RAM 10-107- Spiritual Insights: Biblical and InterpretationRAM 10-107- Spiritual Insights: Biblical and Interpretation

(ED. Note) This reading was given as a check reading for clarification; and questions regarding the Bible readings given to that point; and the question and answer were added to the original Bible readings to which they referred. There were also non-bible related topics and questions. These have been placed at the beginning of the file.)

This document is a transcription of a spiritual discourse, involving questions and answers about biblical and spiritual concepts such as the life of Jesus, the disciples’ knowledge of healing, and interpretations of various biblical statements and stories. It includes metaphysical discussions on topics like the Christ within, the I AM within, and the significance of various biblical figures in spiritual teachings.

Ram Reading 10-107                                           



Beloved Mother-Father God, we come before You as children seeking with the confidence that You as our Parents will hold us, lead us, and help us, that we may find the Way and the Path and the Light, and in so doing be the help to others that they, too, may be guided by Your wisdom, Your love. And through that which is the Christ we ask for Your help, Your mercy, Your love.


The Law, the Word is as One, for they are as One, being One. And the Law is this: that the Word is love and therefore mercy and judgment lie within that which is the bounds and duties of all that are concerned with that which is God. Such it has been since He, the Christ did walk amongst you. And He surely will come again to emphasize that which is the Law, that which is the Word, that which is One. We are here. We have this group. And we will give this reading that is sought after. We are now ready for questions.

Disciples’ knowledge of healing energies and laying on of hands

Q   I have a question for (210). She’d like to know what understanding did the disciples have about the healing energies in the laying on of the hands?

S   Actually very little, other than it was the force of God, through Christ, working within themselves.  They were not versed in that which you would call science, physiology, and thus acted through the spiritual impulses and the spiritual understandings.  Therefore, to them, that which occurred was not a phenomena of the body or the mental, but rather that which was the working of the spiritual nature of themselves as accelerated and magnified by that which was the Holy Spirit at work.

Explanation of Paul’s statement through a glass darkly

Q   In reading 10-105, page 10, there was a question asked as to what Paul meant about, seeing – the statement is seeing through a glass darkly, or rather dimly, as stated in First Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 12. The Lamsa version uses the word mirror. Does mirror have a different meaning than that given by the Source?

S   Not really. For in that which is the understanding, the mirror is the reflection of self or the world. Often, then, the true reflection is seen in reverse. For the truth is often reversed to that which mankind would have it to be. For mankind often equates that which is the spiritual rewards with that which are the material rewards (which is not necessarily true) or that which is seen in the physical nature of the individual as spiritual rewards – and often this is not true also. And what is being said, then, in Lamsa is even as that which this Source and others would give as that which is the difficulty of mankind to see clearly, or to understand that which they see, as He the Savior gave. Often those that see are blind, and those that see not have sight.

Life of Jesus as Hermes and building of the pyramid

Q   This is a question concerning the life of Jesus known to us as Hermes where he was responsible for building the great pyramid in Egypt. Did this occur before or after the flood recorded in Genesis concerning Noah and his three sons?

S   Before.  

Q   Did that incarnation (later known as Hermes) begin in Egypt or Atlantis?

S   Atlantis.  Q

Q   Was the Sphinx built before or after the Great Pyramid?

S   After the Great Pyramid.

Q   About how many years?

S   Twenty-five hundred.  

Q   Okay. With the Sphinx having the body of a lion (symbolizing the astrological sign of Leo) and the head of a man (symbolizing the astrological sign of Aquarius) it appears to record the approximate date, that is age, of its construction; namely Leo-Aquarius, or simply Leo. Is this correct?

S   Very much so.  

Q   Was it built near the beginning, middle, or end of the age of Leo?

S   About one-third into the age of Leo. Q

Q   So the Great Pyramid then would have been built during the age of Virgo?

S   Correct.

Difference between the I AM within and the Christ within

Q   Please explain the difference between the I AM within and the Christ within.

S   The I AM within is the God force that has given you life, that has sustained you these eons of time. It is the sustenance of the body. Whereas the Christ is that nature within you that moves and acts in the God manner, in the force that can lift others up, that does the work n this world, that is that which is thought and action – physical, mental, and spiritual – of God. Q

Clarification questions on the Bible inserted into Bible readings:

Q   In reading 10-98, page 2 it states, “it is through the primary or the primary that one finds that which is the true ego to be the soul ego, not the ego as man sees ego to be, of that which is the conscious mind, or the conglomerate of the subconscious mind, but the soul mind and mind.” What is meant by soul mine, m-i-n-e?

S   Soul mine is that which is Miriam or that which is as the development as Mary developed for that which was the consciousness or the ability to develop the Christ, or the form of the Christ through Jesus. The Miriam, or the soul of the individual, or even the case of those who would understand Miriam to be as Mary (one and the same), then in mankind the development of the ability to become a soul mind -which is not the same as the mental mind, but the soul mind developed by the spiritual search. And that which is mind the builder than becomes that which can draw from with the individual or those forces around the individual to becoming a Christ within. The soul mind is that which is dedicated to the development of the Christ – the Christ within. This is that step that must be made before the individual can become that which is a god, a god on its own, a god that develops, that creates a cosmos of self, that has, then, the unselfishness, the mercy, the love, the knowledge, the wisdom to be the creator, to be as God the magnificent, to be the extension of the Magnificent – thus truly one.  

Q   As this process you’ve just described unfolds, is the conscious mind aware of it?

S   It has to become aware of it, you see, to develop that which is the state which is sought. for those often as you find in the east ( or as you term the East) develop the ability to search into themselves to find that which is the Christ mind. It is sad to say that those of the West (as you would term it to be) are so slow, so unsure, and so divergent in their search as not to have developed this so readily or so widely. 

Q   This is a quote from Edgar Cayce’s reading number 1598-2. “John was written by several, not by John who was the Beloved, but the John who represented, or was the scribe for John the Beloved. And as much of same was written at different times and combined some fifty years after the crucifixion.” Was John, the scribe as here indicated, male or female?

S   Female.

Q   Quoting from page 76 of the book, Edgar Cayce on Jesus and His Church by Anne Read, “Mary, ‘the other Mary’ Cayce says, was among the household of Zebedee as an aid to Zebedee’s wife and James and John and their sister, Naomi, the younger of Zebedee’s children, were in their early years Mary’s charges or cares.” Further it states (I don’t know how to pronounce this name), “R-o-a-e-l was among the sons of Zebedee, being an older brother of James and John.” It is further stated in the book that Mary, the other Mary, was the bride to the groom, Roael, at a later time. This was the wedding feast where Jesus turned water into wine. Is this version correct since there is another version listed elsewhere?

S   We have three versions. Is near correct as, yes, correct enough to be called correct for your understanding. Other versions were given as to that which were the needs to be shown through that which were those versions. 

Q   Regarding those other versions, did this come about as misunderstandings of those that wrote the books where they supposedly quoted from, Cayce or . . .

S   No, no there was deliberate distortion for the needs of that time and place. For even those so entrusted often were, as now, led by that which were their own motives, ever so good and yet distortions all the same, to achieve that which were the ends by their means and justified by rationalization within that which was the mental outlooks of the individuals.

Q   Was Mary, the other Mary, later known as Mary of Bethany after the death of her husband?

S That is correct.

Q   Was Mary – the other Mary – or the sister Naomi, the one brought into Zebedee’s family that formed the balance needed for James and John?

S   This was the force that was necessary to create within themselves that which was the feeding, or the germination of the idea that later led to their use of their Christ force, however limited within themselves, to that which was the good of others.

Q   Well, was it Mary or Naomi, I mean which one?

S   It was Naomi.  Q

Q   The word “staff” and “rod” occur many times in the Bible, especially the Old Testament. The rod that Moses used, also used by Aaron, had the ability to have God’s force work through it, whether against Pharoah, to part the Red Sea, or bring forth water from a rock. Also, the two words are used in the 23rd Psalm as well as other places. May we have an explanation regarding these two words, their differences and their similarities if any?

S   The staff and the rod are much different. The staff was that which was given only to Moses to wield as that which was authority. Moses himself could not use that. It had to be in conjunction with the will force of others cleansed by the desire to do only God’s work. The rod is that which was the rod of authority, the rod of power, the rod of enriching or creating or the Creative force. It in itself, as the rod, was much more potent, much more authoritative, and much more divine and spiritual than that as the staff as Moses used same. The rod exists to this day; the staff does not. Q

Q   Is the rod constructed of wood?

S   No.  Q

Q   May we know, is it some sort of metal?

S   Gold.  Q

Q   In the reading 10-69 it was given that six of the apostles had been Jesus’ brothers in the Joseph life. We learned that Simon Peter was Reuben; Andre, Judah; James Boanerges, Simean; Phillip was Issachar; Matthew was Naphtali; and Thomas the wavering brother. Later in reading 10-82 an affirmative answer was given to a question whether Judah (that is Judas Iscariot) had been the brother of Joseph as Reuben. Were both Simon Peter and Judas Iscariot aspects of the Reuben entity?

S   Twin aspects.  

Q   Also, in reading 10-69 we were told that the entity who was Jacob was incarnated at the time that Jesus walked the hills of Galilee, but the Source declined to tell us at that time who the entity was “for matters that involve further readings.” Is it now timely for us to know Jacob’s identity?

S   The questioner (131).  

Q   Mary of Bethany?

S   Correct.

Q   Not Mary of Magdala who was a completely separate entity?

S   Bethnea.

Q   But Mary of Magdala did live in the same household with Mary, Martha and Lazarus?

S   Correct.

Q   Had she been married to a brother of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, who had died?

S   Not died by separated by distance. 

Q   On April 18, 1977, in answer to a question about the languages of the original documents quoting Jesus, the answer was given, “A variety.  We find here Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic and some Latin.”  Now, I understand that it was given through Cayce that Peter’s dictation to John-Mark was prior to his journey to Rome.  Was this original dictation in Aramaic?

S   It was dictated in two languages at that time, in Aramaic and in Greek. 

Q   And was it translated into Latin by John-Mark on the Rome sojourn?

S   Yes, with the help of one Tiberius Antonius Marcus. 

Q   Any other languages?

S   There was a beginning of Hebrew but not finished in same.

Q   Did Matthew write his gospel in Hebrew or Aramaic, or both?

S   In Hebrew, but it was followed almost immediately in Aramaic.  Q

Q   Any other languages? 

S   There was a beginning of Hebrew but not finished in same.

Q   Did Lucius of Laodicea originally write his gospel in Greek?

S   Yes.  Q

Q   And then any other languages?

S   Latin. Q

Q   Was the fourth gospel originally written in Sanskrit?

S   Correct and then in Aramaic.  Q

Q   By Mary of Bethany?

S Correct.

Q In India?

S Not in India today but in those lands affected by the Greeks along that which is the corridor from the Middle East into Northwest India.

Q Where she had been sent by Jesus?

S Correct.

Q Did she go to India after the resurrection or later after her journey to Rome?

S Both

Q On the first trip was she accompanied to India by James and John bar Zebedee?

S Correct.

Q. Did anyone else go with her? 

S The seventeen that were known as followers, one Timothy that later travelled into that area which is now known as France and Britain.

Q Were any of the Mary’s along on that trip, Mary the mother of Jesus or Mary Magdalene?

S Mary Magdalene went part way, not too far, though, from Damascus. And in that which you would call Turkey today, that entity stayed because of difficulties with breathing, et cetera, problems that were overcome, then, through that which were the spiritual use or manifestations of the Christ force.

Q And Lazarus or Thomas?

S Went into that country which you would call Greece and the Ukraine area of Russia, but did not go to that area called India Today.

Q How long did she stay on that first trip?

S Two years

Q. And James, did he returned before she did?

S No, stayed a bit longer.

Q Did Thomas go with her on the second trip?

S Yes. And went on from there and that which is known as the Indus valley.

Q. In the fourth gospel, chapter 21, verse seven, stated “that disciple whom Jesus loved sayeth unto Peter, ‘It is the lord.’” Was that disciple on the shore with Jesus and not in the boat?

S On the shore.

Q And this was Mary of Bethany?

S Yes.

Q Who had been Miriam, sister of Moses, in an earlier incarnation?

S Correct

Q Was Mary of Bethany the one referred to in question 59 in reading 10-45 as the one who was brought in who was six months, three weeks, two days, 4 hours, 17 minutes younger than John?

S Absolutely.

Q So James and John bar Zebedee and Mary of Bethany were all aspects of the same entity?

S Quite correct. 

Q Were any other aspects of that entity also Incarnate at that time?

S No.

Q Was Mary, or Mariam, the name chosen as an adult by that entity who was the sister of  Lazarus and Martha dash that is it was not the name bestowed on her at birth by her parents?

S It was chosen. For that entity was well aware of the meaning of Mary.

Q this was the result of John the Baptist having read the akashic records, telling her of her previous life as Miriam, sister of Moses?

S Even brought back to her that which were the pictures of saying brought forth from within self.

Q And being a disciple of John the Baptist, who had been Moses, she chose the name Miriam so as to identify more closely with that life?

S Absolutely.

Q. And she is the one referred to in verses 40 to 46 of the first chapter of the 4th gospel?

S True.

Q Did she follow Jesus into the wilderness and attend him during the 40 days?

S Yes, but not attending as many might think. It was a spiritual and mental thing more than a physical thing.

Q Genesis chapter 5, verse three states, “and Adam lived 130 years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; And called his name Seth.” Does “in his own likeness, after his image” refer to the 4th chakra? Was this a bestowing of certain 4th chakra characteristics on the Seth empty by the Adam entity, or just a statement that the Seth entity had like characteristics?

S No, this was a bestowing that that entity could start, then, at a higher level that would have been possible before.

Q Was there also strong physical resemblance?

S Almost a direct likeness.

Q Did this physical resemblance carry over into future incarnations?

S It did.

Q Is the Seth entity the disciple referred to in the fourth gospel chapter 13 verse 23?

S Yes.

Q That was Mary of Bethany and he was recalling to Mary his mother that life in Eden when she was eve and Mary of Bethany had been Seth?

S Correct.

Q I seem to have lost track of the Abel entity at the time of Jesus. Were one or more aspects of this entity direct disciples?

S James, but not John. But the soul was on the Sanhedrin also.

Q Was Elazura one?

S No.

Q Were one or more aspects of the Abel entity indirect disciples who came shortly after Jesus left?

S Yes.

Q Was Paul one?

S Yes.

Q Were Barnabas and Silas also?

S Silas, but not Barnabas.

Q Was Silas of Acts and Sylvanus of the other epistles such as 1 Thessalonians 1:1 the same individual?

S Yes.

Q Sylvanus being the Latin name used by Silas?

S Correct.

Q Who is a member of this group?

S Correct.

Q Genesis chapter 2, verse eight states, “and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden.” Does this refer to Lemuria, located in what is now the Pacific Ocean?

S It has a divided meaning. Yes, is a physical thing and no, is a spiritual thing period for the garden of the spiritual was in that which you would term the subcontinent of India.

Q Was Lemuria then the original dwelling place of Adam, Abel and Cain?

S Yes.

Q Genesis chapter 4, verse 16 states, “and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden.” In astrology, in the Natal horoscope, the sign on the eastern horizon (that is the ascendant) represents the personality and the physical body of an individual. Does Eden represent the ego and Nod the personality or mind of an individual?

S Yes,

Q Was Atlantis the land of Personality, or Nod?

S Yes

Q Lemuria represented the fourth chakra and Atlantis represented the third?

S Correct.

Q.  Is there a secret or hidden chakra of eight petals in between the 12 petaled heart chakra and the ten petaled plexus chakra?

S Yes.

Q. Does it represent the intellect while the ten petaled chakra represents the lower mind?

S Correct.

Q. Was it, in fact, a creation of the first Amelius – or Adam?

S Partially.

Q as a means of helping the able and Cain entities and the rest of mankind bridge the gap between the 3rd and 4th chakras?

S Yes. 

Q Had the enmity between Abel and Cain entities developed originally in the 5th planet – that is now the asteroid belt?

S No.

Q But Abel and Cain were not undivided entities or Ameliuses but were aspects of two different already divided entities?

S Correct!

Q Did Adam go with Cain to Atlantis?

S Yes.

Q And did this represent the fall for him from the 12 petaled chakra to the 8 petaled chakra for Adam?

S More of a come down, yes, then fall.

Q Was Abraham an incarnation of the second Amelius?

S Yes. 

Q Did the life as Krishna follow the life as Abraham?

S Almost on its heels.

Q His name initially was Abram, that is Ab-Ram. Does the Ab stand for Abba or father?

S Correct.

Q And Ram refers to his earlier incarnation in India as Ram?

S Correct. 

Q By paying tithes to Melchizedek (the first Amelius) wasn’t Abram (the second Amelius) attempting to show the people that they should follow the teachings of Melchizedek?

S It was one of the ways he used. Correct.

Q However the people did not listen.

S Didn’t want to listen. Correct.

Q So both Ameliuses decided that they would have to divide, or fall to a lower level in order to set the pattern for the others?

S Realized that there had to be a base to start from, not as exalted as they had hoped it to be.

Q Is this represented the second time around for the first Amelius?

S yes.

Q The first slide called being from Adam to Enoch?

S Correct.

Q But it was the first descent into divided earth consciousness for the 2nd Amelius?

S Correct.

Q This decision could become earthbound, or to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (that is to be fruitful and multiply) was signified by the addition of the letter H to the name changing it from Ab-Ram to Ab-Ra-Ham?

S Correct

Q And the two sons, Ishmael and Isaac were symbolic of dividing into the two paths, the Ida and the Pingala, at the Ajna chakra as Cain and Abel had symbolized with Adam and Eve?

S Correct

Q And were the same entities who had been Cain and Abel also Ishmael and Isaac? 

S Yes.

Q Respectively?

S Yes.

Q And the enmity continued but somewhat softened from Eden and Nod?

S A bit.

Q Now I’d like to try to fill in the period between Seth and Noah. It was given through Edgar Cayce that the Joshua entity was Enoch and I believe this to be the Enoch who was the son of Jared, not Enoch who was the son of Cain. Is that correct?

S That’s correct. 

Q This line from Adam through Noah were all fourth chakra lives were they not?

S Yes.

Q But Enoch was the only one who lived his dharma perfectly, and was rewarded by being “taken by God”?

S Correct.

Q Who was Enos? Son of Seth?

S Later became that which led to the Buddha as outstanding (the line of spiritual development).

Q Who was Cainan, son of Enos?

S Well, became Julius Caesar, Napoleon, and then took an upswing and became John the 23rd

Q Was Enos son of Seth, the same as Enos who was the father of Cainan? 

S Yes.

Q Were there gaps in the list here of the, here between Adam and Noah? I don’t need to repeat that question if there were no gaps

S Not significant.

Q Who was Mahalalel, son of Cainan?

S Became the last Pharoah of Egypt, the third president of the United States (Jefferson) and is alive today. 

Q Who was Methuselah?

S On old man. He became best known in his last life as a her, as the title Madame Curie.

Q. What caused the enmity between Cain and Abel and then Ishmael and Isaac? 

S Because they were not as a dualism, you see, but rather as a separation, one having the spiritual the other having that which was the physical. And there is always a clash between the spiritual and the physical until that which is the mental can bring them together in the greatest stroke of that which is the mind is the builder.

Q In regard to Seth, in the Cayce reading, there is information to the effect that this entity was Benjamin, younger brother to Joseph sold in Egypt, who later became King Saul. Is this also correct?

S This is correct.

Q Who was Lamech?

S Lamech was the basis of the myth, or that which is the legend rather of Merlin the magician; became – well, before that in Atlantis the entity was a great scientist, surgeon, and priest which in later lives is emphasize as that entity also became a religious leader in Egypt, a great Bishop of the West, and was a leader again in the form of Winston Churchill. Is not returned to your stage at this time.

Q Were any of these entities Enos through Lamech disciples of Jesus?

S No.

Q Who was Enoch, who was the son of Cain?

S Became first military, a military leader or captain of Israel; was also Saladin and was as the artist Lautrec not so long ago in your times. 

Q Were the descendants of this Enoch, son of Cain, also known as the sons of Belial?

S Correct.

Q And were the descendants of Enos, son of Seth, also know as the children of the Law of One?

S That’s correct. 

Q. Now, getting back to Noah and the flood. Was this the final destruction of Atlantis, that is of Poseidon, the third of three great catastrophes or the 2nd?

S It was the 3rd to that which was the eastern section of that land.

Q And did this occur at the transition of astrological ages from one to another?

S It did. It heralded in the new age.

Q What was the new age?

S That of the fish. 

Q Cancer?

S Correct.

Q. Were Noah and his family guided, at least in part, during the 40 days by dolphins, that is porpoises?

S To a degree. Yes.

Q Had Shem learned to communicate with them with a sonar-like device?

S To all animals.

Q So Elkins was right. Did Shem found the city of Ur of the Chaldees?

S Yes.

Q And did he teach his descendants knowledge brought forth from Atlantis such as astrology and numerology?

S And to a degree much more. However, within four generations much had been lost of those arts except for that which you would call astrology, astronomy, and mathematics.

Q These were intended to be as aides in the search to note deeper truths and to go within?

S And to establish that which was even a starting point or a regeneration of that which was a spiritual ideal or center.

Q These teachings were later corrupted by a priesthood for their own selfish ends?

S As usual among mankind, this is correct.

Q After the incident described in Genesis 9: 20 through 27 where ham saw the drunkenness of Noah, did he journey to the lands now known as Egypt?

S Yes and to that area called Nubia and into that area now called Ethiopia.

Q Did he have any involvement there with the great pyramid?

S Yes, then took the teachings and ideas into that area now called Ethiopia.

Q Was this an incarnation of the master?

S Yes.

Q Where he had earlier built the great pyramid?

S Correct.

Q. Drinking of the wine by Noah represented his fall from the 4th chakra?

S Yes, into that which is the more physically oriented pattern.

Q So the deeper meaning what has taken to be a curse by Noah on hams son that he should be a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren really was more of a prophecy was it not – the life of Jesus?

S Correct.

Q Did Shem leave records from Atlantis in or about Ur as Ham did in Egypt?

S Yes.

Q What form were these – Stone tablets?

S Metal.

Q How were they engraved?

S With that which you would call sonics.

Q Was the Abel entity present on the ark?

S No.

Q I’ll have to paraphrase this because I don’t have the Edgar Cayce reading at hand but there is one prophecy where he states something to the effect: between 1958 and 1998, the 40-year period, His light will be seen in the clouds. To the best of my knowledge there is no clarification in the readings as to what was meant by that. Can we know what the meaning was?

S There will be that which is the approach of what you might call a super comet that is unlisted as, or that is by astronomers, or those of the past also. At this time it is in the making in that area that is beyond the planet Neptune. Whether and when it comes is determined by that which is the growth of the human ability to shed itself from that which is its selfishness and call, then, in its need upon the name of the Lord – whether it be through that of western religions, or eastern religions, or general realization that there is a God, is an answer, is a truth, is a salvation. This does not mean that the majority of people upon this planet will ask, will call, or realize. It is for that dedicated group that are brothers in the search regardless of names, races, creeds, to call upon, then (not in selfishness but in love) for that which is the light of the Lord.

Now as that which is our time is drawing short, we would then give that which is the love, the blessings, the peace and fulfillment of that which is the Christ; as our wont, then, we say, “love, peace, mercy, forgiveness.”

We are through with that which is this reading at this time.