Revelation 17: Babylon's Fall and Divine Judgment UnveiledThe document provides a spiritual interpretation of Revelation Chapter 17, focusing on Babylon’s Fall and Divine Judgment Unveiled; the allegory of Babylon, the great whore, and the beasts, exploring themes of spiritual fallacy, divine judgment, and the call to purity and truth. It delves into the symbolic representation of moral and spiritual decay and the ultimate triumph of divine principles over our individual (physical and mental) earthly corruption.

RAM Reading 10-124 

Channel – Prayer 

Oh Christ, through Thee do we approach that which is the throne of justice and mercy, of light, of love, that which is God, asking that the wisdom, the knowledge, the instruction, that is proper and good for us. Be here, for we fully know that it is through You, God, that all goodness comes – not from us, but from You. And now we ask in the name of Jesus the Christ that your Love and light show us the way and help us that we may be as Your children in this world. 


It is a time of cleansing, a time of clearing, a time of being. There are those that fear the word ‘cleansing’. It connotes to many that which is the burning, the flame, the rending of the body and mind. And yet, the cleansing is that which is the gift of love, of mercy. It is an opportunity. It is that which gives the individual, the group, the nation, the peoples, the hope and the ability to find that which is the threshold, to push upon the door that it may open. For cleansing is that which is joyous and wonderful, rather than that which is traumatic. It is in that which is the attitude, the understanding, that makes the difference for those that are initiated into the way, the truth, and the light. So let that life be as your life. Let that light be as your light. And follow His footsteps on the path. For He is the just One, the completed One, and in Him is your salvation and your peace. For without cleansing you may have none of these that are as the rewards of God. Therefore, look to that with anticipation. Look to that which is the glory. Look to that which in all of itself is the cleansing 

Revelation 17:1-2 

And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, “Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.” 

S You have that which is as the gift, that which is as the freedom of choice, that which is Babylon, that which is the great whore. For as the gift, there is that which is choice, and those that have chosen as to the selfishness or that which has worshiped the earth mother must cleanse and clarify that which is the gift, that the choices may be as to that which is of the Lord. 

Revelation 17:3-4 

So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 

S This is that which is the ego, which has made the choices, which has bowed to that which is the will misused. This is as He that was the Deliverer as He went into the wilderness for those forty days and forty nights, as He saw His own temptations. There must you be and face the ego and its choices in its freedom – and repent. 

Q Please clarify the statement, “There must you be.” 

S Even as he said, “Lo, I am with you”, so you must be with Him. As you become closer to that which is the Christed, you become closer with the entity which is Jesus, Jesus the Christ, that became as the Doorway. And then act as the Christ or He that was to be christed and feel the emotions, understand the events, and see through the very eyes of that One, or the man of Nazareth. For as you become one, you become one in that which is the spirit, which is far greater than that which is the emotional or that which is the physical or mental being. Even as the individual is an individual, you are one with that which is the thought, the spirit or that which is the Creative Force Itself. And in becoming one, the experience is as one and you then know what was given, what was attained, and why. 

Q Does that mean that you actually experience the illusion that He experienced as well as the perfection? 

S You are one. 

Q You are saying that we are participating in some manner in His experiences in the….. 

S You become as the being. You become one, connected mentally, physically and spiritually to the wants, the needs of that individual at that time, through that which is opening of the path. Even though you remain as the individual that your are and have become, you, through that which is the spiritual nature of seeking and attaining, become one with the sacrifice, one with the attaining of the Man of Nazareth, the Nazarene, Who overcome that which is the temptation of the physical-mental man 

Q Will this experience take place in the same environment and surrounding, time and place that it took for Him? 

S You will be one in His experience, one with the Man, one with the experience, one with the time and place. [10-125] 

Q What is the significance of the seven heads and ten horns? 

S This is the significance of both the spiritual and mental being choosing that which is the ego way, the selfish way, that which is of non-God, but the choice of man-god, being that which is a substance of the earth, or the earthiness, or that which is as the desires of the flesh and of the mind rather than that which is the spiritual. For He, Jesus the Christ, overcame same in the wilderness that you must face as an individual in yourself before that which is the throne of God, in the time as we speak of here as the judgment on self in that which is the revelation or the crucifying of the selfish self. 

Q These ten horns – can they be related to any aspect of the ritual and symbolism of the Roman Catholic church? Are there any ten precepts in the church that fit this?

S We find several as presented both in that which are the stations of the cross and that which is as parts of the Mass. 

Q Will you please explain the colors which are mentioned in those verses? 

S You have those colors which are as the blood of the martyrs and that which is the power of the Lord within, which is as purple, be flaunted, misused by that which is the beast. And yet, they are correctly identified, for the individual must bring forth that the self may be martyred and the glory of God may come forth. Therefore it is partly that which is of the selfishness or the taunting as the ego would see it against the spiritual nature. But, as always, that which is the negative must come into that which is the flow of the positive or there can be no life. 

Therefore, once that which is the negative brings forth to the positive that which is as the sacrifice and that which is the spirit, the negative, or that which is neither positive nor negative, but that which is the neutral force, as is a must for that which is the positive, then to adjust itself into the balance or that which is the vibrational field that will bring forth the orbiting of self about that which is the central spiritual figure of this plane, that which is the Christ or as represented in Jesus the Christ or perfection. 

Were there to be both positive and negative balance there could not be an achievement to that which is the orbiting of the spiritual, even as you would see a satellite such as that which as your moon orbiting that which is your planet, which must orbit that which is the sun. Your must have a negative balance, or a neutral balance rather, to proceed correctly in either that which we have given as the object of the less or that which is as the model. 

Q Would this tie in, in any way with the atomic or atom? 

S Yes. 

Q How is the positive-negative balance similar to the atom? Would you please clarify. 

S In the atomic, or that which is the atomic and the particles, subparticles, what have you, you have that which is as the binding force or that which is the stress and that which is the strength, or the tensile strength, of the atomic mode itself. You have that which is the play of force upon force, always that which balances or counterbalances the force or movement of one particle toward the other particle having that which is the central attraction or core as the finding or holding place as you would see it, for that which is the outward force, centrifugal force or those forces of expansion as the atomic particle would be seen. 

Then you have the counterforce or counterbalance pulling away from that which is the pulling inward or the sustaining force as seen within the atom as that which is the spiritual nature of the atom controlling that which the physical, or in the case of humans, physical-mental being of the atom. For each atom that is found within the particle that is as the human system, which is contained within self as systems, is that which is the force or balance of the mind, with the material and the physical force controlled by the spiritual center or nucleus and its beings. 

Q What is meant by “its beings?” 

S Within the nucleus and the sub particles of the nucleus (which in themselves are worlds of their own) lie thought forms and thought beings, constructed by self, by the angelic host, and by the Prince of Love, to populate the worlds of self and self’s being. 

Q When you go down to the subatomic area, according to the so-called scientists, they are not able to deal with is as they are the larger cosmos, because the laws seem to not apply. That is to say, things do things on their own. Is this because this is reaching a point approaching the spiritual? 

S This is correct. As to that which is measurable and that which is not measurable, there is a threshold. You have a bounce back effect in this, you might term, gray area of measurement. You have the forces crisscrossing and becoming one or the other as is necessary at that time. For the material can be spiritualized even as Christ Jesus spiritualized His being to become that which is the seventh plane that other may find the way, find the path, and circumvent that which is the time and space concept. 

Q Then the subatomic will never be able to be brought in with the so-called laws of the cosmos that the scientist are familiar with?

S “Scientists” change their laws and understanding of laws as necessary. There is the influence of the spiritual upon those who seek deeper and deeper to delve in the why and wherefore of that which they would find erratic and not to their concepts of action-reaction. For they are not schooled as they should be, and yet as they approach this, for the greater amount of scientists will come the greater knowledge of spiritual that they may become one with science, as they see it, and one with the spirit, as you see it. For this is the hope of mankind – to understand their world as material and their world as spiritual, finding the balance and the use of both at the same time. 

Q Does every cell in our body have light at the center of its being that is the real life force? 

S All that is self is light. We have clouded your world, which is yourself and your cosmoses, your cosmos, which is self, by the deeds that you have committed. And in that day of judgment comes the unveiling of that which is the light. For those who would be about their Father’s business there is the glimmer here and there of light through those chinks, those cracks, that self has discovered or has forced into that which is the shroud that covers self. [10-126] 

Q In the balancing – this is to take those atoms that are in balance and not those that are radiating and disintegrating? 

S This is correct. For even as the example given as that which gives of the particles of self, or as given, as life of the atom or that which is radiating atomics or the loss of electrons, even as protons and in some cases the neutrons themselves. This is that which are the forces of destruction as found within the human nature or the mental condition of the human nature, shown in a physical form in the atom or the balance of the atomic structure or series. 

Q Is there any relationship between what we were describing from the physical standpoint as compared to what it might be in the spiritual?

S Yes. As seen from another plane without that which is the haze or the force of that which is the physical nature, the material being, where only that which is of the finer wave length or vibration without that of that of the density of the material plane, or material world, whereas you are controlled truly by wave lengths or light which is in itself an extension of God through that which are the hosts, or those hosts, or being on that plane above the physical plane or the material world. [10-125] 

Q Since in the human the atom holds the nucleus together, what is comparable in the spiritual? 

S Nothing that you can understand. If you would take that which is an energy cell, battery, that puts forth the beam of light through that which are the proper connections and circuitry to that which is a bulb – in a loose way you have the spiritual connotations for your question. The spiritual realm is not comparable to that which is the physical, or even the mental realm. For though your mentality is held into that which is the physical body, it is not held by that which is the atomic force in itself or those forces that hold the material in its grasp. For can you close your hand upon a thought or upon light? And yet they exist, even through the hand, through the flesh. For they are not as that which are in itself, or is in itself, the material. For you have essence in the spiritual which match, to a degree only, the essence of thought and the essence of light. For light may be measured, studies, labeled Without the essence that cannot be studied, labeled or measured. Light could not exist. For life is the essence in light. Therefore, all particles of self have light. To be devoid of light is to be devoid of life. In the spiritual it is life that hold the spirit together. And what is life, but God. We can give you no more concrete measure than this, see. For it is unmeasurable in your plane. 

Q May I ask, in this connection, does this explain the understanding and the communication that results when two people make eye contact? 

S Kindred spirit or the surfacing of that which is the web of brotherhood, sisterhood, humanhood, is first cousin to that which we have given. For first you must understand one to understand the other. [10-126] 

Revelation 17:5-7 

And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. And the angel said unto me, “Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.” 

S This is, in simplicity, that which is ignorance at play. For in ignorance has mankind arisen and in ignorance has mankind proceeded. For in ignorance man has turned away that which is wisdom and knowledge in the spiritual nature of things. Therefore, this concerns your personal ignorance in the series of lives and events that are leading to that which is the opening of wisdom and knowledge to you, by choice, even as you have chosen in the past to be ignorant. So now comes that which is the freedom of choice again in the overcoming of the darkness that the light may be in all things that is you, all things that have been you and all things that will be you. 

Q Did we choose to be ignorant consciously? 

S You came in as babes in understanding, in feelings, in abilities and therefore ignorance is but that which is a tool of learning. 

Q Why did John have a great sense of admiration? 

S Because he admired that which he saw in himself as the overcoming, you see, of that which is the ignorance, having learned the lesson of ignorance, that of wisdom may have meaning and in this he saw God’s plan. God’s love, and understood. 

Revelation 17:8 

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 

S The beast that was, is not, yet is. This is the illusion. This is that which ye have chosen. It is, but it is not. It has been, but never was. For God in His love and mercy, even as He abolishes that which is ignorance, abolishes that which are the illusions that you have built, that you have built through these eons of time, false construction. We have dealing here in that which is facing your destiny and realizing, faulty as your past may seem to you, as fraught with that which is desolation, untruth, pillaging and sorrow, sickness, hate, and evil, that it is as one, or they have become as one – a lesson learned well, overcome, passed by; the illusion is then gone and the light of dawn is upon you.

Q Whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world? I understood that everybody’s name was written there, that God was not willing that one should be lost. 

S Illusion is written there. Those that are of illusion, that have created illusion, are but illusion and gone. Therefore not one soul is lost, only illusion. 

Q And the beast that was, is illusion or ego, uncleansed ego? 

S This is correct. 

Q Then the ‘is not’ refers to the ego cleansing or renunciation? 

S Absolutely. 

Q And the ‘yet is’ represents the cleansed or purified ego. 

S Which is the true ego. 

Revelation 17:9 

And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 

S You have the raising up in yourself of the understanding of even that which is illusion, has been illusion, which sits in the form of karma upon the seven centers of your own body (even as that which is the mountain climber surmounts the peak). And in your world the peaks are that which are ego. For no greater ego can be found than those of the western world that climb for that which is the unfurling, and not of a flag, a banner, upon the peaks, but of their names, their egos, even just for themselves. 

Revelation 17:10 

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 

S You have the overcoming, you see, or the understanding, or the cleansing of that which are the five lower centers to that which are your two higher centers, leaving you in that which is a limbo, to say, before that which is as the last center is overcome. For even that which is your karma is as located in the seven centers and once overcome you are no longer of this plane. 

Q In verses ten and eleven, in the superficial interpretation, does this refer to the – well we will say kings or rulers of Rome? 

S As was understood at that time. 

Revelation 17:11 

And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 

S In overcoming the seventh and cleansing the seventh, you open up that way which is from the false heaven to the true heaven. For that which is the eighth level as the beast does not exist and cannot exist and therefore is subjugated to that which is the cleansing of the seventh center – which gives you the optimum approach to that which is God, or that which is the eighth level of being. 

Q I’m not sure I understand the meaning of ‘perdition’. 

S For each individual there is a meaning. For some it is that which means of the lowest or the term of that which is as of the earth. For others it is as the opportunity or that which is the overcoming or that which is the gift of love or ability. Perdition has not a long history as you verbiage is concerned but it is of that which is of diverse meaning from the times more of that you conceive as Middle Ages rather than even as the time you would see as the Man of Nazareth’s time, in the form of the Greek. 

Revelation 17:12-13 

And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast. 

S This is simply the mind, put together by that which is the will, in subjugation to that which is as the beast or the ego or the misused intellect, not yet becoming true intelligence. Therefore, you have that which is the strength of the beast or the ego, or of the earth plane or, as it was, that which was the worship of the earth mother, being that which is the subject of the will’s way with the mind force in this plane.

Revelation 17:14 

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful. 

S You are called today, as you have been called from the beginning of creation. For you are part of God’s plan. You are that which must be, will be, and are, that which is the army of the Lord or that which are followers of the Light, that which comes from diverse locations, diverse natures, diverse experiences, but with one mind (and that the spiritual mind) of being the child and servant of the Lord. 

Revelation 17:15-16 

And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. 

S You have the awakening or the cleansing of that which is the body itself, the mind itself, and that which is the cleansing comes from the spiritual awakening. Therefore, in its nature, must destroy that which is the misuse of choice, now and in those times before. 

Revelation 17:17-18 

For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth. 

S The freedom of choice is always that which reigns over this earth plane. How you make your choice has been given in times of old — that you must either choose God or the devil, that you and your house (which is your body, your mind, your thoughts) must choose that which is God. Remember this: as you are now is an illusion. You are the past. Become the future through that which is the wisdom of choice by choosing whether thou will go, whom thou will go with, and where you are headed, by your choices having been made. 


The message is for those who would listen: the Lord thy God is indeed one Lord and His name is Wonderful. Open your eyes to that which lies about you, but more to that which lies within. You need not a spokesman. You need not an intermediary. You need not that which are pleadings. You need only cleansing. And what is cleansing but turning to God through that which is the Christ within, that the stupefying illusion of self is wiped from the mirror, that your image will no longer be darkly seen, that which you would have is life and life itself with joy beyond understanding in the choice, through wisdom, of the cleansing. We give you peace, love. We give you the light and the means of cleansing through that which is the hand of Jesus the Christ, stretched forward to each individual that it may be grasped and the cleansing complete.