RAM Spiritual Group Narrative - The BeginningThis document recounts the origins of the RAM spiritual group and its connection to Edgar Cayce’s teachings. It begins with the intriguing story of Frank Adams and Roger Braden in 1967, leading to the formation of the RAM group and the subsequent spiritual readings and instructions. The material covers the evolution of the group’s spiritual work, including significant dates, instructions from a higher source, and the focus on preparing for the Second Coming through the understanding of biblical texts.

This is the story behind the group and source known as RAM.

In late 1967, Frank Adams, who at the time was living in Tucson, Arizona, received a phone call from a man called Roger Braden. Frank Adams was a long-standing member of ARE, had been the ARE camp director for 10 years, had lectured for the ARE extensively throughout the United States and Great Britain, and at the time hosted a Search for God Study Group in his home.

Roger wanted to know if Frank was the go-to guy in Tucson for all things Cayce.   Frank said yes, he was and asked how he could help him.

Roger said that he needed help and advice because he thought he was going mad.

Frank invited him over to his house and the following story unfolded.

Roger, a schoolteacher, agnostic, ex-marine, and artist, had been sitting at a gathering at his home with several members of his wife’s church having dinner. Several of them were students of the Cayce material and were discussing the Readings. As Roger listened to this strange discussion, he thought to himself “you folks are full of it: at which point a voice, that only he heard, said – “no, you are the one who is full of it.”

A few days later while sitting in the bathroom, two elf-like characters appeared in front of him. He asked what the heck was happening, and they said that they had been trying to get his attention and that this was the only way they could get him alone and get his attention.

They then proceeded to tell him that if he lay down and went to sleep (into a hypnotic trance) he could give readings like Edgar Cayce.

Later he asked his wife who he should talk to about this Edgar Cayce, and she recommended Frank Adams.

After hearing his story Frank agreed that it made sense to find out if those “beings” were right. But first he asked Roger to do a few things to change his life and attitude. Frank asked him to start reading the Bible, pay attention to his dreams, reduce his liquor consumption, change his diet, and begin to pray and meditate. After a few months they decided they were ready. What unfolded were readings that sounded like and were remarkably similar, in quality and content, to the Edgar Cayce material.

A small support group of ARE study group members was formed to record, transcribe, and manage reading requests that had begun to be received.

For five years readings were given to individuals for physical, mental, and spiritual concerns. Then on September 22, 1973, at the beginning of a reading for a woman in New York, the Source said that the woman’s reading would be given the following day. The reason given was that the current source, the superconscious mind of the channel, must give way to a higher Source, for different purposes.

The higher Source, which later identified itself as “The Paschal Lamb,” proceeded to give instructions for a group of eight (and later 12) people, including the channel, to be formed to work together to support the channel; recording, transcribing, and praying and meditating while readings were given. The purpose of this new work was explained as:

“A preparation of the hearts and minds of people for the time of the Second Coming.”

A question was asked, later, if the Source of the readings changed from time to time. The answer was, “At times it differs. At times it is as the highest level of selves, the superconscious of selves blending and molding. At times ye have that which are the messengers that come through. At times ye have Life Itself. Who is the Source at this time? I AM the source, thy Brother who was with thee at the beginning of all things and before they were made, who has loved you from the beginning and forever.”

After 25 preparatory work readings the Source informed them, that a new direction was be taken: compiling that which would be as “the understanding of the Testaments, beginning with Matthew.”

From December 1976 until March 1986 a series of readings were given for the following books of the Bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Revelation, Acts and Genesis.

The group transcribed, edited, and organized the material. Matthew has been published in bound book format. John is available in comb binding manuscript format. All the readings have been digitized and are on a drive. Audio recordings of the rest of the readings given to individuals (reel to reel, cassette, and DVD) are in storage for future transfer to digital format.