

S   Wait a moment please. Then you have that which is your mental conditioning, which is the mental, or mind processes -and in some highly developed people, overcome, then, the physical nature by giving instantaneous healing or acceptance.  This may be reached sometimes through hypnosis also.  Then you have that which is the mind, the builder, or that which programs the body to accept by stages (normally slow stages) in the overcoming. And then you have that which is situated at what might be called the borderline between that which is the conscious mind, the working mind, and that which is the subconscious, the sleeping, or that which is the holding mind which is the grey area where one or the other establishes most of the healing process. What we are trying to explain in words is a psychological thought pattern, physical-chemical, atomic-molecular, vibrational pattern established in a fashion that your conscious mind can’t conceive truly to, and we cannot verbalize.  It is like music and light touching physical keys to make a computer react to a certain programming. Q

Q   That’s why the doctors can’t figure it out. They’ve been trying.

S Correct.

White Brotherhood helping from the other side

Q Are the so-called White Brotherhood a part of the angelic host in regard to the healing and help coming from the other side? 

S   The true White Brotherhood is a neither – neither situation. For they are not what you would consider quite human, but they are certainly not angelic. They exist at a higher level of understanding and control than that to which you would call the human entity. Make no mistakes, they are human entities but raised human entities who do not cross that which is the line between the living in this plane and other planes. They are as that which you might call the maestro rather than the musician.

Earth changes – quakes in early ‘80’s

Q   I’ll switch the subject if I may. Five years ago, or a little over five years ago, a question was asked on earth changes about California as to when the next major quake would occur and that was in June of 1976 If I recall. And the response was, and it was defined as something exceeding 6.0 on the Richter Scale, and the Source responded that it could occur as early as four years from that date. I don’t believe any did but several months after that in September or October of 1980 there was a quake of 6.5. Recently there seems to be signs of increasing activity – radon levels, increased water in the wells over a long range of California. There seemed to be an increase in small earthquakes, I experienced two yesterday over there in Los Angeles, in the 4.5 area. Is time growing very short for California, like say in late 1982 for a major quake?

S   You have in the offing here, a series of major quakes that would, will extend to almost the entire length of California which at the present time would occur within 36 hours range of each other as major quakes of course, with, with epicenters being near that which is Sacramento, Fresno and Long Beach. However, there is the flexibility of the time and the volume of the quake, or quakes themselves, due to the shifting of some patterns of thought, not only, or not even primarily among Americans, but primarily among those Russians, eastern Europeans, at this time. So to speak, the activities of your brothers of Europe hold the key to California at this time.

Earth changes: Russians using Tesla technology to cause earthquakes

Q   I’ll switch the subject if I may. Five years ago, or a little over five years ago, a question was asked on earth changes about California as to when the next major quake would occur and that was in June of 1976 If I recall. And the response was, and it was defined as something exceeding 6.0 on the Richter Scale, and the Source responded that it could occur as early as four years from that date. I don’t believe any did but several months after that in September or October of 1980 there was a quake of 6.5. Recently there seems to be signs of increasing activity – radon levels, increased water in the wells over a long range of California. There seemed to be an increase in small earthquakes, I experienced two yesterday over there in Los Angeles, in the 4.5 area. Is time growing very short for California, like say in late 1982 for a major quake?

S   You have in the offing here, a series of major quakes that would, will extend to almost the entire length of California which at the present time would occur within 36 hours range of each other as major quakes of course, with, with epicenters being near that which is Sacramento, Fresno and Long Beach. However, there is the flexibility of the time and the volume of the quake, or quakes themselves, due to the shifting of some patterns of thought, not only, or not even primarily among Americans, but primarily among those Russians, eastern Europeans, at this time. So to speak, the activities of your brothers of Europe hold the key to California at this time.

Member told not to be so curious

Q Could we be told who is teaching us tonight?

S Always the curious. And that which has led you in and kept you in being not so much that which is the voluntary, but that which is the questioning, the curiosity, always leading this entity (178) into that which is one problem to the other. However, the entity escaped the burning in a life because of the curiosity of leading self into that which is the understanding of physical phenomena controlled by the mental activities of the mind. Therefore, curiosity isn’t always that which is detrimental. But at this time, we will not answer that which the entity has asked because it is not of that which is pertinent nature to the subject being carried on at this time. 

Q But we like the teacher.

Q   Is there anything that any member of this group needs to know at this time?

S   Not especially, except relax. For there is so much tension among the various individuals one way or another here. Relax and let the Father do the work. Relax and let that which is the Holy Spirit guide.

Personal physical readings for group, family and friends

Q   My stepson, (533) and (626) were concerned about the continual pain that I’m suffering with osteo-arthritis in my shoulders, and they asked me in Tempe to have a laying on of hands. At that time (626) told me she had a dream in which I, (114), was in a rowboat and the rowboat was anchored, but there was a lot of slack in the chain. And I rowed vigorously to the east until I stopped short. I turned and rowed vigorously to the west until I was stopped short. Then I rowed vigorously to the north and then to the south. She felt that this indicated that I was anchored in some way, to some concept or something that resulted in this arthritis in my shoulders. Could you explain this dream and what truth there is in it?

S   We have that which is mentioned. We have the forces of the dream indicating to that entity not what the entity considered; but that the one who was dreamt of was held in this life by that firm belief of the need to serve certain purposes as the entity has ingrained self with, being frustrated in those attempts to leave this existence or change the existence to other things, other ways. It did not, as the entity believes it to be, indicate that which is the problem that the entity has physically. The entity was drawn to this conclusion by that which was uppermost in the conscious mind, even though that which is the subconscious mind was receiving the message but garbled, you see. For that is the ship, not of state, but of life. The anchor being that which is the force that holds that which is the ship of life in position. The rowing is that which are the paths or the desires that are innate within an entity – not that which is superficial, but innate – that carries an entity from the life, or through the life in certain patterns. But the anchor is that which pulls the entity back, keeps the entity in that position that is best for the entity, or that which the entity has established by dint of will, of prayer, and hope.

Q   Was it referring to (626) or to me? (114)

S Refers to the one who is (114).

Q When I gave that dream of (626) I omitted to say that she dreamt that I took the oars, after I had failed in all four directions, and threw them overboard. Does this symbolize acceptance of the situation? (114)

S This is exactly correct. She failed to mention the name upon the boat, too. 

Q  (205)? (ARE)

S   Question?

Q   Is that fair to tantalize curiosity? (114)

Clarification questions on the Bible  (inserted into Bible readings):

Q   These questions we have concern Luke. In Luke 2: verses 4-5 it states, “And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) To be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child.” What does espoused mean and how does this relate to betrothed?

S   Espoused, as used in that terminology or translation, means the same as betrothed.  Thus the word originally used did not mean same.  There is, then, little difference in the use then of espoused or betrothed.  You have as that which are the translators being limited, you see, in their own language rather than that which they were drawing upon, using then the writers’ need not to be repetitious in verbiage or that which is being used and therefore substituted a word (to them) meaning approximately the same but not repeating. 

Q   In reading 10-65, page 2, on line 14 it states, “Mary, his espoused, betrothed, and purchased by that which is the working order of Joseph.” What is meant here by purchased?

S   Joseph purchased his position by prayers, meditation and service–by volunteering in the life pattern to be as that which would take upon this task as he entered into this plane of existence at that time.  

Q   What is the correct spelling and meaning for the word “intunement” in reading 10-65, page 9, line 7?  It comes from the quotation, “even as the destiny and the seeking in that which is the intunement would take . . .”

S   Be wary here. It also means “intombment,” i-n-t-o-m- rather than that which you would consider as in tune, t-u-n.

Q Does the statement in reading 10-72, page 9, line 10, “He took the five loaves and the two fishes, and looking up to heaven . . .” have anything to do with looking up through the seven centers?

S   We have rather a distorted physical concept here.  One might say this is correct, if you were using that which is the eye that is not physical.  What was happening here is the Christ center was looking up (because you do not look down to God, you must look up always) for God is above all things.  Therefore, this is that which was occurring. God is not a proctologist and does not go from that which is the lower to the higher.  

Q   In reading 10-79, page 14, line 5 it states, “And yet that selflessness has given the greater personality as produced by that which is this earth plane, the peoples therein who have worked and lived within the folds of that which is this planet, the environs, the galaxies, the worlds. Please explain the term “environs.”

S   These are all of those influences that are near to, or in this plane of existence and those thoughts and things that are of this plane, or cling to this plane, or are close to this plane – that is, the material plane that you operate in at this time. Q

Q   In Luke 8:1-4 it states, “And a certain woman which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils. . .” When it referred to the seven devils going out, was that seven lives being referred to?

S  This is the cleansing of the seven centers rather than seven lives. For that entity might have had 75 lives, then, that would have been still in that entity causing that which you might call evil, or sinful, or devils. 

Q   In reading 10-68 please clarify this statement on page 2, line 18, “As the Christ calls, put aside, then, the world, and yet, be in the world for this is your duty.”

S   Putting aside of the world is putting aside, then, that which holds you to the world, possessions, ego, selfishness, vanity. And well it has been said, “all is vanity.” When you put this aside, you must still remain within this realm, this world, that you, too, then, may be a saviour, that you, too, then, may be as a guide, a signpost, a helping hand. Yes, it is your duty; you have selected it. That is why you have come through this position into this world, rather than going through other ways, other realms, in other paths. 

Q   Please clarify the use of the article “the” preceding “loving and merciful angel” in reading 10-66, page 11, line 1. Are we to infer that this angel is the only loving and merciful angel?

S   “The” here, is as (for your benefit) a group title, then. For all are loving and merciful – even Michael – and therefore realize that it is only meant to express, then, the replacing of a name for your benefit. 

Q   This actually referred to the Angel of Death.

S   Oh, yes.

Q   So I am wondering what the duties are of the Angel of Death.

S   Well, first of all this is an angel that is given – remember now – oh, how to explain to you. First there is the Archangel of Death who presides and is ever present and all angels, then, of death take on, then, his visage, the power that is given through him from God. The job is loving, helping, rehabilitating, reassuring, correcting, guiding, transporting, repairing, refurbishing, reassuring, but above all being realistic. For reality to those that cross over can be shattering without that which is the love, the help of the merciful, loving angels of death, or the Angel of Death. And each of you have met these, or that one, many times before and been the better for it. This is why those who have attuned and attained, who have the ability to see and remember or/and, either or either, have no fear of that which is considered death or passing over. For in fact it is a lovely, wondrous experience to those who are prepared and ready.

Q   Is there an angel of death present at each and every death as it occurs?

S  Oh, yes. 

Q   Even in battles. . .

S  Oh, yes.

Q   . . .when thousands are being killed?

S  Oh, yes. 

Q   Like at Hiroshima?

S   Oh, yes.

Q   When Jesus entered the wilderness (Luke 4:1-12) did He go alone?

S   Well, you must remember that Jesus, like you, is never alone. And we realize what you mean here, but remember, when you are aware, you are never alone – and you know it! As for that which was human, physical, human following – no, Jesus was not alone, though He separated Himself by a ways. And yet He was alone from them. For at this time He was aware only of that which is the spiritual nature, not, then, of the physical, human side of life at all. In part this may help for you to understand, then, that which are the temptations and those things which occurred to the Master at that time. And blessed be His name. For He, then, found the balance between the physical, the mental, and the spiritual at that time, having been more overbalanced towards that which was the spiritual and mental side rather than the physical as you might have thought. 

Q   How did the writer or writers of Luke get this information?

S   By direct dictation through that which are the spiritual sources.

Q   Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament? Was it Moses?

S   It was Moses, with the help of several others – and for your benefit, including one female. 

Q   Please explain the difference between the subconscious, the sub-subconscious and the superconscious as discussed in reading 10-64, page 14, beginning with line 24.

S   The sub-subconscious is actually group, group experience, thought.  It is that storehouse (that Pandora’s box so often) of all you have thought, done, and experienced in the sum total of all the experiences from the time you were created to the present. It is that which becomes, then, the subconscious when you attain to that which is the true conscious of self. Your subconscious mind (which at some time becomes that which is your conscious mind) is that which holds, then, the experiences necessary for you to use, overcome, or what have you, in that which is a particular lifetime or experience within the earth. You have, then, that which is the superconscious, which is then the Christ Force, the God Force within yourself, which on attunement and attaining to that which is the higher level of your nature becomes blended, then, into that which becomes your conscious mind, and that, then, which becomes your subconscious mind as you have become, then, the fulfilled entity. 

Q   You say it’s used sometimes, it’s used on this plane, the subconscious mind? How or when is it used?  Or when does it . . .

S   Many times those forces that overtake an entity, such as unexplainable rages, or waves of love, hope, that seem to stem from nowhere – or that bit of courage, or force, or strength that comes in time of trial or necessity, is the coming to the fore of that which is the subconscious mind, making not only an impact but actually becoming the thinking mind of an individual (though they don’t realize it at that time).  This also is that which explains, you see, sometimes or some types of insanity, where the tapping or the turning of the subconscious mind into that which is the conscious awareness or action is a negative thing. 

Q   Please define “avenge” and “revenge” in relation to that stated in reading 10-80 on page 2 and 3.

S   Avenge is that which normally is a karmic thing. Avenge is that which is the law of God in action. Revenge is that which is done with malice or hate by mankind. This is the normal use of those terms. 

Q   Reference to reading 10-72, page 8, line 12 through page 9, line 18: This deals with the feeding of the five thousand. In the late afternoon Jesus told the twelve, “Give ye them to eat.”  Then later He told the twelve to, “Make them sit down by fifties in a company.” The Source stated that the twelve doubted their own abilities even though Jesus had taught them the use of the five lower centers as well as the higher centers. However, they did proclaim them and went to the spiritual centers of themselves. Jesus without speaking, instructed them through the spiritual center of each one what to do. Their faith was thus strengthened and caused the deeds to be done. All were seated. Did Jesus, in the same manner, work through the twelve to cause the multiplying of the loaves and fishes so that the five thousand were fed?

S   Yes and no. It was already ordained and would be so. Therefore, it would be so. And yet He worked, as given, through those. And so, yes, He did and no, He didn’t. For He had already taken care of that which would be the feeding. And yes, He worked through them and they saw then the working through them. This goes hand in glove, you see, with time and space. It’s like having half your body in one place and half your body in another place, being conscious of both, working with one hand in one place while the other hand is working in another place at the same time, and constructing the same thing and handing it across. And as it crosses, it becomes one. We wish we could make it more clear, but that’s the best we can do at this time.  

Q   What did the Source mean by the twelve proclaiming the spiritual centers of themselves?

S   This was coming before the God within themselves and not just proclaiming, saying they believe, but pronouncing the fact. For it was a fact to them that this was all so, that they were in harmony then with the forces of God, that Jesus was the Master Conductor, that they were the music and would play their piece. To proclaim in this fashion is to have that awareness not only in the mind and those subconscious minds, but in the minds and memories of the cell bodies, the entire vibrational pattern of the entities as a whole. That means that it reverberates through that which are the untold realms where those other aspects are. It is that clarion call that awakens the spiritual nature over a thousand generations, a thousand places, a thousand individuals, for that moment of oneness, that time of growth, that time of expanding, the time of attuning, in tune to the harmony, the melody of the Christ Force. 

Q   Would that be called, then, the height of divine love at its apex?

S   For the physical mind or the physical realm, yes. But the height – well, you have to experience it to know it. It is like comparing one of your sulfur matches, or matches, to that which is the sun. In total darkness the flare of this match is awe inspiring; but in the total darkness of space (or darkness as you would see it) the sun is magnificent. So each has its place, each has its beauty. But you can’t compare them really. 

Q   Earlier in that same reading, 10-72 on page 5, line 19, the statement was given, “He will call within you those twelve positions that cleanse, that control, that will rejuvenate your body, your body world.” Are the twelve positions related to the twelve stations of the cross in the Roman Catholic Church?

S   This is where the Roman Catholic Church got it from. For in the early mystery religions, were well aware of that which is the spiritual nature of the body. And in that which is termed the Essene times, and the times of early Christianity, there was the awareness and the use, not only of the terms but of the positioning of the body within, the sectioning of the body first by those centers – the six lower centers – doubling themselves because of the nature of the human body being a duplicate system or bilateral system of having left and right sides, dorsal and ventral. Then you have the master, which is the seventh (not being bilateral, you see, but being more to one side than the other, and being beyond that which is the body functioning as one thing), is now the earned or the proper positioning. For the twelve, being the six lower centers, were those to be overcome so that the seventh center then would be enthroned, enlightened, or (a better term) released or opened up. 

Q   The two hemispheres of the brain – are they representative then of the two halves of one of the centers?  

S   Absolutely. 

Q   That would be the third center?

S   Absolutely.

Q.   With regard to the earlier question on Moses as given in, one of – female assisted in the writing. Would that have been Miriam?

S   You have an astute mind. Correct.

Q   Did she, by any chance, have anything, involvement, in any of the gospels?

S   Yes, as a totally different entity.

Q   Was she one of the holy women involved or . . .?

S  Absolutely.

Q   So was deeply involved in writing of John?

S   Absolutely. 

S  We give now, then, that which is the love, the blessings, the peace, that may lead you to that which is the perfection and the perfecting of self, that you, too, then may find the crown, the triple crown, that may be placed upon the soul body of selves. And as has been given before to you through that which is this channel in the telling, or the giving to the individual entities of that which is the symbol of the soul of each, there is that, then, which is the crown which is placed upon it, the soul body, giving that, then, which is the recognition of the attunement and the attainment to that which is the spiritual graduation into that which is the realm of light, love and peace. We give then the blessing of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy spirit. We are through with this reading at this time.