Questions to the RAM source about the Cayce readings and the work of the A.R.E (Association for Research and Enlightenment) : most of the members of the Core Team were dedicated members of Search for God study groups, and several had been students of the Cayce readings for many years. At various times during the giving of these readings members asked about passages from the Cayce readings or the work of the A.R.E.. The topics were wide ranging and usually prompted by the topic or subject matter of a particular reading being given by the RAM source.
The document titled “RAM material referencing Cayce” includes a series of readings and discussions that reference the teachings and readings of Edgar Cayce. The material covers a wide range of spiritual and metaphysical topics, offering clarifications and further insights on Cayce’s teachings. Topics range from the Adamic race, body-spiritual connections, creation, diet, prophecies, and interpretations of biblical scriptures, emphasizing the link between the RAM teachings and Cayce’s work.
EARLY RAM READING, 1-27-71, Q 12-13
Q In one of the previous readings, the Forces [the Source] referred to the A.R.E as a steppingstone. Could this be clarified?
S The A.R.E. is a steppingstone for those who would reach further. For the A.R.E. is that welcome mat that brings into the fold, or collects those, who in tum would bring others through the door to the blessing that the Father has laid before thee–and the Son, thy Elder Brother, has blazed the path. For the A.R.E. is that which as advertising is to products. So, it is to the spiritual way. For there are many ways, but one ideal, which is put forth well in A.R.E., that would lead people and as a steppingstone or as a ladder leadeth upward to greater paths. Make no mistake–there are those who would, and will be, content to stay at the door, or near the door, for various reasons. But there are those who must go farther, must go higher, must find a way. A.R.E. is their starting point.
Q Is there another organization that one should be directed toward, after having been an A.R.E. member for many years?
S No. We find, as in the case of the questioner, that a broad understanding of all that is presented (whether the individual accepts or rejects; but an understanding, appreciation of what others put forward), the thoughts, the ideas, the actual steps that others use, the methods–should be made aware of, that many in A.R.E. (or such as self) tend to reject, push aside, or not pay proper attention to–or, “Edgar Cayce never mentioned this or that, or gave backing to this or that.” For there are many things that were not mentioned; many things that are parallel; many things that are good. For you see there was a lack of time; not specific questions directed in certain areas that could have been answered. The A.R.E. serves its purpose to you and to others. There are those, though, that must question, must rise higher, must find more.
RAM READING 10-19, 9-20-75. Q 2
Q (197’s) asks, “In promoting the mission of the core group through other groups and individuals who accept the validity of the Cayce information, are there Cayce readings which could be quoted which would help to establish the credibility of the current channel’s information more quickly? For instance, are there specific predictions regarding the present channel and his work?”
S There are but let us say this: For those who believe, they will seek, and they will find. For those who would have God will know inside of selves. Let them then turn this way. For how many that would be swayed, only because there was written before this or that, are worthy then. For those who have faith and seek with inside of themselves, with the information given, finding validity, they will know. For it is in the search within self and the faith that comes from that which is the knowledge that pours forth from inside of self that will lead those who will follow, to follow. Ever has it been such. Ever will it be. It is in the selection. For if it were not this way, who would have accepted that which was Cayce, his work, and that which came through him? For where and whom would they have used to substantiate his work, see?
RAM READING 10-62, 6-9-79,
Q 1 (A question about an introduction to RAM publications)
S It is written that when you were a child, you thought as a child. And when you became that which is a man, you thought as a man. And now become spiritual and think in the spiritual way. The introductions to any material should follow this thought: not to prove a point, not to prove reliability, not to awaken curiosity, not to name names, but to appeal to that which is the truth, or the spiritual conditions of mankind. For in other works, as seen from here (to be exact in that as the best example, Cayce), much is always written, either at the beginning or mostly at the finish of material, as to the extent of the readings, the naming of names, the applause. This was correct and good at that time. However, it is not for man’s mind to weigh, to judge, to argue God. But it is for the spirit of man, the soul, to recognize that which is truth. Therefore, if then, an introduction should be in this vein: that the soul will judge. For you must understand, the soul does have movement. In the past (until now), others and yourselves have in your way appealed to that which is the intellectual mind, the searching, questioning mind. But now the truth is to be given to that which is the soul force making itself known, then, through urges and desires in the subconscious to the conscious level. For any other way, now, then, is to be as given so often in days of old – that there is but one way to the Lord. Heretofore there has been that which is the direction, in reverse through the mind, through the subconscious to the soul. And now, even as He, the Prince of Love, the Lamb, overturned that which was the traditional thinking, so then you must overturn the traditional approach in this type of material. For those who would find in this material and related material, the Lord’s way will be made known to themselves by their soul force. For truth is truth, God is God, and mankind cannot understand either.
Therefore, an introduction should be simple, should only state that which are the principles of the reading, rather than arguments, rather than that which are measures, as justified as they may be. For no longer is that acceptable.
RAM READING 10-11, 7-27-74, Q 7,
Q The Cayce readings are said to contain the statement that the “work” would not flourish nor meet its goal until the “Arizona group or contingent” developed it. Could you give us the exact statement and number of the reading in which it appears?
S Not to be at this time. It is close at hand at being found. Much consternation, much provoked thought, much fear, and yet to be found and later to be used–not by selves, but by the finders, to justify the existence and the saving of face in coming forward to meet this group, and others, through the reaffirming of that which was the purpose for the formation by Cayce, and that which came through Cayce–to be extended, to be known the more.
Q Is this [RAM] core group the counterpart of Study Group 1 which wrote the Search for God material based on the Edgar Cayce readings?
S Not counter but culmination, see? For they came as the opening of the door, laying the ground, for that which is to be now. Therefore, though others have failed, though others have not done what they should have done, selves are now, then, that which must do. Therefore, be about thy Father’s business, understanding the magnitude, the power and the honor. But remember, he that is first will be last. Be humble.
Q Is the purpose of the platform (the return) a continuation of what was called “the work” in the Edgar Cayce Readings?
S This is true. And what is the work? Even as given earlier in this reading: To become that which brings the harmony; that the melody of the spheres may come together, bringing that which is the harmony, the melody, the music that is the path, the guidance, the light, for the Prince of Love, the Son of Man.
Q Are similar groups all over the world working on this?
s This is the group. There are groups doing divergent things, but this is the group that must bring harmony of thought, of understanding to the others. For there will not be interference from this group in others; but understand that the word will go forth that they may consider that they may accept–seeing that this is no harm to them and understanding, even at the soul level and the mental level, that this is the word of good, this is the word of the Coming. For why has the Roman Catholic church riled and rared at others? For fear of losing its position. Why does (205 – ARE) strike back at those that it sees as challenging? For fear of losing its power base and its identity. These are but examples, for all do this. That is why this group must find the peace of mind within selves and become one. Without the harmony, selves cannot be the corpuscle within the body of God–but will be pus within the body of God, to be riddled. For without the threat to others, why cannot others accept? There will be no fear–only a chance to achieve and to grow greater.
RAM READING 111-1, 6-21-74, Opening comments
Q Can you tell us what is the significance of the R-A-M in the platform–in what (as) the channel received in meditation prior to this reading?
S RAM, the platform–not even as that which is as God, but even more. for that which is as Ram, or the meaning therein of the awakened spirit within man; reaching up to that which is the spirit in God and thus making the contact to spread among mankind, to bring forth that which is the Word. This is the meaning of Ram. This is the meaning of God. This that which will be as the name for that which ye will establish.
RAM READING 10-17, 6-22-75, Q 46
Q In answer number three of Edgar Cayce reading 262-49, given July 9th, 1933, the Source stated, “soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, ‘even as ye have seen Him go.’ ” Is this channel the one referred to?
S Even as a voice, crying in the wilderness.
RAM READING 10-14, 2-22-75, Q 12
Q Should we start anew, or should this work be a continuation of Cayce’s work?
S This is the culmination of the work. This will be that which is builded upon. And what are the building blocks? Patience, love, virtue, faith, all in one, all that is positive. But the greatest building block is that which is harmony. Without it nothing can be achieved. Look not back at other’s work (though take in mind it is the material for thy use) but look forward. For this is that which ye would build for Him who is thy Lord and Master. Even as that work was as the beginning–so this will be as that which is the ending, in His day, in His choosing. Look not for tomorrow, or the next day, or the next day, for His coming is in His time, not yours.
RAM READING 10-29, 4-8-77, Q 38
Q Do we ever have a right to withhold some of this information from individuals who really do not defend the truth even when they are aware of it?
S Has there not been given: “Cast not thy pearls before swine?” And in the understanding here, it is available, even as this has been available since the beginning of time. But how few have used it. How few have sought it. Seek, then, those who self would know, those would come to self in truth. Give them the information. But that which is the intuitive within self, make that which is the choice — not judgement, but choice.
RAM READNG 10-8, 4-12-74, Q 48
Q With reference to indexing, would there be any advantage to using the subject headings already chosen for the Cayce material?
s That would be acceptable.
RAM READING 10-29, 4-9-77, Q 44-45
Q In reading 10-26, 12-26-76, Q 5 the Source has said, “His people are these people who have been those who believed in the Law of One.” In the Cayce readings the Law of One usually applied to the time of Atlantis. Through the time since then, has the Law of One meant anything other than the belief in the one God?
S This is that which promises: a Savior will arise to lead that which are the people who believe in one God, one path, one light, one Savior, one ending, one being, one universal –the Law of One.
Q I thought there was more than one path, that every path would lead into the same path.
S All paths lead into the one path, to the one ending of one God.
RAM READING 10-14, 2-22-75, Q 33
We were told by a young man doing psychic research, and who is traveling over the country, that there are thousands, well, suppose it is only dozens, of psychics throughout the country doing readings indistinguishable from Cayce’s, even to the frequent use of the word “see.” Could you please comment on this?
S Oh yes. This is programmed. Many can read, and remember, and the subconscious uses it. But know them by their fruits. They may pour out this. They may pour out that. But look to that which is the healing, look to that which is the prophecy, to know. Look to the fruits-the long-term fruits rather than that which is so easily given. For there are many who seek. Remember, accept that which is the vein as given in Cayce, and look to them in question who do not say that Christ is the answer, or who do not say turn to yourself. For that is the key. For if they glamorize themselves, then they are not of that which is the Holy Order.
RAM READING 10-131, 8-5-84, Q 8
Q The Course in Miracles appears to me to be a strong reinforcement Of the Cayce and Ram teachings. Could you please reconcile the seeming discrepancy in that in the Course in Miracles the Holy Spirit is presented as a personage, and we see it as a force or vibration?
S Remember, all teaching have their place in the growth of individuals. There are many individuals that may not accept that which is the Christ or God or the Holy Spirit as forces, as thought, as love, but must personify, but can advance in other areas. This is but one teaching.
RAM READING 10-11, 7-27-74, Q 20
S (In answer to a personal question for 114 concerning his part in The Work)
. . . However, the entity is to use that which is the knowledge and background, especially of that which is the channel, Cayce, to bring to bear on others that which is the message that comes as RAM–to be used as same.
RAM READNG 10-4, 11-10-73, Q 13
Q Would it help the group to have (114) show Cayce’s extracts and give comments on prayer and meditation?
S Yes, for the Source here was as that which is good, the instruction, that which is helpful, and much is to be learned from that Source, from that entity, or that which flowed through that entity.
RAM READING 10-11, 7-27-74 Q 65-66
S If you will get into those which are the readings of Cayce, there is a good explanation of the four basic desires. It would be good for each and every member here to begin to reread Cayce again, if you are not doing it now. For, remember, it is the door that opened the way for this platform to succeed. Know your basis and know your Bible – only a couple here do.
Q When you say to read Cayce–could you be a little more specific? What books do you suggest?
S Well, begin with the Search for God books. Especially study that which is the Revelation, as done by Cayce. This is a good start—if you can wade through those. There are all kinds of materials here. Begin to understand. Pick up a book here, or a reading there. Read one reading and go over it and try to envision what it is; and then bring the questions here to this Source that we might go over them ourselves and help you understand that which is given.
RAM READNG 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 36
Q When our group, Search for God group, finishes Book Il of The Search For God, would it be better to study Cayce on Revelation or Cayce on Attitudes and Emotions, using Jeffy Furst’s book as a textbook?
S Either would be suitable.
RAM READING 10-28, 3-26-77, Q 10
Q Is the version [of the Lord’s prayer], given by Cayce, correct or should it be modified in any way?
S It is correct. [Found in Search for God Il, page 39]
RAM READING 10-11, 7-27-74, Q 29
Q The material given by the Edgar Cayce readings was not satisfactory unless it was requested by the individual concerned–except in the case of children or unconscious patients when it required request by the responsible party with correct motives. Should we take this to mean that the channel should not undertake to do readings for people who have not requested them for themselves?
S This is correct. For you see you have taken their free will away and interfered with their thinking, their choices. And woe unto you when you do this, even unsuspectingly—for you reap what you sow unknowingly. This is that which causes turmoil and turbulence within self and much time sleeplessness when entities could not understand why. This is an interference with the basic right of each entity that enters the plane: to choose for self what self will do.
RAM READING 10-11, 7-27-74, Q 52
Q The Source has stated that there are certain words to accompany the breathing exercises that are preliminary to meditation. Would the Source please tell us what these words are, what they mean, and how they are to be used?
S You have the ability! Read Cayce! He gave it!
“CAYCE READINGS” – Clarification/further information:
RAM READNG 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 61
Q This question is for (217). She would like to know who are the spiritual beings referred to in the [Cayce] A Search for God study on Spirit as “the sons and daughters of God, offspring of the Adamic race”?
S There are those who are in the earth, though not of this earth, being explained here as that which are more the spiritual forces who have come in, temporarily housing themselves in that which is or appears to be as male-female humans that are those who would loosely be called by many religions as angels, but not so. More as entities as selves are, and yet not captured or conquered by that which is the spirit of the flesh, but are directed by the spirit of God and freedom the more. They are here, then, to direct those who have been more misdirected.
RAM READING 10-18, 7-26-75, Q 47
Q In the Edgar Cayce reading 1472-2 it states, “There is the mental body, the physical body, the spiritual body.” Would you please give us an explanation as to what the mental body is?
S All that contains the thoughts, the conscious mind, the subconscious mind and, even to an extent, the superconscious mind–though it is that which is the tie between the spiritual body and the mental body. In short, all that has ever thought and does think.
RAM READNG 10-17, 6-22-75, Q 35
Q Is the creation, as related in Edgar Cayce material, and written in the Trilogy on Creation by Eula Allen, true?
S It’s true as any entity would have it be. As we look into that which is as the past, yes, it’s basically correct. There has been some freedom of interpretation and some manipulation of that which was given through the readings–to satisfy certain peoples’ outlooks, both consciously and subconsciously, from that time into the time of the writing. But basically, it’s correct. But remember, it’s all as each individual would have it be.
Reported vision of Cayce clarified
Q Could you tell us what was happening, then, when Edgar Cayce appeared to (627 – Esther Wynne) and said, “Get out of that bed, there’s work to be done” and she died two hours later?
S Well, first of all, it was not Edgar Cayce. It was that which was the interpretation to the entity that it was time to be on the way.
Q Our Search for God study group is currently studying the chapter on Desire. In the Cayce reading 262-60, it gives the following affirmation, and I quote: “FATHER, LET THY DESIRES BE MY DESIRES, LET MY DESIRES, GOD, BE THY DESIRES IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH.”
In the Ram readings it says, “Desire, in itself, is wrong.” Please clarify this seeming discrepancy.
S No discrepancy. For when you give yourself up to that which is the will of God you have no personal desires. You express that which is God’s expression.
Q Is there an affirmation which would be more applicable for use by the study group in studying the chapter on Desire?
S Of course. But next week it must change for the success of the first and each following time it would change and change. For you see, do not become as one tracked onto a certain thing. And this is what is meant by the heathens in their prayers reciting many times over and over those things which are absolutely meaningless. Only meaning can be applied to a progressive self. Therefore, that is why you have been given meditation. Your meditation is that which progresses self. Each entity, each individual, must find his or her way. You have a source within you that is beyond that which is measured in affirmations given through any source. For you have that which is the tie-in with the God Force within, the Christ, that will change each and every need, each and every service, each and every thought, if you would but use it. Then, if you must cry out, if you must seek, use this but only for the short time, the beginning:
Q 69 says, “Desire, in itself, is wrong.” Please clarify this seeming discrepancy.
S No discrepancy. For when you give yourself up to that which is the will of God you have no personal desires.
RAM READING 10-154 4-12-86, Q 1
Q In our Search for God group there is confusion about forgiveness. We have a new member, a young man, who is asking if he may be told what it is and how it works.
S Total forgiveness is that which is the glory of God or that which you would call grace. There is forgiveness, that which overlooks the actions and the actions to come of an entity or a group. That is the second. There is a third: forgiveness of that which each individual sees as forgiveness for themselves or to others. Then there is that which is the primary forgiveness which goes out to others first, forgiving them for what they have done to you whether it is in actuality or only that which is the mind shadows. Remember, forgiveness, in the long run, is forgiving yourself for the mistakes you have made, for the misadventures you have incurred, for that which you have done which is astray from the path, which then leads to the acceptance of God and your value to God, which in the long run or the final run becomes that, then, which is the grace of God, which is total forgiveness of all things and the acceptance of the individual as that which is above this earth, beyond the returning to this earth, and indeed upon that step which is the god in creation.
Q On the subject of forgiveness, should we be thinking of and declaring both ourselves and all others innocent?
S You have no right to declare others innocent. You have the right by the glory of God and in the manifestation of Jesus the Christ amongst you to find that in yourself; but you can never declare anything for another. You may be the steppingstone, the helping hand, the light, the hope of others. You cannot erase; you cannot condemn; and in truth, you really cannot ask.
RAM READING 10-18, 7-26-75, Q 13
Q Edgar Cayce said that one day the world would come to recognize the value of the “lowly blueberry.” Could you elaborate on this? What is the value of the blueberry to humanity?
S Here is that which assimilates from all other foods that which is their highest qualities and negates the negative, if you can understand that–you see, putting aside those poisons, those non usable items that are found in other gains especially. This is why blueberry, or blueberry flour, mixed with other grains, other cereals, bring out the higher qualities and will give you a greater quantity of energies, proteins, minerals, et cetera.
CAYCE – DIET/ORANGE JUICE and Golden colored foods
RAM READNG 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 15
Q Could you please comment on the orange juice diet, as given by Cayce, as applied to member of this group?
s For most members, this or lemonade diet is correct.
RAM READING 10-12, 8-24-74, Q 43
Q In Edgar Cayce’s material, he linked the elements in seafood, particularly conch and oysters and crab , and lobster and shrimp to the question of longevity, as does this new diet. However, Cayce also mentioned the gold-colored fruits, peaches, apricots, yams, et cetera, that have the gold color, and said that they were high in this life-giving process. Do these fruits contain this nucleic acid? Is it something they just have not reached through yet? (114)
S The acid is contained in that especially of the skins of these. But the understanding here, you see, is also the color. For the color vibrates to that which is love and love is ever present, ever living, for it is God. God is eternal and forever. Therefore, that element is attuning to even to that which is the deeper senses within the cell structures themselves. That is why so often in those diseases gold is a curative, for it brings that element that is knowledge, or awakens the knowledge, within the cells themselves, individual though they may be, the cells themselves. Be careful, though, of those elements especially in the seafoods now that have contaminated the seas, that have contaminated the beasts of the seas, even the conch, et cetera, even that which are the fruits on land, for much elements in the atmosphere, much elements in the water, have tended to dull or destroy the life-giving qualities of those foods so named.
RAM READNG 10-17, 6-22-75, Q 34
Q Was the reading interpreting Edgar Cayce’s dream of being a young man in the 2200’s, born on the shores of Nebraska (which fits with this [Abrahamsen’s] map), was this a prophecy or was it symbolic–this dream?
S It’s both. It is what is to be. And this is what might be rid of through the proper actions of mankind. You see, it will be after that which is the Prince of Peace has established Himself once again in the earth. Not as people would understand it to be–but in His time and place.
RAM READNG 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 52-53
Q (211) has had problems with the book he is writing on the question of Egypt. It is so hard to prove the statements that Cayce made are correct–and science maintains that they can prove, that the Great Pyramid was built by one of the later Pharaohs–and is completely out of phase with what Cayce said. Could you comment on this?
S There is at this time several “digs” that will help authenticate that which is given. But the greater being found within a two-year span from now, where much to be found that will bring to light more evidence to substantiate that which was given through Cayce.
RAM READING 10-18, 7-27-75, Q 29
Q In Cayce reading 2067-11, Q 6, it was stated that Mary was not immaculately conceived. However, in Cayce reading 5749-7, again Q 6, it says that Mary was immaculately conceived. Could you please comment on this?
s Oh yes. The body was not immaculately conceived, but the mind, the mental conditions and the spirit of that entity, or the force the entity showed, was immaculately conceived.
RAM READING 10-111, 9-18-82, Q 46
Q What is the difference between spiritual and metaphysical interpretation as given in Cayce reading 281-31?
S Ah–spirit is of God, to God, with God. Metaphysical is that that deals with this plane–a spiritual meaning; with this mind–a spiritual meaning; with this body–a spiritual meaning. It is as a link to the true spirit when you mention metaphysical.
Prologue to Luke
Q What did Cayce mean when he said, “From now on you can accept Luke as correct”?
S Because, you see, there needed to be the basis of understanding before Luke could be seen as correct in that which was given to them in the understanding of the real Bible, the real religious situation of the day, and prior to the day of that which is given in Luke. For Luke, you see, begins in that time when you find the word first given to Elizabeth, and the conceiving by that, or of that, of the messenger which is essential to the understanding of that which is the Immaculate Conception, and that which must occur within yourselves before you, too, may find the correctness. Can you understand this?
Q In reading 10-26, Q 10-11, we were given the date of Jesus’ birth in our present calendar as being 3 A.D. In the Cayce readings it was given a several times as being 4 B.C. Which is correct?
S Both. It depends as that which ye stand and see it as, see? Closer to 3 A.D. in that which is as time is counted now. That which is seen before, through Cayce, first was as the Gregorian and secondly (and third time) as to that which is by distortion of time as is seen through this plane. For this plane is the time plane and those within the time move at different speeds. Can you understand? Each entity of the billions of entities that live upon the earth plane, develop and move and exist in different time patterns. Therefore, if a reading is given through an entity that adjusts to a certain time pattern, it is apt that ye will get the distortion that the entity lives within rather than a strict, straight rule line. We are now looking at that which is more as, or the greatest possible, through this channel, as to that which is the straight, strict line, or as close as it can be computed through this entity.
Q There were also different dates, months, and days, given for the birth date through Cayce. I presume this applies to that. Can you give us a closer month and date of His birth in our present calendar?
S The closest as that which we can give that has application through that which we have explained is as January 5-6, approximately midnight going into that which is one minute into January 6.
Q This is the period that has been recognized in lots of legends. There is a legend that the cattle all bow down at midnight on January the 6th – an old, old legend. Does it stems from this?
S Correct.
RAM READING 10-33, 7-31-77, Q 35-39
Q Cayce said there were two brothers and one sister [of Jesus]. Is this incorrect?
S This is correct. There were other names or, as you would call nicknames, more, used for the brothers, the sisters in the community. Called by relatives by one name; called by the family or the close relatives by another; and by the community by another. Still is a custom in parts of the world that are as the Holy Land or bordering them. The people, you see, at that time, had that belief that lingered on from prior religious understandings, that to be called by the true name called attention to self of the demons. Whereas that which is called by another name, not given at the religious ceremony or by the naming by the parents, was to lead the demons astray, who could only work their demonry through the use of the correct name.
Q Could it be given which of these names are the same person, between, James and Joses, and also Simon and Judas?
S James was known as Simon quite often. The girls were quite often as Lydia and Barbara.
Q What was the name that Jesus was given in His family?
S Yeaode.
Q Were there two sisters, then?
s Two sisters, correct.
Q Cayce gave information that there were two brothers and one sister. And her name was Ruth.
S This is correct. The one known as Barbara was as Ruth. The one who was taken into the family, and sister, not by birth but by raising, is Lydia.
Q In another reading of Cayce it was stated by the Source, that John the Baptist was in charge of the White Brotherhood. Is this correct?
S At that time it was. You see, there are (it is not like a council, like a senate, with a leader) there are those who serve in different capacities. But the overall structure of the Brotherhood is to in purpose and oneness. There are those who become leaders temporarily for those things to be done – sometimes one, sometimes another. At that time, once again, John Baptist had had, or was having a turn.
Q Then John the Beloved took over the duties from John the Baptist?
S For a time, yes.
RAM READING 10-107, 1-9-82, Q 6
Q This is a quote from Edgar Cayce’s reading 1598-2. “John was written by several, not by John who was the Beloved, but the John who represented, or was the scribe for John the Beloved. And as much of same was written at different times and combined some fifty years after the crucifixion.” Was John, the scribe as here indicated, male or female?
S Female.
RAM READING 10-108, 2-6-82, Q 19
Q As I remember the Source stated some time ago that there were two female writers of the gospel of John. Edgar Cayce refers to several Were there other writers of the gospel of John besides Mary of Bethany?
S There was a stable of writers, but those which were the most important have been given. It is as those who were the assistants; were the ones who checked for errors, made sure that the manuscripts were correct, that in case of controversy in that which was written, that they had their notes to present. They were more as those which you would call stenographers today, keeping the type of shorthand notes to fill in for that which was given at the time. Also kept records of surrounding dates, et cetera, of that which was the recording of the statements to be made into that which were the scriptures.
Q In the Edgar Cayce readings it states that John the Beloved was the last and youngest person to become an apostle of Jesus. How old was he when he became an apostle?
s Seventeen.
Q In Cayce reading 281-16 the statement was made [concerning Revelation 1 :9], “the Beloved, then, was banished to the Isle [of Patmos] and was in meditation, in prayer, and communion with those saints.” Now, when was John banished? This was approximately eleven years or less after the crucifixion?
S Less. The banishment, though, really was in its real meaning the banishment from that which is the world as you know the world to be. For John concentrated then on that which is the spiritual, developing and following that as closely as possible as given to him by Jesus the Christ. John, even at a great age, you see, had practiced and practiced and yet fell short–even through well-chosen and well-founded and honest and true in the use of that which was given to him. For you see, all fall short the glory of God. And yet, as He gave, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Therefore, the resurrection and the life was brought to John by the choosing of the resurrection and the life, which is Jesus the Christ, that He then could give to you and to all that which are the means of achieving, even as John was given those things that would lift you up to the stage of revelation.
Q So John banished himself?
S This is correct.
Q In Cayce reading 281-16, when it mentioned that when John was in meditation in banishment that he was “in communion with those saints who were in a position to comprehend the needs of those that would carry on.” What was meant by this?
S These are those that have gone before, that have raised themselves up to a point that they may go beyond and yet hold in those environs about the earth and in the earth plane itself, ministering to that which are the spiritual, physical, and mental needs of those who would search, who would find the Way, to make, then, the answer to prayers that are of choice for them to concur with, and are outside of the angelic host’s workload, and perform same.
Q Cayce says that, in each life, our body is made from the same elements every time we come in?
S Yes. But in this case the entity, because of the process that is going on with that entity’s being, borrowed then – which is different than the normal set of rebirth, you see.
Q So his normal set is what he dissolved, or what was dissolved for him, at age fifty-seven, in the life that he knew the Master. Is that correct?
S That is correct.
Q Where is John’s reconstituted or reassembled body now?
S In step six.
RAM READING 10-17, 6-22-75, Q 3-5
Q Reference the answer to the first request in Edgar Cayce reading 3976-15, which was given January 19, 1934. His first question is, “Who and where is John Peniel?“.
S We have that again, yes. Should have been clarified at that time…John exists. John walks and talks at this time. John is an individual to be used and made known, made public at the perfect or proper time. What is John? John is that which is the light. John is that which is the spreading of the light and the word. For even as that which would be, in case, more pi-neal (and pin’eal) body as that which is one step–from what? –that which is the center, or the Christ itself that which Jesus represented in the pituitary, you see. This, then, is the light and the awakening that comes before the Christ return.
Q Is he an aspect of the entity who was John the Beloved, in a manner analogous to (110 – the Channel) being as an aspect of the entity who was John the Baptist?
S Correct.
Q Is he a well-known religious leader and when will he declare himself?
S Not well known. Not even classified as a religious leader. Will be made known at the proper time–through the acts of the Holy Spirit.
Ram Reading 10-43, 2-25-78
Q A question was formerly asked about whether the first four apostles were brothers when the Master was Joseph. The Source said this was correct. In the Cayce reading 3976-15, Halaliel spoke of the intended return of John the Beloved in 1936. He said, ”Hence that one, John the Beloved in the earth, his name shall be John and also at that place where he met face-to–face.’‘ Many have thought the last statement referred to John the Beloved having been Jacob. Would the Source give us the correct meaning here?
S Well, you have aspects involved here, which complicate an explanation. How do you explain the light diffused in a prism to those who cannot understand color? There is a reference here, yes, Jacob; yes, John. But only partially so. For it had to be a fulfilling of more than one duty, one aspect. Though there was a warp within the time and a change, John did not come in 1936 as planned. For remember this: no matter what a prophet says, no matter what guidance comes, those things that are not destined by God specifically are changed, even as a prayer sent out to an individual, not needed or not acceptable at that time to the individual, still moves in a path where it unites with that individual in another time and place, making it correct. So that which are the prophecies given through Cayce and others sometimes seem not to be correct, and, yet, in their time, and place, and way, will be maintained and be correct. Even as given earlier in this reading, Judas needed not have been the Judas Iscariot. Another might have been. As given, several others could have been. And yet he fulfilled the purpose, though it was not directly his purpose. And those who could have, then had the opportunity, even as he, to choose at another time and place, if they, too, would be as a Judas, see?
Ram Reading 10-64, 8-4–79
Q The Source stated that Jacob was John the Beloved, but partially so. We were also told that Jacob was the 14th life of the Master. It is my understanding that Cayce said that Joseph, son of Jacob, was a life of the Master. May we have an explanation on all of this?
S Yes. First of all, remember all are one. Secondly, you live in others’ lives by their achievements. Joseph was the true life, where the personality that became Jesus the Christ was of the life, you see. ln question here is Jacob: is as a life that all must achieve. Jesus achieved the Jacob life in the 14th incarnation in this world. He was not the Jacob as you know Jacob to be in that which are the Scriptures. Each and every individual here has grappled or is grappling with Jacob Life now. Jacob life is overcoming, then, that which are the animal instincts, or being, or the natural man, or native man, even as Esau was, that selves may come to that position of understanding and manipulating, then, the mental man, and opening the door to the spiritual. For then Jesus, who was Joseph, who lived the 14th life of Jacob, or as Jacob, then came to that point ( the second seven) where the self, had to either fall away or go forward. This, in truth, then, is the opening of the door for selves. For then the Master of Light grappled with that which was self, overcame self, and began to use the mental to bring forth the spiritual.
Q Where does John the Beloved fit into this? – partially into Jacob?
S John the Beloved, you see, also faced the same, to become, then, also as the overcoming of the mental man, finding of love was essential – even as it is essential for each and every individual also to become as that which is John the Beloved, to make that entry into that which is the spiritual realm, that others may find light and love. It is one of the essential steps to becoming christed.
RAM READNG 10-111, 9-18-82, Q 46
Q In Cayce reading 281-16, answer 6, what is meant by “the little earth, the little soul?”
S The Little earth is that which is the speck in the cosmos, that which is thought to be the center of all things, that either can mean for you the spot you walk on, where you exist, or how you exist within yourself in this cosmos – the little earth, the little world. All things that are little pertain to selfishness, to the ego, to the material. The little self, the little spirit, the little world, the little being, the little soul–all connotates selfishness. The misunderstanding, the misunderstanding of purpose, of creativity, of others, of God, of life–all would be termed as little.
Q Why did the twelve maidens even have to proceed with the preparation period, as given in the Edgar Cayce readings, when it was already known that Mary was the chosen one?
S They are representational of twelve being three, that all things must be in harmony, or with three there is no balance unless there is harmony, two always going to one axis or one pole.
It must be in threes – representational of a people or an entire body being in harmony to achieve the goals or keep the goals in sight.
RAM READNG 10-46, 5-13-78,
Q 1 If I understand correctly, Jesus and Mary received the feminine and masculine balance from each other during the time each was in the earth. James and John had to have a feminine aspect from their master soul come into the household to bring this balance. In a given line of aspects, is this kind of balance also achieved by alternating the entry into the feminine or the masculine, when necessary, as Cayce indicated?
S This is correct, though normally one gender or the other is predominant.
RAM READNG 10-45, 5-7-78,
Q 65 In Cayce reading (1904-2) it is indicated that Mary fulfilled her physical karma by bearing three children by man. Did Jesus have physical karma to fulfill and if so, what was it?
S His physical karma was to learn to work with his hands and to do the tasks that are allotted to a worker, that the understanding could come. For He had never come before in form or guise of one who used the body–actually to do physical labor of any skill, or of any kind.
RAM READNG 10-103, 1-31-81, Q 5
Q There seems to be some discrepancy that we’ve been discussing from Cayce readings and early Ram readings: whether Mary Magdalene was the sister of Lazarus and Martha. It seems that the Cayce readings said so.
S This–yes. In–through that which is the assumption by Jewish law and upbringing, the entity was as the sister. But by actual birth, not the sister–was as spiritually brought in. For at that time, those laws were still in effect that those who were disposed by nature, or by that which was bereavement, were taken into, then, that which were the families of others, made then as blood and in-law, and in the eyes of the people were as family.
Q Then she was not the one known as Mary of Bethany?
S Biologically, no.
RAM READING 10-107, 1-9-82, Q 7-9
Q Quoting from page 76 of the book, Edgar Cayce on Jesus and His Church, by Anne Read, “Mary, ‘the other Mary’, Cayce says, was among the household of Zebedee as an aid to Zebedee’s wife, and James, John and their sister, Naomi, the younger of Zebedee’s children, were, in their early years, Mary’s charges.” Further it states, “Roael was among the sons of Zebedee, being an older brother of James and John.” It is further stated in the book that Mary, the other Mary, was the bride to the groom, Roael, at a later time. This was the wedding feast where Jesus turned water into wine. Is this version correct since there is another version Listed elsewhere?
S We have three versions. Is near correct, yes, correct enough to be called correct for your understanding. Other versions were as to that which were the needs to be shown through that which were those versions.
Q Regarding these other versions, did this come about as misunderstandings of those that wrote the books, where they supposedly quoted from Cayce or…
S No, no there were deliberate distortions for the needs of that time and place. For even those so entrusted often were, as now, led by that which were their own motive, ever so good and yet distortions all the same, to achieve that which were the end by their means and justified by rationalization within that which was the mental outlooks of the individuals.
Q Was Mary, the other Mary, later known as Mary of Bethany after the death of her husband?
S That is correct.
RAM READNG 10-108, 2-6-82, Q 1-2
Q The above information concerns an entity identified by Edgar Cayce as “the other Mary” who worked in the Zebedee household and married Roael, who was an elder brother to James and John. Later questions in Reading 10-107 concerned Mary of Bethany who was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. Were these two Mary’s the same entity or two separate entities?
S The same entity.
Q And so Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus was the one who was married in Cana?
S Correct.
RAM READING 10-108, 2-6-82, Q 26
Q An individual was given readings by Edgar Cayce and identified in a past life as being Naomi, sister of James and John Zebedee. Her name number was 540. May we have an explanation of this seeming contradiction regarding the two individuals both being Naomi, or later Mary of Bethany?
S You have, then, that which is the dualism, or that which is the approach at that time of the entity because of the abilities and that which was the makeup of the spiritual nature, or understanding of the spiritual nature even in that which is confined to the learning process that is of the human mind and body in conjunction with this spiritual nature. The entity was able then to learn in a dualism rather than a singularism that is so often necessary because of the denseness of that which is the understanding and ability to understand by the individual.
RAM READING 10-31, 6-26-77, Q 18
Q Why did Cayce tell us that if we meditated from two to three in the morning, facing east, we would harmony that we’d never known before? This is paraphrased, of course, but what was the purpose of one hour?
S The one hour then, here, you see, is more or less a preparation of same of the body. For most, that the word would go to, could not meditate but a few minutes, even though they think they are meditating. This is the relaxant. It is also, even as that which is by the number of six times ten-sixty, opening the first six of that which are as the endocrine systems or centers, which then leads [to] the opening of the seventh, or that which is the ten, meaning as that which is the God Force within self. Ten times six-sixty. As to that which is the time in the morning, it is the two-three time, meaning or giving that which is the five number – the choice. Also, that which is the overwhelming of the five senses. That, also, as the time of morning when most quietness is assumed to be about an individual, rather than the two-three of the afternoon series.
RAM READING 10-7, 3-10-74, Q 7
Q Considering the symmetrical, bilateral structure of the nasal passages and throat, how is it that breathing three times in one nostril and three times out the other–and three times through one nostril and three times out the mouth, (as given through Cayce) has anything to do with meditation?
S First, it is as priming of the pump, for so many have to be primed, see. Or even as a motor with a carburetor, such as most are familiar here with, must receive the first dose or load of fuel to bring forth in itself more to start. There starts in the body here in most entities, a flow correctly of that which is as the electrons, or the electronic movement in the body bringing forth a flow, you see, or that which brings from one side to the other–completing as a circuit would be completed. It is the beginning step for most to bring into being that which is as the correct or proper flow. However, most entities forget that there are words to be said, thoughts to go with, that which is as the breathing–even as shown in those reading by Cayce.
RAM READNG 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 49
Q Can the Source make a general statement concerning musical instruments? Cayce suggested that none of us should listen to saxophones.
S All brass instruments tend to pull from the lower areas. Those that are more of the harmonious are the woodwinds or those which are especially the stringed instruments. Be careful of the use of the drum, the tambourine, for they are also of the bodily rather than the spiritual influence.
RAM READNG 10-29, 4-8-77, Q 13
Q In the Cayce material there has been a problem in a lot of people’s minds because two people were given as having been Peter’s wife. Were there two wives, or were there two aspects of the same soul?
S Peter, the rock, lived through three wives.
RAM READING 10-136, Genesis 7:21-24
Q You mentioned in describing this process that we would have come to our remembrance all the things past. The A.R.E. is conducts workshops helping people to remember their past lives. But this seems to be being done on a conscious level. Is that what you are referring to?
S This is tantamount to using the incorrect key to force a lock or a door, destroying the doors’ locking system. Those that go into such things are similar to those who drink alcoholic beverages to induce themselves into a stupor.
RAM READNG 10-112, 8-2-82, Q 9, 15-16
Q Did not Cayce say that, in each life, our body is made from the same elements every time we come in?
S Yes.
Q Edgar Cayce said that the future of the world lay with the development of something equivalent to Christianity in Russia. What can we do as individuals to bring this about? What do we have to do as a nation to bring it about?
S When this nation truly bears that, as a majority, of “others first, Father, others first,” then that will be their gift as to the world and that which you would call Armageddon would be put off the more, that which is as the great war of the yellow horde would be dissolved, and mankind would then sit on that which is a new and great throne, presented as the opportunity of grace and love. And yet, and yet, it can be done. For as each individual gives self to God, so then that which are the concentric circles of love, peace, forgiveness, is manifested into this world, into that which are the forces of this world. And remember this: if you could measure good as to a drop, one drop of good would dispel an ocean of that which you would deem as bad.
RAM READING 10-18, 7-26-75, Q 67
Q Please give a comparative evaluation between the formula of peanut oil, camphorated oil and lanolin, which Cayce gave to remove scar tissue or prevent its formation–and the Vitamin E ointment, which I am told is developed at the Shute Clinic in Canada (by the Shute Brothers, M.D.), which has been effective in rapid healing of leg ulcers and bums, with minimal scarring. Vitamin E therapy was not generally available during Cayce’s lifetime.
S This is correct. The Vitamin E content, in that formula given, was found in the peanut oil.
RAM READNG 10-107,1-9-82, Q 29-31
Q On April 18, 1977, in answer to a question about the languages of the original documents quoting Jesus, the answer was given, “A variety. We find here Sanskrit, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, and some Latin.” Now, I understand that it was given through Cayce that Peter’s dictation to John-Mark was prior to his journey to Rome. Was this original dictation in Aramaic?
S It was dictated in two languages at that time, in Aramaic and in Greek.
Q And was it translated into Latin by John-Mark on the Rome sojourn?
S Yes, with the help of one Tiberius Antonius Marcus.
Q Any other languages?
S There was a beginning of Hebrew but not finished in same.
Q I will have to paraphrase this because I do not have the Edgar Cayce reading at hand, but there is one prophecy where he states something to the effect: between 1958 and 1998, the forty-year period, His light will be seen in the clouds. To the best of my knowledge there is no clarification in the readings as to what was meant by that. Can we know what that meaning was?
S There will be that which is the approach of what you might call a super-comet that is unlisted by astronomers, or those of the past also. At this time, it is in the making in that area that is beyond the planet Neptune. Whether and when it comes is determined by that which is the growth of the human ability to shed itself from that which is its selfishness and call in its need upon the name of the Lord–whether it be through that of the western religions, or eastern religions, or the general realization that there is a God, is an answer, is a truth, is a salvation. This does not mean that the majority of people upon this planet will ask, will call, or realize. It is for that dedicated group that are brothers in the search (regardless of names, races, creeds) call upon–not in selfishness but in love – for that which is the light of the Lord.
Prophecy and the Great Pyramid
Q This question is for (197). In the A.R.E. publication, “The Great Pyramid and Its Builders’,” by Lytle Robinson, it is indicated that the prophecy in the great pyramid ends in 1998. What is the significance of this?
S The significance is that the Son of Man shall walk the earth again.
RAM READNG 10-121, 7-16-83, Q 17-18
Q In Cayce reading 281-29, question 33 asked, “Are we correct in interpreting the 144,000 who were sealed as being spiritualized cellular structure of the twelve major divisions of the body?” And the answer given was, “Correct. And this is as of a man, and the name of same.” Would you please elaborate on the meaning “and the name of same?”
S The name of same is, then, the Christ, which as you would see it, is Jesus. For He is the man; He is the name that raise up, then, the 144,000 within you, within this world.
Q And the name Jesus Christ in the cabalistic form of numerology totals 144.
s This is correct.
Ram Reading 10-019
Q When referring to the return of Jesus the Christ in the Edgar Cayce reading 365-8, the Source said in answer #1, ”As given for a thousand years, He will walk and talk with men of every clime. Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a thousand years for this will be when the changes materially come.” Would you give more on this, especially where referring to those of the first resurrection? (185)
S Those who resurrect within the mind that are alive are the first resurrection. And those who resurrect again are those who come in, who have earned, who will resurrect, even as He has given them life to do and to be, as they have met and made the selection and overcome.
Q Is the 144,000 in Revelations pertinent to this, sir? (114)
S Not to the number of individuals, but that which is as makes up the spiritual centers of self.
1998: Appearance of the Liberator
Q The following is a quotation from Edgar Cayce’s reading #294-151. In speaking about the great pyramid in Egypt the Source said, “It was formed according to that which had been worked out by Ra-Ta in the mount as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this particular solar system circles in its activity, going towards – what? That same name as to which the priest was banished – the constellation of Libra, or to Libya, were these people sent. Is it not fitting, then that these must return? As this priest may develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of a liberator of the world in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998.” The statements contained in this quotation have puzzled me, as well as many others who have read it. Could we be given more on this so we can understand what it means?
S Bring forth the question on the statement, or parts of the statement, that trouble you.
Q Well, in the first place, as liberator, it would seem to me that that would apply to Jesus and not to Cayce.
S All using that which is the Christ force may give to others that which will give them the key to their liberation. None can liberate another. This is as giving the key to someone locked behind bars. It is for them to use. The term could be used as liberator or turnkey – what have you. But it is up to the individual to open the door.
Q On the last part does it refer to the Master’s return in 1998 or Cayce?
S The Master of Life and Love.
RAM READING 10-113, Revelation 3
Q Does this refer to the same thing that the Cayce readings gave about the secret teachings that were hidden away and would be found at the right time? Is the arrival of the Master again the right time?
S This is the correct time, yes.
Q Is there any significance to the name John, Jane, Peter, Andrew, Bartholomew, Thaddeus, Rhoda, and Hannah, listed in the Cayce readings 281-31, answer 1?
S There are many, many meanings as spiritual meaning, metaphysical meaning, physical meaning, and as personalities, and as acts, and as parts of the body, and as thought patterns. Too much to delve into at this time, but, yes, there are meanings there.
Q Since each name has all these various meanings, does this incoming soul play any part in the choice of the name it bears during its incarnation?
S Oh, yes! God has given the individual that freedom of choice. This is a choice plane. Therefore, as you come in you have a choice which, unless there is a variance with the purpose, the individual is allowed. Every incarnation is a link in that chain which becomes, then, a musical thing that becomes you. For when you learn your true name you are no longer of a substance that can be understood by the physical. You are in that which is in the realm of music, of electricity, of thought, of essence. We can’t explain it.
Q Then somehow the soul must influence the parents when they choose the name.
S The soul doesn’t, no. But there are other forces – quite often angelic force is at work here – though there are stubborn parents.
Q Is that the reason some people will change their name because their parents have been so stubborn?
S Oh, yes, or their state of being has changed and they change their name for a new page to be turned. This is also opportunity, or at times disharmony. Individuals warp their purposes, by freedom of choice in this plane, to the negative (or as you would see as the negative), or to the positive (as you would see it) for gain, regression, whatever of choice, too.
RAM READING 10-98, 11-29-80, Q 16
(John 15:16 “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you”)
Q Does the choosing by Jesus go back to the first entry in the earth plane, as the Cayce material calls it, the Sons of Light?
S Yes. For as even you would understand programming, there are those who freely chose to enter and to be, those who fought their way through, that those given the opportunity might see in others an alternate way of doing things, not being caught within the earth planes; that all have the calling, all are seen as friends if they but turn to that which is God, through that which is the opportunity of Jesus, through the Pattern as given, through fulfilling the promises, and becoming one, then, you see. But it is a choosing, ever is a choosing. Would you be a friend of God, a friend of Jesus? Then follow the Path regardless of that which is the physical-mental world’s acceptance of you.
RAM READING 10-13, 12-4-74, Q 68
Q Did the early Essenes have a counterpart to our Source and the channel?
S They did at times. These were called prophets.
Q Do we continue with working with Search For God groups as one of the bases for this preparation?
S Yes. For there shall be continuation not only among these peoples but other peoples as the work, as the light, as the message, grows bolder, grows stronger. It cannot be repressed, but to spread among that organization as it did in days of old from the Essenes to those others who believed, who became as the followers, as the disciples, as those who were Christians first, see?
Q Do we continue with working with Search For God groups as one of the bases for this preparation?
S Yes. For there shall be continuation not only among these peoples but other peoples as the work, as the light, as the message, grows bolder, grows stronger. It cannot be repressed, but to spread among that organization as it did in days of old from the Essenes to those others who believed, who became as the followers, as the disciples, as those who were Christians first, see?
RAM READING 10-23, 6-12-76, Q 37
Q Are there a lot of souls in the existing A.R.E. study groups that were Essenes before the birth of Jesus, that are back to help with this work?
S There are some here, there are some among those which would be termed the Eastern belief or path. We see several prominent Buddhists, that are in the country, as Essenes of quite influential beings at other times.
RAM READING 10-86, 7-23-80, Q 15
Q Is it possible, really, to live that way in our society today which is so intellectually oriented and requires these? We don’t have the community existing today as the Essenes did with their 400 years of preparation.
S Yes. By choice you can. We would enlighten you further when the time comes, but we will give you, even as has been given before, if you would read [John] 14, 15,16 and 17 as given by Cayce, or through Cayce, and study it. For here are all the answers to the question you have given. It is the promise and the promises of God the Father, God the Mother. It cannot be denied. They will not be rescinded. It was spoken for you as each individual is. And we will enlighten you on those promises, phrase-by-phrase, sentence-by-sentence, promise-by-promise, love-by-love. It is your hope. It is your cross. It is that which will lift you up and carry you forward. It is your resurrection. It is your heaven. In short, it is Jesus Christ giving to you the love of God. If you doubt that you can live in this world today because of those forces, as we see them, of negativity, of world thought, selfishness, then read that which is given.
RAM READING 10-29, 4-8-77, Q 56-57
Q Did Cayce make the statement that He made all the souls and He made no others?
S Correct.
Q Is there any reason for us to know how many souls there are in total?
S You cannot count the amount of souls. There is no number even in the googolplex that can be used into that which is the understanding of the souls, the aspects of same, and the truth of personalities, or the true personalities or true beings.
[GOOGOL = 1 followed by 100 zeros
GOOGOLPLEX = 1 followed by a Googol of zeros]
RAM READING 10-118, 5-14-83, Q 8
Revelation 9: 1
And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
Q In Cayce’s explanation of a great star falling from heaven, (that was in reading 281-31, answer six) he mentions a one- third portion of the bodily activities. What is meant here?
s It is meant that you face only part of those things which you have done, positive or negative, at a time. For none can face the totality of the missed accomplishments, or the accomplishments, of the tours within this earthly system.
RAM READNG 10-69, 12-8-79, Q 43
Q In the Cayce material the Lamb is given as the seeker, symbolically on one occasion, in contradiction to the shepherd who is the person who understands and is aware. On the life seal given to this group, does the Lamb represent Jesus, or does it represent us as seekers?
S Both. For Jesus was the ultimate seeker, and ye must become as He.
RAM READNG 10-129, 6-16-84, Q32
Q In reference to Revelation 22:17, the Cayce symbology gives that the spirit and the bride meant the union of self with personality. What did they [the New York group who compiled the Cayce “Revelation” study] understand the overself to be?
S Their name for that which is the spiritual charge, or that which is the Christ force, or that which is the higher state of the individual’s soul force.
RAM READING 10-14, 2-22-75, Q 6
Q In the Cayce reading number 622-6, reference was made to,”that he may be made ruler, not only over the five senses but the ten kingdoms, in God’s own way.” What are the ten kingdoms referred to?
S This includes that which is the galactic, or that which is all experiences of mankind in the earth plane, and in the heavens, and in that which are the galaxies, the universes, the cosmos itself. That which is all the experiences–all the planes included.
RAM READNG 10-28, 3-26-77, Q 18-19
Q This, [Matthew 6: 19-20] then, ties in exactly with the verse, “He who climbs up some other way is a thief and a robber?” (John 10:1)
S Correct.
Q And Cayce said, “to thyself’? (thief and robber to thyself)
s Correct.
RAM READNG 10-118, 5-14-83, Q 28
Q In reference to Cayce reading 281-32, would you clarify his explanation concerning Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, in relationship to the emotional, physical, and material forces.
s They may roughly be compared to the forces that you find in this earth, or this earth plane, or that which is, astrologically speaking, the fire, the air, the earth. You have the creative force, the active force and then in that which is the Christ, you see, that which is, or is the personal god, or that which you become. As that which was explained by Cayce was given for a specific group, for a specific time, it has, then, the connotations for the overbearing needs of that group.
RAM READNG 10-26, 12-26-76, Q 19, 35, 22
Q Cayce channel stated that one of the wise men was from the Zoroastrian faith and one was from the Hindu faith, and one was from a third faith. Is this correct?
S This is correct.
Q Were there more than three wise men? I have a hint recollection that Edgar Cayce readings state that there was a second group that came, a third, a fourth, and some from India. Is that correct?
S Not as the Magi themselves. They were wise for they were disciples of those who preceded them.
Ram Reading 10-158 7-19-86
Q Edgar Cayce, in a reading for his grandson, (401) said that (401) should never be known by anything except by the full name. He is now being called C.T. – we are informed of this. Is this going to affect his relations with (205 -ARE) and with the effects of (205) on the world?
S Are rather the effects or countereffects that have already been put into practice which mark the change. The change here, you see, is the structure of the melody or that which is the harmony. Case to be understood is: you no longer have the same song when you have changed the harmony and especially the melody. In this case the ends are deviated from that which have been the means in the past and therefore you no longer have that which is as the same. But the variation has come from a greater amount of time. As in all things there is a beginning and an ending.
RAM Reading 10-6, 1-19-74
Q Thank you. I received a letter from (130) in answer to the letter I wrote where I received guidance through this channel. He evades the question of cooperation and appears to be primarily influenced by the question of money involved. In other words, no cooperation is possible because I would receive funds for lecturing, which would go to some other organization. In order to comply with law and God’s will, is it now necessary for me to do anything more in this regard or can I just forget it? (114)
S We cannot tell you what to do. We can only suggest as we see fit. Forgive thy brother and proceed on that course that thou would find as best for self, rather than taking it once again to that one. It is very possible as the forces exist at this time that that one will come to you in a compromising situation to avail himself, his organization, the power that is, to be used by self or to be co-used, see. For there is doubt, there is personal struggle, and yet in the good of this one and the organization the entity represents, there is an awakening to the situation in the world and the heeding of the word that comes from various channels, various places that the critical times are upon this race, this people, this world. Pray then that this one will be about his Father’s business and you see that ye are about your Father’s business and all will be well within self, within the organization, within the world.
Ram Reading 10-13, 10-4-74
130- Hugh Lynn Cayce
205 – ARE;;
Q I would like to ask for a dream interpretation (which took place) on the morning of November 27, 1974, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Several members of the core group, in this dream, were gathered around the bedside of (130) who had been stricken in Phoenix at the start of the seminar scheduled in Phoenix this weekend, December 5th and 6th. In the first dream we were gathered around a hospital bed in a circle and included in this group was (206) whom I had invited to join us for this healing circle. (206) was standing at (130’s) head and I was standing at his feet. Both of us were channeling healing energy to the patient, whereas others in the circle were channeling through us. This was late Friday evening. (130) had a complete recovery and continued with the seminar all day Saturday. Does this have any symbolic, or would you just please give me an interpretation? (131)
S Yes, we have that dream, or that revelation. First what is (130) but (205) as it is now? (205) that is sick; and whence comes the source of renewal? But through this which is the culmination of that which are the purposes that (205) was founded upon, see, making it whole through the administration and the ministration of this group. As to that which is the second revelation the entity had, this deals even with the physical nature of that entity which needs much love, much help to reconstruct the destruction of the body cells. This entity has been going much in pain and doubt recently through that which is the physical nature of self, needing renewal, needing help.
Q After waking and remembering that dream, I returned to sleep and had a second dream where the same theme was repeated. (130) was in his bed, this was then in a hotel or motel room, not in a hospital. A doctor was present and had just ordered an ambulance. In this dream there was no circle, and I did not see (206) present, although other members of this core group were present. Again, healing energy was channeled through this questioner and an immediate recovery was experienced before the ambulance arrived. Was there any significance other than re-emphasis? (131)
S This again is reinforcing that which comes, before the ambulance can take the body physical and of the (205) and the body spiritual of (205) and that entity in the physical so involved away, that this group with thoughts, the prayers, the guidance can correct that which is the illness that lies within. Not by criticism, but by love, by understanding, forgiveness, patience, and wisdom.
Q One more question to follow up on that. Did my physical orientation at the time of the dreams, with my head toward the west, feet toward the east, have any influence on dreams, and if so, what? That’s not my normal orientation. (131)
S Rather than a help it was disruptive to the entity. However, there was for this entity to be a message-bearer or receiver of the thought that this group, even in the expansion of the group, may begin to send those thoughts of reconstruction, of love and understanding and also by word and action of spreading the truth, or the understanding of the truth, to clarify that which came through the source of Edgar Cayce, to be understood the more and used the more practically than has been of late.
Q In an Edgar Cayce reading, 440-2, given in 1933, question #9, the person asked, “Do you advise a trip to Arizona this winter?” The answer to that, the Source said, “Be very good and especially if you will seek some of those stones that may be found in some of those portions. For this country is full of those things in which the body is interested in these directions, lapis lingua.” Later in the reading, he questioned what the stones were, and the answer said “Lapis Lingua. It is blue.” Is the reference here to blue turquoise?
S This is, yes, this is correct. See, turquoise, well, has a varied, many varied stones called turquoise throughout the world and through past. There was not, you see, the term turquoise in that time, which were the ancient times where the lapis was used quite lavishly for any blue or purple stone – or even dark blue.
Q In the work readings of Edgar Cayce it was said that “just as Paul will enter in -with the work.” (254-53) (1931) Has Paul entered the work? (114)
S Not at this time. (1975)