RAM 10-131- Faith and Courage: Guidance and Interpretation
(ED. Note) This reading was given as a check reading for clarification; and questions regarding the Bible readings given to that point; and the question and answer were added to the original Bible readings to which they referred. There were also non-bible related topics and questions. These have been placed at the beginning of the file.)
This document features discussions on various spiritual topics, including the nature of courage, the role of faith, and interpretations of biblical concepts. The session also addresses personal and spiritual growth, the significance of thoughts and actions in spiritual development, and provides personalized guidance to individual members of the group.
Ram Reading 10-131
Oh Lord, grant us the faith that we may do those things which you would have us do. Give to us, oh Lord, the strength of purpose and the love to follow that which is the teaching of Jesus the Christ. And we ask, oh Father, that Jesus the Christ be with us at this time, for we believe.
Courage is that which guides an entity, a group, or a people. Real courage is that which the individual must have to make that move or follow that direction which is new, which is different. It is that which is not seen by others to follow the path or be in the mode that they would have it be. True courage is that which is humble, not defacing, but humble. It is directed by faith and is that which is derived from the I AM within. Courage is that which faces the adversary. And what is the adversary but self. For the true adversary is within the mind and the temperament of the individual. It affects the body and the soul of an individual. Courage is that which picks up the true believer that they may find the path even though there is no other to assist. For courage calls upon the word of the Lord, the hand of the Lord, rather than the hand or the help of other individuals. True courage is that which lights the way and becomes the path for others to follow. True courage is founded in faith, in harmony, in love, in patience, and in single purpose. We are here. We have this group. And we are ready for this reading.
C Those present in the room are 110, 199, 101, 185, 180, 114, 178, 107, 169, 146, and 217. The date is August the 25th, 1984, and the approximate time is 8:05 PM. You shall have before you the inquiring minds of this group.
S We have the inquiring minds of this group, the individual soul forces of this group, physical being of this group, and the entity that is formed as the platform, and we will give this reading that is sought after. We are now ready for questions.
Individual advice given to members of the group.
Q Is there something the Source can give at this time to help me physically, mentally or spiritually? (185)
S All that comes to an entity is for the entity’s soul growth and soul purpose. As given, the mind feeds the soul. What happens to the physical and mental must be learned as a lesson. For it occurs only to develop the soul within self. The entity must concentrate upon that which is knowing that the soul is the important part of self at this time. The physical and mental bodies must become the tools for the soul to learn from. No one advances ever without conflict, without pain, without sorrow and tribulation. There can be no growth in a life that is happy, carefree, and unaffected by the physical-mental body of an entity and those things that go on around the entity. Know you not that Jesus the Christ suffered daily. Even before He became christed, He suffered mentally and physically the anguish of the world about Him. That which an individual entity suffers or faces within a life becomes nothing. We know that in those times that an entity, an individual faces that which is the purpose of itself or the cleansing or the learning or the focusing, that it is a trial, a tribulation and is hard to understand the purpose of same. Therein lies the word faith. For it is faith that will make you whole; even as He has given, it is so.
Q Is there something I can do to better control the heart rhythm irregularity that I’ve experienced? (185)
S Were the entity to capture the mind, the mind could control the physical in this case. If the entity would study that which is the learning of hypnotism, the entity would overcome that which the entity finds as the irregularity within that organ known as heart.
Q If I could ask one more. The medication that I’m taking is suitable at the present time? (185)
S Medications are an extension of God’s purpose when that which, as given, the mental and physical do not comprehend the spiritual implications that are involved. At this time we find them adequate.
Q We’ve been just given that every experience that we have is as a lesson for us. I’ve had multiple injuries to my feet this summer. What’s the lesson in this for me? (217)
S First the entity, before ever asking questions on these things, should take it within. For the entity is very bright and could figure these out, but we will help the entity or those who would benefit from the verbiage or the word at this time. As given as the entity knows, the feet are those things which connect you to the earth or are those things which symbolize the spirit being connected to this plane. Injuries, normally, to the feet imply there is not a balance within the entity one way or the other between the spiritual leanings of an entity, the mental work of an entity and the plane that the entity is upon. Many times for entities it is a reminder that you have been bound too long, too closely, and devoured by the earth existence. For this entity’s case it is that the entity often goes blithely on a spiritual incline, not remembering or fully recognizant of the fact that you are an earth dweller and must seek a balance rather than too much spiritual at one time. It is a matter for the mind and the will to find this balance.
Q What does one have to learn when they have back problems?
S That often the entity has carried too heavy a load for others, or an entity might come in reminded that they have not carried their load. Also, for some entities it is a reminder that a little bit lower they have been a pain to others.
Q Several years ago in a reading I was told that I was serving a purpose at my place of employment. In light of the current changes in the health care field and in the organization for which I work, is this still the case, or is it time for me to be working elsewhere? Could you advise on this please? (101)
S The entity shall go back and go over that which was our introductory offering to you.
Q In the last reading we were told that mind, body, and spirit must be in balance, that none can reign in this plane, but that in other planes one or the other or another can reign. And I was wondering last time, and this time, too, how the body could ever reign. How could the body be in charge?
S The body forces, those desires of the body that are innate within a body, a physical body that controls the appetites of the mind and build the mind appetites, in so many, becomes the focal point. Hence, the body controls the mind. You see this in primitive forms. You see this among the animals and many times the plant forms where the body of the plant or the body of the animal controls the existence of the beast or the vegetable. For a humanoid or human existence there are those even in your plane of being that the body is not the temple of the living God for them but the very existence and the physical is more important than the mental. If there is even a belief of spiritual among these, then it is a very third-rate importance to them. That which satisfies the body or that which the body craves governs all things. Remember, appetites are not only of the mind but are those things which have developed within the body. Remember, the soul forces of individuals came into the minds and bodies that existed upon this plane. There were almost mindless things developed within this plane that governed their own existence through the physical being with little mental stress or use and certainly no soul force, only that which is the animal spirit force and that animal spirit force is mainly a physical thing. Q
Q That’s different from the body having a mind, then?
S Well, in a sense all the physical body has a mind of its own. This is where the seat of desire springs from or is created. It is the animal force within the physical body and in a sense it is a mind force – not a mental intelligence as you deem a mind to be.
Q 22. Could I ask something else more? The experience that several others and I experienced in January 26, 1971, about the driving through a portion of Tucson which apparently was not Tucson but still existed in the same spot. Is this what you are talking about? About a. . .(185)
S Yes, I think the individual has had this experience and the individual can then or then acquired the knowledge of the overlapping of the different planes or worlds. It happens sometimes here and there and once it happens to an entity; it normally happens several times, too.
Q One other point. There seemed to be a point as far as the conclusion of the trip where there was a going from one portion into the other and coming back the next day, of course, there was no evidence of the other existing whatsoever. But the thing that puzzles me is that because of a different vibration at the one, and it seemed to be physical enough that it could have been photographed. I mean as far as I can remember, it seemed real enough. It didn’t seem to be a – it certainly wasn’t a dream experience. It was a real experience as far as I can remember.
S All things are real – or unreal. It is the condition of the entity at that time. Even as you see the aurora borealis or the ion rain under certain conditions and they are real, so an experience such as this becomes real for an entity experiencing same. And even though these experiences go on and on and on, entities are not in a position to know they are going on, only at certain times, even as that which you would see as the northern lights occurs for those who would see them in their proper place or those which are the southern lights to be seen by those in their proper place, their proper time.
Q Well, are dreams real?
S Dreams are real. Dreams are experiences. Dreams are teachings. Dreams are agitation and they are real. Dreams are happiness and they are real. Dreams are experiences that you have had, will have, or should have.
Q When you were speaking about suffering that we must undergo on this plane in order to develop, is that true of all the other planes also?
S Why worry about the other planes until you get there. They all have achievements.
Q I’ve been told that you make faster and more progress here on this material earth and I can’t understand how that can be possible. It seems like it’s so infinitesimally slow.
S Ah, but isn’t that the point?
Q In reference to the worlds, universes, cosmos, nations and races within that we have created and are creating, what happens to these upon death? Do they go with the soul?
S Remember, nothing dies. All things are vibration. No vibration is lost. They are there in their proper place to be called upon, to be reorganized, refitted, and reused. It is like a balloon and the string that holds the balloon to the hand. If you don’t slip, you can bring it back to you. There are those who wander and wander and wander because of their own self-development. They can’t find it – their body. Take note of those entities that you would call ‘ghosties’ that linger trying to get back into this plane to find their body. Those animals that stay around their bodies until their bodies have been disposed of. They don’t know or understand, you see, the body-spirit concept or animal-spirit concept or physical-mental-spiritual being. Q
Q Does the will become subject to the spirit when we have faith?
S The will becomes the tool of both the Christ within, the Christ without, or the Holy Spirit in action. The will becomes that which is the tool of the mind. It is that which advances the soul force or the soul of an entity. See?
Abortion: justified?
Q There’s quite a battle raging now about abortion and when you consider that 80 percent of spontaneous abortions yield a defective embryo and what you said last time about handicapped and defective (as we see it) individuals being a joy and a blessing, and considering the fact that the soul enters the body at birth, the first breath, usually, is there ever any justification for abortion?
S Each and every individual must perform to their own tune. They must decide within themselves. Remember, the first and primary goal of individuals within the plane is to reproduce either of their species or of the mental-spiritual rebirth for others, see? When the selection is made, remember, for individuals must know that life being sacred also cannot be destroyed. For those who are controlled by the mental and physical bodies or understanding, to destroy a life form, such as an abortion, is a death. for those who are controlled by the spiritual-mental bodies, an abortion is not that which destroys anything but animal form and for those who are controlled by the spirit and the intellect of the spirit, nothing is destroyed, only rearranged, and a new opportunity given.
Bodies that do not carry souls
Q Are all human bodies born into this world intended to carry souls?
S No. Q
Q What do you mean by carry souls?
S To inhabit the human soul.
Q Are many born at this time not carrying souls?
S There are always many that are the results of thought form formation that come into this plane. There have been many, there are many. They are run by the animal force, the mental force, normally, of their beings.
Q We would not be able to tell the difference, would we?
S Most people, if they allow themselves, can feel the difference.
Q Are there, perhaps, more coming into the world at this time because of worldwide karmic necessity?
S Not necessarily, no. There always have been tremendous worldwide karmas, individual karmas, but we view karma as that which is too much played upon or thought about. Realize, yes, these individuals exist, and love and kindness should be shown toward them, even as you have love and kindness towards animals and plants.
Suicide: justified?
Q Is there ever any justification for suicide?
S No – and yes. Note: we did not say yes and no. No and yes. For most who understand or see suicide as a way of release or out of the body or to destroy or to get back at or for revenge, what have you, in this vein: no. Yes, for those who commit suicide for the best interest of others as they have been taught or their understanding gives suicide to be. Note those that die for others, to save others, to sacrifice the physical body of oneself that others may live or in the attempt to alleviate pain, suffering, or death to others is suicide as you would see suicide to be. Therefore, understand there must be yeses and noes to all questions in reality. For it is the understanding of that individual who is doing either the suicide or the sacrifice. For some would say Jesus the Christ committed suicide upon the cross, for He could have prevented it, mentally at least. It is all in that which is the argument and the development of an individual. Q
Holy Spirit: power that starts the Christ within to work
Q Well, is the Holy Spirit a link between us and God?
S The Holy Spirit is God but is that link between the Christ Force and God. It is the moving power of the universes. It is the power of the cosmos. It is the power that starts the Christ within you to work. It is that which is the word, the deed, and the light. It is that which is beyond the human understanding, where the Christ Force can be understood by the human mind so desiring.
Shedding the ego
Q Is it possible for us to shed the ego while we are still inhabiting a human body? If yes, what replaces it?
S It is always possible for an entity to do anything. But many times the shedding of the ego is for ego purpose and serves nothing. To shed the ego does not mean to destroy the ego or cast it aside. To shed the ego means to shed the power of the ego over the mind. For mind is ever the builder. It means to control the ego. For the ego is that part of self that is necessary to be as an individual. It does not mean to be that which is controlling the individual or the individual’s purposes. But it is that which must be balanced and that which must be put in its place, not more or less, but in its place.
Course in Miracles: presenting the Holy Spirit as a personage
Q The Course in Miracles appears to me to be a strong reinforcement of the Cayce and Ram teachings. Could you please reconcile the seeming discrepancy in that in The Course in Miracles the Holy Spirit is presented as a personage and I think we see it as a force or a vibration?
S Remember, all teachings have their place in the growth of individuals. There are many individuals that may not accept that which is the Christ or God or the Holy Spirit as forces, as thought, as love, but must personify but can advance in other areas. This is but one of many teachings.
Questions for expansion and clarification from previous Bible passage readings have been inserted into those readings
Q In reading 10-80, page 15, it states: “there will come a time when we will expound upon this which is the Holy Spirit in self the more. For it is an understanding and a concept that you are not fully aware of at this time, the ramifications and the meaning of same.” Can you expound more upon that at this time?
S The Holy Spirit or the movement of God or God that is, that has given birth to that which is the Christ Force, the link between the Christ Force and the Creative Force. It is the hand extended across the table to mankind. It is that which gives you the faith and goes within, raising up then that which is the Christ Force or the I AM within the individual entity. It is that which awakens, then, the soul force; it cleanses the mind and rebuilds the body. It, in truth, is as that which is the Father-Mother. It is that which is the Light. You know it as the Creative Force, on one hand, and the Christ Force, on the other. It is the spirit that moves the heavens; it is the spirit that has given you life; it is the force of God in all things. It is life.
Q Please explain more about the baptism of the Holy Spirit as mentioned in Acts 1:5.
S The baptism of the Holy Spirit as given in Acts is simply the awakening of the soul to the force of the mind power allowing it to react and grow to the I AM that lies within. Make no mistake: the mind has an effect upon the soul for it feeds the soul. The mind does not activate or influence the I AM. The I AM is the God Force that is the spiritual force or the spirit within the entity. It is known to you in its active phase as the Christ Force. The baptism here represents then a triune or that which is the triad of mind cleansed and focused then upon the spiritual being, awakening in the soul its destiny which then is achieved through the I AM within the body force. The I AM, the soul and the mind are as individual points or entities within the entity or the individual as each of you are individuals here.
Q What role does faith play in that?
S Faith is that which opens the way. Fate is that which you must achieve because you are a child of God. They become one and the same, faith and fate.
Q In reading 10-123, in answer to question 18, we are told that the Masonic idea must meld with the socialist idea to become a Christian ideal. What is the Masonic idea?
S First, the Masonic idea can be studied by the entity, for there is abundant material upon the Masonic idea. It is the concept of brotherhood and the uniting force or spiritual force of God. It is both metaphysical and spiritual. Do not confuse metaphysics with spiritual. They are different. It is that which is the organized idea of the ideal social order of mankind and mankind’s inner play between individuals and groups. The entity could study or inquire for literature that would give the entity much more understanding than we have time for here.
Q In the Edgar Cayce readings it states that John the Beloved was the last and the youngest person to become an apostle of Jesus. I was wondering how old he was when he became an apostle?
S Seventeen.
Q In reading 10-13, page 5, question 20, speaking of death, “for the greater the accomplishment, the narrower the gap, the lighter the passage, the greater the greeters.” What is meant by the “greater the greeters”?
S It is a matter that you would associate with ‘peerage’ upon this plane. It is a matter of hierarchy as you would find it upon this plane. Though God has created all equal, there are those who have advanced farther. There are also those personalities that are angelic, that have the ranking or authority or position closer to that which is the will, the way or the Creative Force. These, then, would be termed, for you, the greater.
Q In reading 10-57, page 8, question 26, to quote “Fight that which is the ego. Make it, then, part of the way rather than that which must be buried. Use it, then, as a tool.” How do we use ego, then, as a tool?
S The ego properly trained by the mind, by the will becomes that, remember, which is personality of the individual. It is that which truly becomes, or surfaces as, the soul coming forth. It is that which is the line from the mind to the soul, becoming, then, the expression of the soul.
Q How does the Comforter that Jesus left add to the Holy Spirit referred to in the first question?
S The Comforter, as given before, is that which is the Christ or the Christ within you awakened. For the Christ has ever been and yet not been with mankind. Though the I AM was here, it was not the Christ Force but only that which is the God working, not fully developed as that which is the Christ within you. It takes that which is the Holy Spirit to awaken the Comforter. This Jesus the Christ did by becoming christed, pulling then that which is the spirit of God, the Holy Spirit into Himself by His sacrifice of that which was the ego put in place, the mind put in place, and the physical body in its place.
Q In Hebrews, chapter 9, verse 27, it says, “and just as it is appointed for men to die once and after that comes the judgment.” Can you explain this statement in the understanding of the total ongoing journey of the soul?
S Oh yes. This is the death within this plane or the final death, you see. Some are bound totally with this life form and though they repeat and repeat and repeat their entrance within this plane, they cannot pass it. They must have the death within this plane. There are others that slip in and slip out and correct those things they have done wrong, and they then must suffer the death of this plane, too. Do not believe it is a death of the soul, but it is the death of the soul as noted by most understandings within this world, this place. For most believe that you have one round and one round only and you, with your understanding, know that there are comings and goings over and over within this plane. Therefore, those who assume that you go around once feel it is a death of the soul and feed, then, on face value; where you, rather, know that the death of the soul here means the parting of that which are the forces that bind you or others to this plane and lets you advance to a greater degree.
Q In reading 10-64, August 4, 1979, page 12, and question 46, the Source stated: “For this is the overcoming of the material plane – though there are other planes, other realms of this plane involved.” Please explain or expand upon “other planes, other realms of this plane involved.”
S This plane involved, or the material plane, is separated into compartments, even as you are separated into compartments, even as you are built in a copy of this universe, so this level is a copy of other planes that exist beyond. You have an overlapping and an imaging everywhere about you. There is aping of other planes within this, other existences. If you would see yourself (this plane, rather, in self) within this plane, you would see it as a sandwich mixture, overlapping. For, in truth, this plane exists, though it is governed by the material, exists as a physical plane and you see it in your body; as a mental plane – you see the results in your body; and a spiritual plane, which someday may overwhelm and overcome that which holds the other two back. You have ruling classes within these planes. You have planes that you cannot see or even feel occurring throughout your material world. You have the complex worlds of time and nontime existing in this plane, whether you know it or not. You have your shadow worlds that see your world as a shadow. You have worlds that are the borderlands. You have the grey area worlds that are near you and influence you and you influence them. And you have that which borders (in sum for individuals here) those higher planes that are ruled by the spiritual, by the light, by the God forces in action – and for those who develop themselves it is but a step upward and beyond.
Q In reading 10-69, page 8, question 35, to quote, “The positive always overcomes the negative in actions, though the negative becomes the positive through the correct usage.” Could you tell us, please, what is correct usage of the negative?
S Correct usage of the negative is to see, truly see, through the eyes of the spiritually uplifted person that all things are from God and God is correct, God is good, God is love, God is positive. The negative then is the positive and all things are one with God.
Q Then it isn’t righteous anger or punishment of criminals or children or things like that?
S All things have their places. All things are as an individual would see them be. That which is the positive force of God can never be negative for the negative force created by God is positive. Negative force created by humans are illusions.
Q In 10-58, page 6, question 12, “those things that you do, asking, or knowing, or feeling that you will be rewarded, will become as that which is the boomerang.” It was my understanding that when you do something good expecting something in return, you’ve already gotten it, but can you give an example of how a good act can boomerang?
S A good act is, even as given, God in action. When the action of the individual, regardless of how God has worked through them, is seen for gain of that individual, the opposite will happen to the individual. For this is law. You cannot be a channel of God, a working partner with God and be selfish. God is not selfish; the partner cannot be selfish. The instrument can be selfish, and this is the difference. God would work through anything. It does not make that thing holy. Those who take upon themselves the reward reap that which is the judgment, for they have then attacked the Holy Spirit. For this is the God in action; this is that which has been spoken of in the Scriptures as those who turn aside from the Holy Spirit, those which abuse the Holy Spirit, those which deny the Holy Spirit. Even though they work miracles, they have denied God, though God may have used them.
Q In 10-123, question 13, “Who are the kings of the east?” The last part of that answer seems to be rather murky, and I think part of the problem is our punctuation of it but I wanted to ask you if we could divide that last sentence into two parts reading, quoting it, “The kings of the earth are retribution and reconciliation. That then is the balance that man meets in the final stage where mankind faces the kings of the east and in accepting both may yet be saved. . .” Could we put a period there or a semicolon and then go on and have the last part read, “in declaring themselves away or from the kings of the east then follow that which is the last step to the beast.”
S Semicolon.
Q Semicolon there?
S Question.
Q In 10-86, page six, question three, (and this might be from curiosity but it is very interesting) to quote it says, “For the thymus, the seat of love, is then a keyboard that strikes the proper note – not the key of C or A (which is choice) but that which re-vibrates through the system. . .” Is there a proper note for all mankind or does it differ from person to person?
S Both.
Q Is there a key of achievement? The other thing was, it (10-114, page 2, line 20) speaks of a melody of achievement. Is there a key of achievement through this melody?
S Oh, yes.
Q What is the key to achievement?
S The entity will know when the entity has achieved. You play upon the harp, on the strings of the heart, each and every chord of life. And from those chords come that which is the melody. Yes, for all things there is a key. Keep working, have faith – and you will play a beautiful tune.
And now we give that which is love and light and the word. And the word is faith. Go forth, even as you would find courage, into new places, new destinies, new things. Though others may frown upon you, know this: God is ever aware of you as an individual. And as those individuals go about their business for Him and in search of Him, care you not what others may say about you or of you or of those things which you believe or attempt to do. Even though you may be alone on your pilgrimage, your passage, or in that which is your new phase, remember, in reality, you are never alone, only separated from your brethren. For God is always aware of you, the Christ is always within you, and the Holy spirit is always feeding you. We give that which is love, blessings, and peace. We are through with this reading at this time.