This document is a spiritual and metaphysical interpretation of Revelation Chapter 2, focusing on Symbolic Meaning behind Messages to the Churches; Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, and Thyatira. It explores themes of spiritual awakening, divine guidance, and the consequences of spiritual actions. The text delves into the symbolic meanings behind the messages to the churches, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness, repentance, and spiritual discernment.
Revelation 2:1
Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks;
S This is the search, guided search, through yourself for that which is the raising up, that you, too, may be as John and find your island, that you may seek and search, that you may touch the Christ Who touches the Holy Spirit and touches God.
And now we give to each and every one of you that which is love, that which is blessing, that which is the fullness of the resurrection, the promise, the word. Children, be at ease. For the sword cutteth not those that have the faith, that have the promise, or the Word. Follow then. Turn not aside – though the world is one of temptation, for if it were not, who would earn the way, and who would glorify the Spirit, and who would honor God? We give our love, our blessings.
RAM Reading 10-111
Prayer – Channel
Father-Mother God, we seek to see and know Thy face and to honor our Elder Brother, Jesus, Who has given so much for us. And though we have gone astray, dear Lord, we ask for Thy love, Thy help, Thy direction, that we, too, may assume the role as He, Jesus, that we may lighten His load as He has lightened ours. We thank Ye for listening.
He is the Peace, the Way, the Life, and the Light. He is the Strength, the Fullness, the Goodness. He is that which will lift you up, mark the path, and bring you forth, to fill you with that which is beauty, grace, and holiness. For He is the Word, the Jewel, the Strength of God within, without, and around. Hear now, then, the Word as the Word is given. Find you God within your neighbor, within yourselves, that the truth may be made one with all and the harmony and the melody may be as one.
Q In the Tibetan Book of the Dead they refer to a state of illumination beyond meditation that they call “bardo.” Is this what John called the Island of Patmos?
S Correct.
Q I have in my hand a book, A New Age Biblical Interpretation of the Old Testament. Is this of value to this group? Could we benefit from reading it?
S To a degree, yes. Remember, it is the essence of the Bible that is important in itself to all groups, but also remember that as you grow, you by-pass these things, and deal totally on that which is the spiritual level that you are receiving at this time.
Q Then this is still at the high intellectual level?
S This is correct.
Q Is the word “AUM” the root from which “amen” was derived?
S Yes. You perceive that which is the attuning of the body through that which is the vibration of that which is next to being musical. For music is so close to God, or the interpretation of God’s thought, while electricity is so close to being the description, or the closest description physically, you can have of God.
Q Why was Revelation originally written in The Tongue, rather than in a more popular language?
S For that which was preservation in itself. Look about you at those works of literature that have passed through the human tongue or the popular tongues of nations, and how radically they depart from that which was their original meaning, their original intention, their original flow, their original thinking. To preserve that which is the word, it was kept in that which is The Tongue. For in that which we designate as The Tongue, there is but one meaning for each word, not the multiplicity of meanings you find, say, in the average language for individual words.
Q Is the Tongue available as a language anywhere today?
S It is thought by that which you would have as the White Brotherhood, not spoken so much as you would understand “tongue” to mean, or be, amongst the peoples of this plane.
Q Is it written anywhere in this world?
S Oh, it is written but it is not at that which is your disposal. It is in those inaccessible places that will be at the time of the return, then, of the Prince of Love and Peace, Peace, Peace. [10-113]
Q It seems that John the Beloved knew beforehand that this all-important revelation was going to be given to him. If this is so, would you elaborate on events that led up to it?
S Even as you began your search through the years, or years ago, and made progressive steps, so did John. Even as you began to understand those things that came to you, whether they be by word or deed, or through the intellect, or that which is as the spiritual messenger, so did John. Even as you may detect that, at times, which will occur to you, or follow the directions that come to you, so did John. John, then, being that which was as an individual highly organized in that which was the search, individualized in that which was the love of God, appointed, then, by that which was Jesus of Nazareth, enlightened, then, by the Christ Force, so John knew.
Revelation 2:2-3
“I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name’s sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.”
S This is the awareness. This is, then, that which calls to the fore (and as are so often given as angels, and truly they are your guiding angels) that there is an awareness within yourselves (not only in God’s creation within and without) of what is right, what is wrong, and what to follow. How many of you really realize that an angel can dwell within you, within your very being, that you are in the process of creating angels, that in the ultimate time of grace you have legions of angels at your beck and call? For that which you will turn into angels and are creating as angels are those good thoughts and deeds – the works. Therefore, that which is God working through you becomes then an angelic force of the future. And since there is no time when you realize what and who you are, when you have received grace and the awakening, behold! you are flooded with angels and you hear the song of songs, even as you heard the stars sing at your creation.
Revelation 2:4
“Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.”
S As an individual, as that thought processing machine (as you might call your brain, your intellect, your mind), you have deviated from a path. One way or another you have realized that which are the carnal, the earthly forces. But, though God is aware of you and Christ is aware of you in their ways, and the Holy Spirit is aware of you as an individual, you have the right, even though there is an awareness of the negativity of self, you have the right to overcome. This is the message of the resurrection. This is the message that is eternal. This is revelation.
Q What is the first love that we have left?
S God.
Revelation 2:5
“Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.”
S If, on that time of remembering (which is your awakening), you were to be torn from God (which is your remembrance from whence you came), you could not exist, you could not be. If you do not remember, you will return. And yet your mission, your fullness will not have been accomplished. Therefore, as you search, as you try, as you give, and live, you earn that which is the remembrance, which is that which will give you, then, the opportunity, the right that is yours, to gaze upon the face of God. You cannot conceive, you cannot feel, you cannot know what this means. It is a reward beyond rewards, a goal of goals. It is total joy and fullness. Believe! It is worth it.
Q Is one step towards this the remembrance of past lives?
S Oh, all things are a step towards it as you awaken, whether they be the remembrance of past lives, whether it is the seeing, the feeling, the awareness of God each day, whether it is the understanding, the empathy of others. See all as that one more rung on the ladder, one more knot on the rope, one more door that is ajar.
Q What are the first works. Is this loving the Lord?
S The first works, yes, loving the Lord by beginning to know that truly others come first. It’s easy to mouth and it’s easy to believe that you understand what “others first” means. Note this: there have been those prophets who broke the rules and ways of God, yet through them came the very word of God. Why? They knew, truly knew, that using themselves as a conduit for God meant “others first.” Where they could have, you might say, bargained, pleaded, begged, cajoled, for their own remittance of sins, begged for God to correct them, give them the strength to overcome their earthliness, they put even that aside to say, “Others first, Father. Don’t even help me; use me only because others need me. Not my salvation, not my resurrection, but for others, Father, others.” Do you know the magnitude of what has just been said? The man, Jesus of Nazareth, knew; and in so doing overcame the world, though it took lifetimes.
Q This is very close to the Bodhisattva, is it not?
S Ah, yes.
Revelation 2:6-7
“But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.”
S The Nicolaitanes control many churches, at this time, who wish abundance and preach abundance for their establishment, for their various projects. They are hedonistic in their way. They are the carnal forces, the materialistic forces that guide churches, governments, et cetera. For the value of the work of God is not collecting money to buy this, to support that. It is in the works of the hands, the works of the mouth, the works of the mind, the works of the spirit. How much more is it to grow the food to give to the starving than to collect the funds to give to a church who pays others to buy those things that they deem others need. Not all can raise crops directly, so the giving is good. And yet there are greater deeds to be done. It is in the direct contact where the greater fulfillment of God’s desires is done.
Revelation 2:8-11
“And unto the angel of the church of Smyrna write, these things saith the first and the last, which was dead, and is alive; ‘I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.’ “
S You are speaking here, then, of the center within self that is the fullness center, the productive center, or that which you would give as the bodily neurological-mental control of the individual. This, then, is speaking, then, of the overcoming of the levels that man lives in, through then attaining to the ten, or that which is God. This supply center within self, supplies that which is the force of the mind, turning it into that which are the physical works in this earth, the mental works in this earth, and attuning, then, to a more spiritual attitude and overcoming within individuals and groups. You must attain to this before you may reach that state of grace, or the overcoming of the body, or that which is the salvation of others, by awakening that which is latent within them of the spiritual nature that lies within their own beings.
Q Explain what is meant by the ten days of tribulation.
S This is that which is the awakening of the God Force within yourselves. This is tribulation. Tribulation is that of two meanings, really: the tearing, the fighting, the warring, but also comes from that which is “tribute to” – to pay tribute, then, to extract (which is in itself a rending thing) tribute to that which is the source of self, which is God.
Q Is this ten days actually ten 24 hour periods?
S No. It is that period of time when you wrestle, you war within yourselves, that you rend self, that you may overcome – well, we would say, the ego of self.
Q It could be years, then, couldn’t it?
S Or a split instant.
Q Do we accomplish this ourselves? Does the God Force help?
S God is capable of anything. You are incapable, but God is capable. So never give up. Never throw the hands up in distress or disgust. Remember, encased in the human understanding, encased in the human body, human thought, you don’t have a chance. But God is the key. God can overcome. God will do what is right by you, with you, through you, to you.
Q What is the meaning of the second death?
S That is what we have covered so many times, that which is going back to God, death as an individual – this individual – and yet multiple being that you are, the real personality that God has given you, that you must redevelop, refine, re-find, renew, and re-be.
Revelation 2:12-13
“And to the angel of the church in Pergamos write; ‘These things saith he which hath the sharp sword with two edges; I know and where thou dwellest, even where Satan’s seat is: and thou holdest fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.’ “
S You have here that which is the intellect of man, the real intellect of man – not that which is the false intellect which is that which is stirred up, praised, and prideful of self, that connotates in this level or life, as you would have it, IQ ratings, et cetera, but the spiritual, the real mind-self that is constantly working on that which is the Lord’s way, that sets itself in that pattern that may be developed into the Christ Force, even as Jesus the Pattern did. That which then is symbolic of sacrifice is the good fight, the good path, the way of the Lord, in that which is the human existence.
Q Who was Antipas?
S This is that which stands for the sacrifice of the life to God, even as Jesus gave His life to God.
Q Was he a real person?
S There was a real person, yes, existed and gave the life totally in more ways than one – physically, mentally – in truth was one of the first martyrs.
Q When you say first martyrs, you mean one of the first martyrs of the new faith, not the new faith, but the faith laid down by Jesus?
S Called loosely, Christian, yes.
Revelation 2:14
‘But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.’
S This, then, is the part of mankind that has paid homage to that which is the human way. In truth, we will get to this more when we discuss that which is the Beast. For Balaam is as the step to the Beast, The Beast being, then, for your understanding, even as the number 666 denotes one that was termed God or angel, named by those people of old as Baal-bareeth or -barith (as you would have it). We will cover this at another time. For this creation stalks your world in this country and in others, laying the sign of the Beast upon those who least expect it, who presume that it is of good works.
Q Does the word fornication refer to more than just sex?
S Oh, this is only a trivial part of the word. Yes. It is that of the mind. For the acts of the body only follow that which are the acts of the mind. It is the fornication of the mind with those selfish, animalistic tendencies. You find them here, there, and everywhere in your world. If you could see how ugly your world is compared to the world that God created for you and that you helped create – well.
Q Could you define this simply as misuse of creative power?
S Yes, very much so of the creative power.
Q Is it also putting anything else before God, ahead of God?
S Anytime that anyone breaks a commandment, or the very word of God by thought, followed by word or deed, they have done so. Very aptly put.
Q In order to help with an accurate transcription here, did you say, “the acts of the body `foul’ or `follow’ the acts of the mind?”
S Well, both will do.
Revelation 2:15-16
‘So hast thou also them that hold the doctrine of the Nicolaitanes, which thing I hate. Repent; or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth.’
S To destroy that which is opposite of God, God uses that, then, which is the truth or the sword of the mouth – the Word. The Word is Jesus the Christ.
Q Who were the Nicolaitans?
S Well, they were the hedonists of their day.
Q Why were the Nicolaitans chosen to represent the degeneration of the gonad center?
S This is that which in their day, for that time, served the purpose, even as Sodom and Gomorrah served their purpose to the Scriptures of the people before them. So there was an understanding of that, and even to those learned people of now who have delved into those things, knew that these people (though professing types of piety and quite often great piety) did those acts of mind and body that are even, would be termed, anti-Christ in their makeup.
Revelation 2:17
“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; ‘To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.’ “
S You will receive that which is your passport in that which is the resurrected pituitary of the body. And the Name of Names will be linked with your name, making then you one with God through the Christ which is the Name, so that the Name of Names is linked to you, and you, then, are one with the Christ, and Christ one with God. This is the reward, the salvation. This is the resurrection, and grace. This is life. This is love. This is heaven.
Q This – what you’ve just described, the hidden manna?
S The manna is at anytime God touches you. Whether you are aware or not, the spirit, the soul of self is aware. And at the time of the presentation of the name, your being, your totality of being, past and present and future, are aware and one. And you have become one in the many dimensions that you are, the many planes that you are, the many places that you are.
Q What is meant by the white stone?
S This is that which is the purification of your highest, most sacred center of the body.
Q What is the meaning of “and in the stone a new name written”?
S That is the linking of that which is God with self in the Name of Names.
Q What is the difference between spiritual and metaphysical interpretation as given in Cayce reading 281-31?
S Ah – spirit is of God, to God, with God. Metaphysical is that that deals with this plane – a spiritual meaning; with this mind – a spiritual meaning; with this body – a spiritual meaning. It is as a link to the true spirit when you mention metaphysical.
Q Is there any significance to the name John, Jane, Peter, Andrew, Bartholomew, Thaddeus, Rhoda, and Hannah, listed in the Cayce readings 281-31, answer 1?
S There are many, many meanings as spiritual meaning, metaphysical meaning, physical meaning, and as personalities, and as acts, and as parts of the body, and as thought patterns. Too much to delve into at this time, but, yes, there are meanings there.
Q Since each name has all these various meanings, does this incoming soul play any part in the choice of the name it bears during its incarnation?
S Oh, yes! God has given the individual that freedom of choice. This is a choice plane. Therefore, as you come in you have a choice which, unless there is a variance with the purpose, the individual is allowed. Every incarnation is a link in that chain which becomes, then, a musical thing that becomes you. For when you learn your true name you are no longer of a substance that can be understood by the physical. You are in that which is in the realm of music, of electricity, of thought, of essence. We can’t explain it.
Q Then somehow the soul must influence the parents who choose the name, I mean apparently choose the name?
S The soul doesn’t, no. But there are other forces – quite often angelic force is at work here – though there are stubborn parents.
Q Is that the reason why some people will change their name, because their parents have been so stubborn?
S Oh, yes, or their state of being has changed and they change their name for a new page to be turned. This is also opportunity, or at times disharmony. Individuals warp their purposes, by freedom of choice in this plane, to the negative (or as you would see as the negative), or to the positive (as you would see it) for gain, regression, whatever of choice, too.
Q We’ve been told that the soul enters the body on or about the time of the first breath. When is karma implanted on the endocrine glands?
S When that body has been adjudged the body to house that soul.
Q So that’s before the soul enters?
S Correct [10-127]
Q Has anyone ever reached the realm of music, of electricity, of thought, of essence, other than Jesus?
S You could not understand the question that you ask. You cannot understand the magnitude of the question. For you now understand only that which are the realms that you have been initiated into, that surround this solar system, this cosmos. You know not of that which exists beyond your universe. You do not understand that which are the steps, the phases. Therefore, we can only answer to that which you could understand. For in your realm, your step, your understanding, He the Christ, Jesus, is that which attained to that which is the God-step, the light, the life, the power, the light, the light of love, of knowledge, of wisdom. So the answer must be. So it is.
Q What realm is this realm of music, of thought, of electricity, and of essence?
S This is the realm, as we have given, of God. This is that which is the border to that which is the Heart of Hearts, the Light of Light, the Creative Power Itself. [10-113]
Q You stated that music is nearer to God’s thought. Would you also say that the music of today is near the antichrist thought?
S Even as when we explain that which is the Beast, and you will see that there is an inverse, or inverse in music, so you touch upon that which is the negative use of God, or the Creative Force, which is rampant in that which we see as disharmony, discord, the tearing, jarring, music. One reason that the strings were chosen as an instrument to be played before God by the ancients was in that fact of the type of response that the string has upon the body-physical which in turn affects that which is the body-mental, the body-spiritual.
Q Is that why harps are associated with angels?
S Well, it might be to a degree, but more it is seen as that which David carried around – which he didn’t.
Q Please give an explanation of what was meant here, “More it is seen as that which David carried around – which he didn’t.”
S David had heart, courage, and love, and carried it with him. Often his heart and soul and body and mind were ruled by desire, false wisdom. David’s heart was good. It was the heart of mankind imperfected. It was the mind of man imperfected and the love of man imperfected. But David became that which learned; David became that which loved as much as man can love. He carried this with him and became one with love.
Q Well, did David play the harp for King Saul and others, as is stated?
S His heart was his harp. He played the harp, but it was his heart that he played. His heart represents that which is love, is knowledge and wisdom as man sees it. The harp is his heart. He was noted for his heart, for his goodness. Yes, he played it for all. He played his heart for all and became the epitome of love. Music, you see, is that which all should learn to love. David knew the use of music to perfect himself, as far as a human at that time of that ability could perfect himself. His heart was that which he played as he played the lute or that which is the harp – hands to fingers.
Q Did he also sing?
S David had an exceptional voice. Impressed many. He could have been that which is the greatest musician of his time anywhere upon the face of this planet because of the musical abilities. But David, you see, knew in his heart who and what he was and what he must do, even though he knew his own failings and limitations.
Q Did David have some kind of additional opportunity to learn before he came here as Teacher of Righteousness?
S Yes, he did. [10-130]
Q Is there any truth in the reports that they’ve killed plants with rock music?
S This is correct. Those things which you would call sonic weapons are, but a version of music misused. No sonics can be used, or ultrasonics can be used, or may be used for positive things, as seen by mankind. But even that is in itself incorrect. For ultrasonics is a negative to that which is the musical.
Q Does this also extend into light and lasers and destructive uses there?
S Correct.
Q How does this figure in with the new field of ultrasound in medicine?
S This, then, you see, is what we will describe more in that which to give you an understanding of the Beast. The Beast takes those things which are anti-God and uses them for what man thinks are good purposes – including x-ray, medicines, monies, social reforms, et cetera. The Beast is subtle.
Q Is this implying that we should not be taking medicines?
S Oh, no. You haven’t reached that plateau that your mental or spiritual body can adjust your physical body or even beginning with the spiritual will affect the mental. Or you haven’t been blessed by that which is the touching of your lives by the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, where there is a need or selection rather for that to happen where you would be cured for reasons best known to God. [10-116]
Q It’s very difficult, then, to know what to do because the Bible tells us that if we know to do good and not do it, that’s sin.
S That is why we are here.
Q Well, we’ve been told that we have to experience the negative in order to really understand God and creation. Why is it that we went so far astray in this planet?
S You were given free choice.
Q We just went a lot deeper into matter than in other star systems?
S You became immersed in self.
Q Well, didn’t they do that in other systems?
S What care you of other systems? Care for yourself.
Q In Cayce reading 281-16, answer 6, what is meant by “the little earth, the little soul”?
S The “little earth” is that which is the speck in the cosmos, that which is thought to be the center of all things, that either can mean for you the spot you walk on, where you exist, or how you exist within yourself in this cosmos – the little earth, the little world. All things that are little pertain to selfishness, to the ego, to the material. The little self, the little spirit, the little world, the little being, the little soul – all connotates selfishness. The misunderstanding, the misunderstanding of purpose, of creativity, of others, of God, of life – all would be termed as little.
Revelation 2:18-19
“And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write, ‘These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.’ “
S This is the spiritual desire made manifest within the earth still, still controlled, still part of that which is man. It is a joy. And yet joy may go astray. Desire is the downfall of mankind. If mankind can channel it into that which is the spiritual desire, he has made the great stride. But always following is that which is the negative, which is desire itself.
Q Please clarify the phrase “thy works.”
S “Thy works” pertain always to God and “thy works” used for individuals mean, then, that you must strain out that which are the works of self, that thy works may be as God’s works. When they are used as an individual person or statement, “Thy Works” is as God; “thy works” are as that which you would find of God in your own works. And thy works are that which are the negative, not yet screened away
Q In the same verse “thy works” were listed first and last. Is that also referring to that?
S Yes. And they become then, God..
And now that time is drawing short and the physical condition of that which is the channel is a trying thing for us at this time, we give you that which is peace, love. We give you that which is mercy, direction. We give you that which is hope. We give you that which is life. For it is our power to give all these things.
RAM Reading 10-112
Prayer – Channel
Beloved Lord, in the name and through our Elder Brother, who became the Christ, we seek to see and know that which You would have us see and know, to be as Your willing servants and children in this life. Therefore, God, guide us, show us the path, help us attain the wisdom to use the knowledge that You have given us. And we thank You for Thy presence and Thy love.
Repent, repent, for the kingdom of God is within your grasp, is within your knowledge. Seek, then, and find. And as has been give so often, knock and that door, the door to that which is God’s kingdom, is open unto you. For those that ask and seek shall find. And they shall be given that which is best for them and others. For the Lord is a loving Lord. And those that wait upon Him are not forgotten nor are they turned aside. For they shall sing, then, at the feet of the throne of the Lord in the glory and in the light that is to come, that is, that was.
Q In your greeting you mentioned the kingdom of God. Is that different from the kingdom of heaven?
S The kingdom of God is greater than that which you would perceive as the kingdom of heaven, for it is unlimited, whereas even in the word “heaven” there is a limitation. The kingdom of God encircles all and is all and is the highest of the high, even greater than that you would conceive of heaven to be. It is the outer and at once the inner – is all things.
Q How old was John the Beloved when he died?
S Well, by your terms, fifty-seven; though it was not that which you can term as death. The body was not left behind, nor was it taken as the Christ takes it, but more that which you would say disintegrated and reassembled.
Q Would you say that that had anything to do with, like those of the White Brotherhood that have stayed behind? Do you mean that method?
S Yes and no, though John was a motivating factor in this that you give as the Brotherhood. Not by self’s mind power did that entity renew, re-establish, refit, regroup, reassemble that which was the body. But it was through that which is God’s force; it was done for that entity.
Q What would be the purpose that that was done?
S The entity was not christed, could not rise as He, Jesus, in that final time did. But being as that entity was so highly involved, or evolved (and involved), the entity was justified in not leaving that which was a carcass behind, but reusing, through God’s efforts, that which was given to be preserved for the entity, to be reused at the time of the re-entry of the Nazarene in the Second Coming, and also to begin that which is the perfection of the body to be re-established as a cosmic of its own.
Q Has John not reincarnated since that time?
S John has re-entered, not reincarnated as such, but re-entered preserving, then, that which is the body in step six rather than bringing it back into this plane. And in this plane, then, assuming that which is a conglomerate body or a rebuilt body from this plane, not using that which is his to establish a cosmos.
Q In the reincarnating, then, he has not come back to earth. Is that correct?
S Not in reincarnation, but entry, yes, as an individual with a body established from that which is available in this plane rather than bringing back an established form pattern as you have, and all others have, to be reconstituted along with the mental and spiritual bodies of self into this plane.
Q Which of John’s bodies was on step six?
S That which is both the material and the spiritual body, extended then into this earth plane by that which you would consider the mental body.
Q What do you mean by step six?
S That’s one step from what you would call seven, or the highest level attained in your understanding before that which is God, the God step.
Q So this is a direct entry then, not born? Not born of woman?
S Sometimes born of woman, but using that which is available normally, then, out of the cellular structure of the mother-being, to build a body rather than bringing from that which is the other side the stream of particles that it assembles and becomes the body to be used in that new existence. In other words, instead of carrying over and using and expanding by pulling into the mother and building from that which is from the ethers, that which belonged to the entity, more or less, then, the entity borrowed from the host to make, then, a new body for use only at that time for that particular entry. Understand?
Q Cayce says that, in each life, our body is made from the same elements every time we come in?
S Yes. But in this case the entity, because of the process that is going on with that entity’s being, borrowed then – which is different than the normal set of rebirth, you see.
Q So his normal set is what he dissolved, or what was dissolved for him, at age fifty-seven, in the life that he knew the Master. Is that correct?
S That is correct.
Q Where is John’s reconstituted or reassembled body now?
S In step six.
Q Has this occurred many times for entities? Are there others?
S No. The only similar, but not the same, instance is that when Jesus came back as Melchizedek to be not born of woman.
Q Please compare the coming in of Melchizedek and Krishna.
S Mechezedek, Melchizedek, Mekiladek, as even called in the various tongues and forms, is that step that is prior to the assuming of the spiritual status of the Christ coming into its own as in that which was the return of Jesus the Christ after that which was His christing. Whereas Krishna was then placed within the body or assumed body and used in the growing step-by-step through that which is the childhood, the adolescence, so forth. And he, then, Melchizedek, stepping, as you might say, into the plane, using the features, the material, as assembled into the recognizable, usable body, human almost to the fault, but nevertheless prepared, with no childhood, no adolescence and actually no young manhood. For as age was revered at that time, to then the body was prepared to be at that level which would assume then a standard or meet the standard as adhered to by the people of that time for one who would assume the attention of the people for the age and the veneration of same which was then an outward symbol of success and of wisdom. [10-116 ]
Q In the reading that referred to Cayce reading 281-16 where it mentions that John was in meditation and “in communication with those saints who were in a position to comprehend the needs of those that would carry on.” Were these saints of the White Brotherhood?
S Yes.
Q In another reading of Cayce it was stated by the Source that John the Baptist was in charge of the White Brotherhood. Is this correct?
S At that time it was. You see, there are (it is not like a council, like a senate, with a leader) there are those who serve in different capacities. But the overall structure of the Brotherhood is to unite in purpose and oneness. There are those who become leaders temporarily for those things to be done – sometimes one, sometimes another. At that time, once again, John Baptist had had, or was having a turn.
Q Then John the Beloved took over the duties from John the Baptist?
S For a time, yes.
Revelation 2:18-19
“And unto the angel of the church in Thyatira write; ‘These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like unto a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass; I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.’ “
S You have, then, the reminding of the purpose of the entry that you are established in, at any time, any place, that the mind force is that of – directed by the will. And the will is that which establishes both the mind force and the action into that which is then the fine brass which becomes the bedrock for that which is the search. It is the will, then, that lies dormant so often in an individual or is overpowering to an individual and becomes a selfish thing. It must be tamed or established or given a rebirth so that it may attain to that which is its correct usage or place, that it may then be that which brings together those forces that an individual must use to be as that which is on the path to that which is the resurrection or the revelation.
Q Does the will become subject to the spirit when we have faith?
S The will becomes the tool of both the Christ within, the Christ without, or the Holy Spirit in action. The will becomes that which is the tool of the mind. It is that which advances the soul force or the soul of an entity. [10-131]
Q What is meant by “the last to be more than the first”?
S In all things, in retrospect, that are said in this order, all things really become one. For in taking the last and making it first, it is even as you have put others before yourself. For to the ego, the last is always the other person. The first to be considered is self. In the metaphysical, the first always is the other and self then becomes the last. In that which is the spiritual overcoming, the first replaces the last and the last replaces the first, until there is only one. And therefore, then, when you put others first, it is as putting One first – God and all that is.
Q In that same verse, “thy works” were both listed first and last. And is it also referring to that?
S Yes. And they become, then, God.
Q Why does the figure of the Son of God have brass feet?
S Brass is that which is a conglomerate or that which is an alloy, as you would term. It is the pulling together of elements to form a superior element. Remember, though, that fine brass is bronze. Crude brass is that which you term as brass. For fine bronze is superior in spiritual quality than that which you would term as direct brass now, or you conceive of brass to be. For the truth of brass is: basically, it is copper; bronze is copper. But they then are alloyed with others to form, then, those terms as you normally change them to be, from bronze to brass, et cetera, whether they contain zinc or tin or both.
Q Well, what is the symbology then?
S The symbology is that to make strength in the spiritual sense, you combine all things, or the greater things, to suit the needs of the spiritual quality. You glean and gain from each and every search to bring into that which is basic to the understanding of self, even as the Son of Man stood upon that which you would see as an alloy or as brass in this case (though really bronze), and even those seated must stand upon that. In other words, that which you must first accomplish is the pulling together of the spiritual search of many times and places to be as that which is your foundation to stand upon when you, too, may find that which is the redemption, the resurrection, and that which is as revelation.
Revelation 2:20
“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.”
S This is a warning to the mind of the individuals and that which is the ego of the individuals that tear that which is the spiritual search asunder, putting it into that, then, which is the category of selfishness or, instead of “others first, Father”, self first, self. It is the worship of self which is rampant through the history of mankind. It is the worship of that which is the material, that which is, in a sense, power of the flesh and power of the mind used to then establish individuals as separate from God.
Q Is that woman, Jezebel, referring to the ego or the mind?
S It is, well, it’s both, but more here used as that which is the ego.
Revelation 2:21
“And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.”
S This is ever, once the ego becomes controlling. It is that which establishes itself and makes man then return over and over into that which is the series of lives bent on overcoming one or a few obstacles in each existence, rather than the total overcoming at one straight time.
Revelation 2:22
“Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into greater tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.”
S This is further explaining that when you get caught in that which is the web of the ego and do not live in the freedom of help of others through that which is love and loving acts, that then you, too, are in that same happenstance as all who attain to that which is an ego-centered life. This is where that old saying, “You have made your bed; now you must lie in it,” originated.
Q The Lamsa version refers to it as a sickbed. Is that really more what it is?
S Oh, it’s even worse than that! A torture chamber, what have you, grave. They’re all good.
Revelation 2:23
“And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.”
S Hear this: in the time of the overcoming those thoughts that have become things, that have reached out from that which are the ego minds, the ego construction, whether they are those that are on the material plane or on the plane of mind and thought, will be destroyed by that which is the cleansing of all things. First by the individuals, then by the nations, and then by the world and then by that which is the universe that surrounds it.
Q Can a thought form that’s been constructed by one individual harm another individual who did not construct it?
S If the individual has hastened to themselves, or in other times, have constructed similar thought forms. You see, it’s casting your bread (in this case it may be a stone) and it comes back to you. It boomerangs; it returns in one form or another. As individuals become enlightened, as many who are of the Eastern persuasion of thought in the mystical and metaphysical areas have found, (that) they begin to search through their past, as they become more aware, seeking out those things that they have constructed in the thoughtform world and reconstructing them into that which is an acceptable form, as they arise within that. This is what happens so often when you find those who spend days, months, and years in meditation. Their meditation is for self, but at the same time is for others. For they are removing, then, the negative factors that they have put into the field of thought throughout the many eons of time.
Q Does enlightenment come at the sixth or the seventh spiritual center?
S This is involved. You have an enlightenment at the sixth and total enlightenment at the seventh.
Q Does God’s grace wipe out these things?
S God’s grace is allowing you to undo the mischief you have committed.
Revelation 2:24
“But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.”
S Once you are on the path, once you are on the way, and really mean it, the God Force knows it, puts no burden upon you that you cannot, or should not, face or overcome. Hence, you face that and bear that which is correct for self at that time. You then, by doing so, become that which is open to the helping of others to bear them up, that they, too, then might find that which is their enlightenment. And in this we mean in lightening that is the negative by overcoming same.
Q I’ve always had the understanding that no entity had a burden heavier than they could handle.
S Ha! At one time. If you were to see the burdens that an entity bears hanging over them, it would be awesome. Think of self underneath Mount Everest. It’s similar.
Revelation 2:25
“But that which ye have already hold fast till I come.”
S Never fear, never give up, and that’s the lesson. That is more than a motto; it must be a fact. Don’t give up – ever. For He that overcame the cross, that overcame the world, is surely at hand and at your side. Never ever give up.
Revelation 2:26-27
“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.”
S He that overcomes shows you the way of overcoming. As given, He is ever with you. Never give up. He shattered that which is the wheel. Though He helped forge same, He has broken it. Now you, too, may break that which is your wheel and rise up to that which is a Christ that you may lead others to that which is the Lord.
Q What does it mean, “the power over the nations”?
S You are the nations within yourself. You are the leagues and leagues of thought – miles wide, oceans deep. You are enough to people a world, a universe. You are nations.
Revelation 2:28-29
“And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.”
S The morning star is that which is the awakening. It is that which is creation. It is that which sings the glory of God. The morning star lies within each and every individual, when that system is perfected within self, (that) the centers and all that adjust to same, those various particles and parcels that lie without the system that are necessary for the arising within self – that which is the raising of spirit is the meaning here.
Q Does the morning star also refer to the planet Venus, in this context?
S It is, especially for those who are seekers. For it – beginning in that time and moving ever so, it is changing into that which is a focal point for the spiritual search or awakening within, the western man especially.
Q Venus does symbolize, I believe, the fourth spiritual center, the heart center, the thymus gland, or the church Thyatira that is talked about in this verse, correct?
S It is correct. This is where man must find the David within, the love, the understanding of the spiritual nature of life.
Q Christ has been termed the Morning Star, or the Bright Morning Star. Is that correct?
S This is correct. It is a term that is used quite often, especially when those who are musically inclined would think in these terms, for, as given, it is the singing of God’s song from the Morning Star that awakened then the construction of this world, the souls within, and that, then, which is the way or the tune or the song that leads the individuals from this way as a passage.
Q In one of the Psalms refers to “Oh, thou Son of the Morning Star, how lowly have thou fallen. Is that referring to a fall from the Venus consciousness, or higher?
S It is falling from higher here. It considers or gives a hint to that which is the descent to David, the rise of the Christ after the fall.
Q What was meant by, “and that then which is the way, or the tune, or the song, that leads the individuals from this way as a passage”?
S In that which is the attuning of an individual, it is as a musical composition. It is that which plays, then, the orchestration of the body, the mind, and the soul, to give it purpose and destination. It is that which becomes both melody and harmony to give, then, the path and the direction, the impetus that an individual needs and must have, then, to follow that which is the instruction to the Heart of Heart within selves.
Q Then, “from this way” means from this plane?
S This is correct. [10-114]
Q Please clarify “heart of heart.”
S You have that which is often given in the Scriptures of the heart. Not that which is the hart that panteth for the waters but the heart, the core of self and within that core of self is that heart. It is the seeking of the Lord. It is the finding of the Christ. It is the heart of hearts. [10-116
Q Does each individual have a different melody and a different harmony?
S As an individual you are a note or a refrain made up of many notes and refrains. You are as a concert within a concert, a symphony within a symphony. You are as a drop in an ocean of melody and yet you seethe, you writhe and flow with the music of your own making, of your own soul, of your being. [10-114]
Q I believe, it was one of the Psalms that refers – has the passage, “Oh, thou Son of the Morning Star, how lowly have thou fallen.” Is that referring to a fall from the Venus consciousness or higher?
S It is falling from higher here. It considers or gives a hint to that which is the descent to David, the rise of the Christ in Jesus after the fall.