RAM 10-106-Exploring Spirituality: Biblical Insights
(Ed. Note: This reading was given upon the conclusion of John. Most of material were clarification questions from different passages of Mark, Luke and John. The questions and answers were inserted by the team at the appropriate place in the Bible readings. These questions has been placed at the end of this file. There were also questions on a variety of non-bible related topics. These have been moved to the beginning of the file.)
The document “RAM 10-106” is a transcript of a spiritual session that involves complex discussions and interpretations of spiritual concepts, biblical texts, and personal spiritual development. The content is heavily focused on intricate spiritual teachings, involving deep dives into topics like the Holy Spirit, the spiritual journey, and biblical analysis.
Ram Reading 10-106
Oh, Divine Source, beloved Father-Mother God, we ask not only for knowledge but for wisdom. We come before You seeking faith, love, mercy and hope, that they may dwell within us, that we may be lights, doors, paths, for others to find the Way, the Light and the Truth. We ask this through the name of our Elder Brother, Jesus the Christ.
Beloved children, as in the days of Ezekiel, mankind does not hear, does not see, does not know. For each individual that seeks the Light, the Love, the Truth, must be as he, Ezekiel, proclaiming the day of the Lord, the way of the Lord, and in faith go forth to do battle with selves for the sake of others that through the works, the beliefs, others may see, may feel, may follow. It has been given that through selves, then, others will lift themselves, so others may lift themselves, that others may follow suit. This, then, is the Way, the Truth, the Fellowship, the Oneness. If you would have mercy, be merciful. If you would find the Light, be the light. If you would have Christ, then be as the Christ. For in the hearts, the minds, is the way to find that which is the dwelling place of the Lord. Prayer and meditation are the way but the proof is in the action. What you give to others returns to you and manifests itself the more. Act, then, in wisdom using that which you have at hand rather than seeking and grasping at that which is not at hand. For only through the proper use of what you have – the knowledge, the abilities – will then more come to selves that selves may give the more. For those who seek first to find more for selves – that is the knowledge and the abilities – show not wisdom. Then begin with wisdom. For what you are and what you have are those things, then, that are the tools, the rewards of lifetimes. Act, then, for others. We are here. We have the group. We are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 217, 107, 114, 178, 185, 169, 146 and 131. the date is November the 14th, 1981, and the approximate time is 8:07 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the inquiring minds of this group, the individual forces of the group, the group as one, and we will give that which is sought after as to that, then, which is best in the answering. We are ready for questions.
Questions about the name Mary: frequency, vibration.
Q Why is it that the name “Mary” was used so often during the time of Jesus? Why was it so commonly used?
S The vibrational pattern of that which is “Mary” fit the more with that which is as the counterpart, Jesus, as you would see them or hear them at this time, or the translations of same. It was that which held within its name and essence, the spark, the calling. It is as the repercussions of the Holy Mission finding Its way into the hearts and minds of those who were receptive to that which is the spiritual calling (or the spiritual network, as may be termed) of that place and time. Remember, the name Mary was unique among that area, those people, of that time.
Q Was that the actual name used, Mary, or is that a translation of what was used at that time?
S This is a translation, but it will suffice as to that which is as a thing, as a force, as a reality.
The difference between Saul and Paul – Paul acted through the mental rather than the spirit.
Q In the reading of July the 30th, 1980, page 9, line 10, the statement was made that “what happened to Paul was not by accident. It was total response in the spiritual and subconscious minds to contact with Jesus the Christ arisen.”
In a reading for (635) in April of 1973, this statement was made: “the entity is as come in, in that phase which is the transformation from Saul to Paul. For Paul, Paul is that which becomes the lesser whereas Saul was the greater. ” Are the words “lesser” and “greater” transposed, and if not please explain this statement.
S No. Because Saul acted within that which he was ordained to act within, acting within that which you might call his dharma; where Paul did not act within that nature as he was so directed to do. For Paul acted through that which you would consider the ego nature of self to assume or become that which he became. Therefore, in the light of reality, as dharma you see, he that you would think was the lesser, acted the greater, and met those karmic things as that entity was supposed to, where Paul worked outside, then, that of his dharma and did not, then, meet especially that which was intended for him, or selected by himself in the coming in. Therefore, Paul’s ego acted, or reacted, rather than became submissive.
Q Then Paul became the lesser?
S Paul was the lesser.
Q And Saul was the greater. But didn’t Jesus choose Paul, I mean Saul, to take that role that Paul assumed in acting outside of his dharma?
S You misunderstand what we’re trying to say.
Q I guess I do.
S Paul’s actions were not the actions in the way he moved, spoke, and did these things. Therefore, he was the lesser. Whereas Saul acted, spoke, and existed as he should have. His answers were as they were to be, his actions, even as you would consider vile, were vile because they were supposed to be. Paul did not act that way. He used those powers with the knowledge unwisely and changed this and that – not the overall effect – but his actions toward some were not what they were supposed to be. See?
Q He did not act through the spirit then?
S No. Paul acted many times out of the mental, and very arrogantly.
Group seeking advice to become more close-knit.
Q What suggestions could you give this group for helping us to become more close-knit?
S More cohesive in that which is the awareness of the spiritual goal, not seeing as an individual, but seeing it as a group, a necessary group thing, realizing in a spiritual sense, now realizing, that the others of the group are hands, tongues, appendages of God in action; that you are a part, an important part, a link in that chain that becomes round, the purpose round, that cannot function without your link; that you support your brother, your sister, but also realize the same is true of them; that material support is not as important as that which is the spiritual support; that the daily lives must reflect in yourself, your purposes, which then should coincide with that which is the purpose of this group.
Group member wanting information on soul symbol – not given answer
Q In our last reading 10-105, it was stated that there is so much tension among various individuals of this group. Can you please elaborate on this so that we might recognize the tensions and help dissipate them?
S There are tensions as to your spiritual goals. There are tensions of the physical natures of selves. There are tensions in the mental states of selves. Some of these tensions, the various tensions, come from the lives of selves as led, the buffeting of that which is the material world, the thought world, the forces of same, the individual needs as developed through the many lives that become evident in this life, the lessons being learned on so many planes that put forces into the life, the outside forces of thoughts and actions of others. Therefore, you have that which are the forces from within and without. Even He, Jesus the Christ, faced these but overcame same. It is working on that which is relaxing in all these fields, recognizing that you have spiritual tension, mental tension and physical tensions. For there are more tensions in the physical than in the mental, though many would say otherwise. For that which is tension so often in the mental is caused by the tensions of the physical and the physical world. Spiritual tension is that hope, that force, that wishes to be released in self to its rightful place, and also that pulls self towards the goals, and is tension caused by that which you have planned before your entry. So you have, then, not just one or two or three kinds of tension, but many, many underlying tensions.
Q In the same reading it was stated that the symbol of the soul was given to group members. I think I was away at that time. Could you tell me the symbol of my soul and also just exactly what it means or why, what is the importance of this? (146)
S What is the importance of the question?
Q Well, I think it’s a very sort of a very far out thing. I don’t know, understand quite why this was given in the first place. (146)
S Will you raise a little higher, walk a little lighter, manifest the Christ the more?
Q Would we if we know it? (146)
S Would you if you knew it?
Q I don’t know because I think I’m very earthbound. (146)
S Oh, little one. Curiosity is manifest in your family. We decline the invitation to answer your question. But ask that one which is the channel at another time, or after this reading. That entity sees them well enough and will give you that if he’ll take the burden on himself.
Clarification of “Son of man” and “Son of God” and spiritual beings
Q Will you please explain the difference between the terminologies “Son of Man” and “Son of God”?
S “Son of Man” is that which manifests itself through, all the way through, the scriptures. As given earlier in this reading, Ezekiel is often quoted, or in the scriptures quoted, as talking about being the son of man as God directs his attention towards things. “Son of Man” is that which is a spiritual being in this case. “Son of God” is that which is a manifested spiritual being rather than a developed spiritual being in this plane.
Q Please explain manifested spiritual being. . .
S Manifested spiritual being is that which – there are two kinds of manifested spiritual beings. One that manifests itself through the actions, the seeking of one within this plane becoming, then, a growth, a thing achieved in this plane. A manifested spiritual being from that which is the God’s level or the spiritual level, is one who has earned the way to be anointed, come back as a spiritual being, rather than achieving it at that time in the plane as the other.
Clarification questions on the Bible – have been inserted into Bible readings:
Q In reading 10-93, page 6, line 13 it states, “You may understand a bit of the gravity and time equation, but light and that, then, which is love has the bearing influence upon time and the building elements that construct yourself into that which is the god and the god in the making.” Is it our expression of love or God’s expression of love that influences time as stated in this passage?
S All things are expression of God’s love. That is a beginning point. In that which is the selfless love, as expressed through the human vehicle, then, is the aspect of God’s love. So begin at the beginning. It`s God’s love manifesting Itself, showing Itself, through that which is the human machine, the spiritual mind and the human-spiritual mind becoming a vehicle, then, a work, a tool. It’s six of one, half-a-dozen of the other. One cannot exist without the other.
Q Please discuss further, “the soul force of the platform and the spiritual entity abuilding that is the platform,” as stated in 10-89, page 2, line 1.
S As cell bodies come together, as vibrational patterns become one in an individual, so within a group comes that which are the physical parts, the spiritual counterparts, and the balancing, then, of the mental parts. As an army is that which is an entity, spiritually, mentally, and physically; as a political body is same; as a social body is the same; so then that which is a group such as this. For a spiritual minded group acting out of selflessness, not working in that which is the nature of man to fulfill ego purposes, political purposes, financial purposes, then there is that which is a true spiritual entity. You have here, then, a force even tangible that operates in a group such as this – more so in a meeting of closeness, for the minds are turned and tuned towards that which is the subject matter. And yet, as the spiritual entity grows, and the forces of those within the group become more close knit (not in selfish ways, not shutting out others, but more aware mentally and spiritually of the purposes) becomes then a being; a being first upon that which are the other planes – the planes about selves – forming then a body much as you radiate spiritual bodies from selves, having then its own aura, becoming then solidified as a spiritual thing upon this plane, after having developed upon those other planes where such ideas become manifest as a true spiritual thing, then coming into this plane to become a truity.
Q Would this truity be visible?
S For those who have the ability to see in that which you would see the spiritual nature – yes. Rarely, but it has happened where a spiritual body has developed to the degree that others may see same. It’s happened, but not often.
Q This question concerns reading 10-85, page 6. At the time John the Baptist cried out his recognition of Jesus, the reading states that Jesus was not christed spiritually at that time but was emotionally christed. Please elaborate on the terminology “emotionally christed.”
S In that which are the emotions (which at times govern the mind) Jesus was spiritual in nature. The emotions here were emotions of love of God, and God’s love of Jesus. They became one at this time. You might think of it as that which is the frosting on a cake, does not penetrate the entire cake, but it is there and affects that which is the taste process of one who ingests same.
Q In reading 10-86, page 5, line 25 it states that Cana represents the thyroid, Galilee the solar plexus, and Capernaum as the islands of Langerhans. Will you please clarify the area mentioned as Islands of Langerhans in relationship to the body?
S Adrenals will suffice.
Q Since Jesus Christ is the Way, how then is Michael, Lord of the Way as stated on page 1 on the 10-99 reading?
S Lord of the way is the title of that which is for him who rendered to the needs of the Master in this plane, who was that which funneled the forces, the spirit, to Jesus the Christ. Once Jesus became Christ then Michael, though Lord of the Way, was not, then, in charge of that which is the Way. For he is in charge of your way to an extent that he then renders to them who seek, the help, the forces, as guided by Jesus the Christ. For Jesus, then, is Lord of all. Remember this: that you as a child of God have a path that is different from those of the angelic host. Though Michael, archangel as he is, and beyond archangel as Lord of the Way, who traffics between humankind and the very Word Itself, the very presence and touch of God as God is in perfection, yet does not hold, then, the ability to become christed. You understand that there are not emotions as you can understand, or knowledge or the use of same through these hosts. Yet they have their own versions of same. They also, in the case of Michael, Lord of the Way, take on, then, the very aspect of God as God sees fit to use. Hence title “Lord of the Way.” Whereas Christ is the Way, is God in the action, Lord of the Way takes on only that which is the visage of god.
Q Was Michael the guardian angel of Jesus, or did He have guardian angels?
S He was in charge of Jesus Who became christed. He was in effect the one who tutored Jesus in other planes and places. It was he who brought forth, then, the qualities in Jesus. It was he who assumed, then, that which is the role (unheard of, or unable to have been assumed before) of lifting up, then, Jesus into that which is the Christ. For he acted, then, as the Angel of Death for Jesus from time to time, especially at that time of His ascension.
Q In reading 10-99 on page 6, line 25, there’s a statement: “really thought not but felt aplenty.” If thought and feeling are not the same, please explain what and how they perceived with their feelings.
S Thought is that which is manufactured within that which are the capacities or the intellectual and animal capacities of a species, such as the human species. That which is feeling is innate within an individual, even to a degree in the animal kind, or sub-humankinds that are not manufactured or processed by the mental capacities. Rather they are ingested into that which is the system or the reaction-reflex system of a body by that which are the experiences of the lesser organismal processes within the body. Feelings such as fear, hate, distress, are the animal or lower feelings of same. But feelings of joy, love, and peace are manifested, then, by the influences of the higher elements within the activities or past activities of an entity, or even, to some extent, the animal world outside of the human world. Where feeling becomes true joy, peace, love, it is by thought process and building. An animal such as a horse, a dog, what have you, cannot feel the joy or the peace that a human can. Rather they may feel that which is the hate, the lust, the fear, that humans can.
Q On line 21, page 2 of 10-85, David is referred to as the first love. Please explain this statement.
S David became that which manifested the truth of love within mankind. Hence, he became, then, the first love of the Almighty as in human form. For David manifested that which was the epitome of human love towards others, towards himself, and towards God – one step, then, from the spiritual love of self, others, God. David expressed within himself, and with actions towards others, these things and had come, then, from the lowest to the highest as far as man can manifest these feelings without being above mankind. God loved, then, David as that which showed and proved the success of mankind to pre-form to its highest ability prior to that which is the christing. That David could overcome all those influences of mankind was, then, that which gave him, or the entity that was David, the ability to go forth, rise up, and become, then, Jesus, which in itself is love – not loved by God, but love.
Q In the gospel according to John, chapter 1, verse 21, why did John deny that he was Elijah?
S Because at that time he was not acting as Elijah. He was acting as John. The aspect of Elijah was present, visible to John, but was not within John, acting through John, or in tandem with John. For John was singular, being John.
Q In the reading of July 30th, 1980, on page 2, line 6, the only begotten Son of God is explained as “the undivided soul from whence all other souls have come.” Will the undivided soul from whence all other souls have come be again an undivided soul?
S Yes.
Q On that same reading, page 3, line 25, we are asked to dedicate a sense to each of the five lower centers. Could you tell us if these are linked in a standard fashion for each entity, or does the linkage vary from one individual to another, and what is the importance of this exercise?
S You may establish any coupling as you would have it. The importance is that to bring to the attention of the physical self, then the mental self, of the spiritual self. That is to say, the physical area, the physical container, becomes aware of the spiritual by the mental focusing upon it. So, then, the mental becomes aware of the spiritual by finding a physical point to bring forth the idea of the ideal – the spiritual.
Q In the first part of Chapter 21 of the Gospel of John, it states that Simon Peter said to Thomas, Nathaniel, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples, “I am going to catch fish.” They said to him, “We also will come with you.” They caught nothing that night. When morning came, Jesus, who stood on the shore, told them, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find fish.” Would you tell us the symbology regarding the five disciples named and the two that were not named?
S They stood, then, for the senses. The two not mentioned, standing for, then, the soul forces within self, or even as centers of the body, then, the two highest centers, while those mentioned are the lower centers, in essence. That which they did was to sleep, to dream, and get nothing. Whereas then, the Christ Force, in symbology, tells these centers to do it right, meaning go then, in the casting of the net, into that which are the depths of selves by going to the two highest centers, which brings forth, then, the actions or the dreams that were so important at that time.
Q Were the two disciples that were not named Andrew and Philip?
S Correct. Q
Q In reading 10-96, we are told that He, the Creative Mind, the Creative Force, that led us into this star system and fell, knew that He had to lead us out or there would be no salvation. After going through 114 star systems, returning then all the way back to God, what was different in this star system that caused Him to fall?
S You. All of you, all mankind, all His brothers and sisters that came forth here. A fall here is not a fall as you would see it, into the depths of Hades, or the physical fall such as from the back of a horse. The fall, in reality, is going from the high to the low. If you would but picture a waterfall, the water is the same at the top as it is at the bottom – rather different in shape but still the same physical and, in essence, spiritual qualities. In that which is the return (which is a better term than the fall) the entity, then, was assuming a different place, a different shape, physically and mentally. This, in itself, though more than drastic, was more disgusting to the physical, or in taking the physical-mental world as you have it, rather than being in that which is the spiritual-mental world and pure spiritual-thought world which that entity had ascended to.
Q What was accomplished by Jesus the Christ returning all the way back to God? Please explain.
S In His return to God all is accomplished – your salvation, the resurrection of the worlds as they should be, the expansion of the system forever through that which is the growth of the individual into that which is a god, the galaxies, the cosmos of God, expanding then forever that which is the love and mercy of the Force that is the Creator. This, then, is what was accomplished.
Q Do you have then an expanding cosmos as far as God is concerned rather than, as some scientists would suggest, a pulsating universe?
S You can’t even term it as expanding as you would understand it expanding or they would understand it expanding to be because on all levels it is going in, out, furthering itself. For God is everywhere, everything, and all things. There is no void – only God. You cannot understand, then, the spiritual nature of expanding, or that which is becoming more – you have no measurement upon and in this plane – just as it is impossible to give to your physical-mental brains the experience of truth, the experience of light.
Q In the last reading we were told that Moses had the help of several others in writing the first five books of the Old testament, including one female, namely Miriam. Did Joshua and Aaron also help in the writing?
S Aaron. Joshua had his things to do, but it was Aaron.
Q Were there any others who helped?
S There were many who helped in small ways – in fact, dozens. But those three were the main authors, or collectors rather, or receivers of that which are as the scriptures.
Q Did this include then bringing forth the akashic records for writing the book of Genesis?
S Yes, through the one who was Moses rather than the others.
Q Did Aaron assist or help in any way, Moses, in the rituals that occurred on the mountain?
S Aaron was the one who did the rituals that manifested through Moses.
Q Including the water ritual from the, I presume about, seven cups running from one to the other and then back down the other way as being pivoted? Is this part of the. . .
S Yes.
Q We’ve heard different reasons why Moses wasn’t allowed to lead the children of Israel into the land of Canaan. Why wasn’t he allowed to do so?
S Moses prevented Moses. For Moses had that duty. And as you have heard, the plowman cannot turn back. Moses did, breaking then his word, falling short in his belief, as expected of him. Therefore, could not enter that which was the promised land. Q
Q Were Moses, Aaron, and Miriam present with Adam; as Cain, Abel and Seth?
S Correct.
Q Respectively?
S Correct.
Q And was it the life as Cain that prevented Moses from entering the promised land?
S You have it.
Q And also, that was the reason that he had to speak and work through Aaron?
S That’s correct.
Q Cain was the tiller of the fields, a third chakra action over plants, which are the second chakra; and Abel was the shepherd over animals, which are the third chakra, indicating that perhaps Abel was at the fourth chakra?
S Correct.
Q And the story of Cain slaying Abel tells us that the third chakra, intellect, can destructively interfere with the fourth chakra, intuition.
S And it does!
Q Cain was, in a sense, leading the way on the fall to the first chakra or bondage in Egypt, was he not?
S That’s it.
Q And he also led the way out of the first chakra, bondage, into the second chakra, wilderness, for a long period – forty years.
S He did.
Q So, but it was a result of his prior third chakra sin that he was not able to lead his people into the promised third chakra land.
S That’s correct.
Q And it was Joshua who had not committed such a third chakra sin who did lead the way.
S That’s it.
Q And was this karmic debt of Moses from the life as Cain finally paid with the beheading as John the Baptist?
S Yes.
Q This refers back to reading 10-93 on 8-23-80. On page 10 it states “the aspects of this world” are referred to. The statement is “realize that there are other aspects in other beings, other forces, even as the aspects of this world you dwell upon, and in, have other planes and other systems.” Are these aspects other planets or are they just different vibrational levels or invisible levels?
S They’re other planets, they’re other levels, they’re other places and times. Visualize a barber pole turning, twirling, and you might have an understanding, then, of the change. The stripes are not going evenly, or seemingly, to your eye, they seem to disappear, rotate, come back, so forth, blur. This is what happens in sense, in essence rather, in what you are talking about – that you see a stripe and yet, it is in another place and never still. You see it on the side facing you and yet part of it is on the other side not facing you and going and coming at the same time. More or less this is as what happens in this case.
Q In John reading 10-94, on 8-30-80, page 3 it states: “Then Jesus said to them plainly, `Lazar is dead; and I am glad I was not there, for your sakes, so that you may believe; but let us walk there.’ Then Thomas who is called the Twin said to his fellow disciples, `Let us also go and die with him.'” Why did Thomas say this?
S For he knew or realized (because of the intellectual quality of that one) what must be done. Also you have the innate understanding, not just the intellectual understanding, on that which is the mental plane, but the spiritual also, knowing then, therefore, to be raised not only was a material or physical thing, but a spiritual thing, becoming, then, the tool of God through that which is the use of Jesus, becoming that which is raised, then, from what you would see as death – which he knew and understood to be the mental condition of most people in the world and the spiritual condition of most people in the world. To him, then, it is the raising of the spirit within self to be, in a way, resurrected or made alive again by that which is the action of God. For when this happened, Jesus would become one with that one who is being raised – fantastic spiritual touching in that happening.
Q. In the same reading on page 3, the name Elazura is mentioned. Is that a more spiritual name for Lazarus as used in other Bibles? Or is it just a difference in language?
S It’s a more correct pronunciation of that which was the true name.
Q In reading 10-89, page 4, line 21, it speaks of the true “I” judging through the spiritual nature. How does one do this without breaking the law of not judging?
S Ah but judging in the spiritual nature is not judging as you would have it, for you term judging to be condemning. Judging in the spiritual nature is judging all things by what they are, not by the negative but by the positive – more like an accounting of that which are the positives or the positive nature of things such as the colors of a rainbow, the feel of cool air on a hot day, the raising of joy within self, the manifesting of love in self or others. This is the spiritual, then, judgment rather than that which is the physical-mental judgment or the material judgment.
Q In John 7:7, Jesus said, “The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify against it.” Please comment on this.
S The world as given here is world thought, world opinion, the cruder, ruder side of mankind, the negative image mankind has created for itself, knowing that Jesus was Jesus, being that which is a manifestation of love, selflessness, truth, mercy, goodness, which is absolutely opposite of that which is the ego-centered selfish world.
Q In John 8:12-20, the Pharisee told Jesus that He testified concerning Himself so His testimony was not true. According to the law of those days, was a person not allowed to testify for himself? Did he have to have others testify for him?
S You always had to have others testify for you. It was expected that the eldest member of a family testify, that is to say, the male member of the family or the appointee who would stand in as a surrogate parent. In the case of women it could be the brothers, especially the elder brothers.
Q In reading 10-100, page 3, starting on line 11, please explain more about the spiritual and physical earth as an entity and its power to bind us to it. Is this separate from our own individual attraction to it?
S The entity as earth was created that animal kind would have a place in the physical plane to develop, to find their path, their paths. Developed also for a place that humans would learn in the so-called fall. The attraction of the earth is that of establishing itself as a physical thing rather than that which is a spiritual thing. Mankind, in itself, has the opportunity of going either way upon it. For there are those places in this earth you may find the spiritual so easily. And there are spiritual centers in this earth just as you have spiritual centers within yourself. In its way, the earth is similar, or you are similar to the earth itself. For it had the spiritual centers before you became that which was human. There is the attraction, then, of the similarity between selves – earth and entities – the earth being an entity and selves being an entity; the earth having the centers, as selves have; even a heart, as selves have a heart; even a mentality, as selves have a mentality; an aura, as selves have an aura. The earth in itself does not try to lead you astray but builds itself to be the best possible place that you may exist in, because you exist in animal form, and it developed itself to be that which serves the animal form and forms that came before selves here.
Q Is Arizona a spiritual center?
S It was at a long time ago. It is becoming one again.
Q Are established centers, spiritual centers that man has established, such as Jerusalem or Rome or some of the other places, are they spiritual centers of the earth?
S Yes.
Q Then, as we have seven centers, are there seven in the earth?
S Yes.
Q About the animals’ path, what is the goal of an animal’s existence, of the dogs, cats. . .?
S Will this raise you higher, make you more spiritual? It suffices to be that they have a path of development, not similar to yours, but that which is rewarding in itself through that which is the reception of God’s love and pleasure.
Q (636 – ARE clinic) is moving to (637 – Casa Grande). Is this a very highly spiritual center, then?
S No. You mistake spiritual centers like saying that your armpit is on par with your thymus. Anywhere can be spiritual but not a spiritual center of the earth. Understand the difference?
Q Would it help us to know where the spiritual centers of the earth are located? Are they the areas where other entities from other star systems enter this earth? Would you have anything in relationship to that?
S The spiritual center of the north and the south pole – the north pole, the south pole, are the areas that entities enter in because of the magnetic flow or the magnetic effect of this earth being more receptive at these areas.
Q Do we affect any of these centers, like the heart center? Do we affect those, or what?
S Oh, yes. Understand this: this earth cannot meet its destiny until mankind has achieved to its destiny.
Q. We have to love the earth more?
S As a representative of God.
Q In reading 10-86, page 1, line 10, reads: “Or have you bothered to make excuses for following that which has been given you.” Shouldn’t this read for not following?
S Well, yes it could read that. Although there was another meaning meant at that time. However, if you add the “not” to it, it will be passably understandable to others who read the material. Q
Q In the gospel according to John, chapter 2, verses 1-10, just before the miracle at Cana, why did Jesus say to His mother, “What is it to me and you, woman? My time has not yet come,” and then proceed to turn water into wine? From a practical, everyday common sense basis on this earth, it doesn’t make sense.
S He was merely pointing out to His mother that it wasn’t time for Him to do those things, but because there was the desire of self and self (for remember, they were both self) to do this, it was done not for Him but for her. And she did not want it for herself but for others. Therefore, you truly have here what is really the greatest example you can have of working God’s love, done as a chain, one through the other, even as this group should act – through each other, for each other, for others.
Q In the same reading, page 10, line 18, John 5:24-29: ” and they will come out; those who have done good works to the resurrection of life; and those who have done evil works to the resurrection of judgment.” Could you please discuss the relative merits of works versus faith and how these relate to grace?
S Works are dictated by faith. The faith of a person moves them to do those things which will not impede, but help, others – which are not offshoots of the egos of selves, but of love and the will of becoming that which is dependent upon the spiritual rather than on the mental or the physical. Those who sin or go astray are those who do the opposite. For the ego is the downfall and then the judgment of self is that which condemns an entity when judgment must be given and cannot be escaped.
Q I didn’t follow you if you related these to grace.
S Grace is that which is the true judgment that puts aside the sins. Grace is that which has broken the karmic wheel and allowed, then, that which is the escape from the physical-mental world, into that which is the spiritual-mental world, into that which is the spiritual realm.
Q Well then, does grace depend on either works or faith?
S Grace depends upon that which is the love of God, for it is the love of God. It is that which manifested itself in the life of Jesus the Christ which gave you the opportunity, then, to leave the wheel. Grace is that which does not judge, condemn, coach, or guide. It does not forgive. It does not make excuses for. It does not release. It does not take away. It is merely that which is God in action giving you, then, God. There is no such thing as a law that says you must act in faith, must repent. For God is that which in grace picks those that God knows deserves. It is sounds heretical to say these things, it is only because you cannot understand your past and your present. For some have already received grace, that are taking tours of duty within this plane, which do not act in faith, are not those who manifest so much, God – but are fulfilling that which they have volunteered to do. Therefore, grace is God’s choosing.
Q On the Gospel of John, reading 10-95, page 7, line 3, the Source referring to the books Matthew, Mark and John states: “You have first the gospel for the physical man; you have second the gospel for the mental man; and then you have John, that which is the gospel for the spiritual man.” In the light of this explanation will you give us what the book of Luke represents?
S Luke represents that, then, which is the physical-mental man instead of just the physical and mental. This is as the go-between or the changing from one to the other, or the awareness of one and the other.
Q Was the gospel of Mark written first – of the four gospels?
S Correct.
Q And it was the dictation of Peter to John Mark?
S Correct.
Q And then the gospel of Matthew was written second?
S Correct.
Q But it was with Mark already in existence and included some of Mark, excluded some of Mark, and had some other things in there written to a specific audience?
S Correct.
Q And then Luke was really written by Peter and Matthew in addition to Lucius of Laodicea – not Luke, the physician, who wrote Acts?
S Correct.
Q So those were the three authors of Luke?
S Correct. We would commend the entity (131) for the homework done and the use of that which, as given at the beginning of this reading, the use of that which you have to work with.
Q In reading 10-95, page 7, line 25, in reference to the Holy Comforter: is it true that when Jesus the Christ gave us the Holy Comforter, He made it possible for each of us to link together the Christ within and the Holy Spirit in order to act as God. Would you explain?
S First, mankind was linked by physical laws. Then mankind was linked by the mental laws or that which govern the mentality. But then came that which is the touching of the spirit. You may see it as, if you were looking down at a coliseum and could see tiers of walls going up, or tiers of bleachers going up, one ring after the other getting higher and higher towards that which is the spiritual nature. The spiritual nature is that which you might see as a tent, apex in that which is the God Force, or that which is the Holy Spirit at work, flowing down, encasing and touching all who become, then, the walls, the roof of the tent. The tent cannot exist without walls, without a roof, or without an apex. This, then, is that which ye have asked.
And now as that which is the entity which is the channel is tiring, we give that which is the love, the blessings, the peace, the rest, that is that of the Lord. We are through with this reading at this time.