This document offers a spiritual interpretation of Revelation Chapter 6, focusing on Unveiling the Six Seals’ Spiritual Journey; the opening of the first six seals and their metaphysical meanings. It delves into themes like spiritual awakening, divine judgment, and the transition between physical and spiritual realms, interpreting the seals as stages of spiritual development and challenges.
Revelation 6:1
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, “Come and see.”
S This is the opening, the true opening – not the awareness or awakening as you would normally understand it to be – of that which is the first center of the body. Ask not which center this would be, though in most it would be as the lowest center as you would see in a subjective body of an individual, physically. It is that which begins the movement within the individual to that which is the christing and the ability to pour forth to others the essence of the spiritual being and sacrifice that has been made. It is a pouring forth and the beginning of the spiritual gift, not only to self but to all others.
Q What is meant in reference to “the true opening of the centers as becoming kingdoms of themselves?”
S The centers themselves become (even as they are linked and chained, and for you, are one) on their own levels, become as individual forces which link to the forces of others which then become the oneness of mankind. Visualize a staircase, all going up. All on different levels, all doing or fulfilling an act or a need and yet linked only by that normally which is a vertical support, wall, structure, what have you, and yet being on a plane of itself. Each center in yourself is as the stair step, one in the many and yet if you could see it in its proper perspective, you would see it as a staircase that as you go up you have gone down without knowing it and have even as you would consider an optical illusion–as always going up, even when you are down. [10-116]
Q Is this movement towards christing, where the centers are truly opened up, a gradual thing or is it more sudden?
S It is a progressive thing. As you have meditated and built these centers, they become more aware, alive. They become aware alive. They become a flowing object, meeting and melding and melting into one another, becoming part of the musical strain that lies within. And yet, when you reach that time of true opening, they become kingdoms of themselves. This is what was meant.
Revelation 6:2
And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
S The force then becomes that which moves forward in the body, moves forward then as to that which is the overcoming of all things step-by- step that you may attain once again, you may attune once again, that you may overcome once again, and be part of, once again, that which are the forces of the body, of the mind, and of the soul force, in addition to the separate force of the spirit.
And now we have as a time which is drawing close that we must depart from this place, this time and leave you in those hands of others. We give you that which is thanks for that which you offer unto God. We give you love and peace as we know peace to be. We give you that which are the directions to love, to conquer yourselves, that the way may be the smoother for the light foot of the Prince of Peace as He descends upon your shoulders that will bring Him into this realm in His time.
RAM Reading 10-115
Channel – Prayer
Beloved Lord, Creator, we ask that our lives be a prayer to you; that our very existence honor Your name; that our minds, our bodies, our souls be dedicated to You. We ask this through our Elder Brother Jesus the Christ, always knowing is Your will, Father, not our wills, but Yours. Others first, Father, Others first.
Whence cometh the Light? Whence cometh the strength, but from the Lord? Behold that which is the key, that which is faith, that which is love. Then use the key, open the door, and approach the throne. For you have been given the light. You will be given the life. Even as He has paved the way, so you, too may serve the Lord for thy brothers, thy sisters. For that which is the crown of glory is that which serves the Lord, through others.
Revelation 6:3
And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, “Come and see.”
S Once again, as that which are the seals, or that which in your own time, your own being, your own threshold is opened from that which are the centers of the body, you are called forth by that which is the spiritual purpose of Life Itself, to attend in mind, body, and spirit, for the lessons, for the gift, for the learning.
Revelation 6:4
And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
S The sword of righteousness, the sword that in itself is the cross, is raised by that, that some would call the adrenals or that area, to destroy within self, or render justice to that which is in self. For this is the shedding of that which is the past through the raising in self or the awakening in self of the forces in this area, that will then complete or cause the uniting of the forces that will make the rounding of the forces within self a moving thing. It is outside of self, or in the day of the Lord, or the return of that which is justice, the Prince of Light; even, as given, a sword that will hew and cut and put asunder those that are of the Lord and those that are of this earth.
Q When this happens that peace is taken away from the earth, does this result in physical illness if this is speaking of our bodies?
S Not necessarily of illness, you see. For illness has (as you would see it) many causes, many karmic factors, many opportunities. For often as not it is the opportunity to overcome, or for others to advance, or even for self to face the reality of the corporeal body and its demands.
Q What is the rounding of the forces within self? Does this have anything to do with the continuous circular flow of energy through the seven centers?
S Aha. Yes. It is that which changes the stairs that we have given you, into that which is the circular pattern. It is much like the lasso that cowboys use to whirl around and suddenly becomes from a flat pliable thing into a formidable circle that is indeed in constant motion and retains its shape as a circle. 10-116]
Revelation 6:5-6
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, “Come and see.” And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, “A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.”
S You have here the awakening or the power of the mind as represented in the force of black, not as a negative thing but as that which is the will or the greater part of the mind to do those things that are of the Lord. And full measure, as the coinage gives to those that would preserve that which is the oil or the word of the Old Testament or the Scriptures, as you would know them to be, and that which is the wine or the new covenant as that is seen through Jesus the Christ.
Q What does the terminology “hurt not” mean?
S This is meaning – not to forget or forego that which is the past and the present being one (as Scriptures of old and the Scriptures of new, being as the past and present) or that which is life eternal in itself.
Q Since past, present and future is all one, we have, I would imagine, returned to God or chose not to. How does predestination fit into this?
S Free will is predestination, for you have chosen. [10-130]
Revelation 6:7
And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, “Come and see.”
S You have the beast, or that which are the four desires or four temptations or four forces of the earth, as represented now in the beast or the beasts, as they call forth within yourself and within the world around at the time of self’s crucifixion, bidding self to understand that there is always the choice of going forward and upward in that which is the search, the worship, the praise, and the action, or adjusting and taking self’s course as self would see best for, especially, the mind or the ego force.
Revelation 6:8
And I looked and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
S This is the facing or that which is the understanding of this earth plane, this life plane, that you exist in and upon. For this is death and this is hell. For though it is in its real state a creation, an entity, and has its beauties, there is that which for the soul force and mind force (which become one on ascension) – there are the greater, more glorious realms of understanding, of feeling. And death and hell are to be subjected then to the lower vibrations of this plane, this earth, and to understand the feeling of this earth, this entity, this being, that is rendering its service as such a place.
Q In Hebrews 9:27 it says, “and just as it is appointed for men to die once and after that comes the judgment.” Can you explain this statement in the understanding of the total ongoingness of the soul?
S Oh yes. This is death within this plane or the final death, you see. Some are bound totally with this life form and though they repeat and repeat and repeat their entrance with this plane, they cannot pass it. They must have the death within this plane. There are others that slip in and slip out and correct those things they have done wrong, and they must suffer the death of this plane too. Do not believe it is a death of the soul but is the death of the soul as noted by most understandings within this world, this place. For most believe that you have one round and one round only and you, with your understanding, know that their comings and goings over and over within this plane. Therefore, those who assume that you go around once feel it is a death of the soul and feed on face value; where you rather know that the death of the soul here means the parting of that which is the forces that bind you or others to this plane and lets you advance to a greater degree. [10-131]
Q Why did Lamsa translate the King James’ pale horse, as green?
S In that which is the area that the entity, Lamsa, was born, raised, and the roots of the mind and understandings were from this area, long has it been that green is that which is a power unto itself, a reminder of the Lord, even as a symbol of the Lord for those who are untutored or unlearned in that which is the area of reading and writing. It is also a healing force as known to that entity through that which is the subjective study of religious past and present of that area, which in itself is a symbol of overcoming hell and death.
Q What is meant by the fourth part of the earth?
S In the viewing of the earth plane as not only an entity, but as an object, it is the representation of one fourth of man’s experience or that which is essential of learning the material, or the materialistic, which is also that which subjects the four lower centers of the body to this plane and the severance from it.
Revelation 6:9
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:
S For every entity that has ever lived there are those times that the individual has reached for that which is the Holy of Holies, the understanding or that which is the face of God, that have been lives of sacrifice, not only of the physical life but attrition to that which is the mental being, the well-being of self, for the sake of God – some well spent and others not so well spent, and yet in that version or that vision of life a sacrifice nevertheless. This is that which is appearing under the altar and the destruction of the lives therein as a sacrifice. All possess those lives. They are building stones for that which is the thrust forward into that which is the genuine sacrifice of earth desires, of selfishness, of the ego.
Q What does “altar” mean?
S The altar is the opening of that which is the spiritual center of the body in the karmic manner of understanding sacrifices as meant by those lives that were dedicated to God and pass that which were the dedication of self and self’s centered being.
Revelation 6:10-11
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?” And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
S This is the crying out in the awakening, or the spiritual messengers to that which are the opportunities for the various lives to overcome that which is the negative or the past negative karmic responsibilities. It is the crying out of the soul within. For the soul is chained to that which is ever the present. It is the assurance that all those things, the helping hand, the smiles, the sacrifices, are not in vain, but are forever given that which is the sanction of God, the clothing of the Lamb, and the clear opportunity never ever to be overcome again; that they then will live forever and that patience is the working of the Christ at all levels.
Revelation 6:12
And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;
S This is then the second to the last step in the full realization or that which is the revelation or the crucifixion. It is that which turns the universe of yourself upside down. It is the rending of the curtain between self’s highest pinnacle and the actions of past and present. It is the total awareness that comes. It is the quake that shakes the entire being of mind, body, and, yes, spirit.
Q What does it mean, the “moon became as blood”?
S This is the upsetting of or turning over of your concepts, your understanding of the universe, universal laws. For the concept of the moon is that which white (next to purity) and red, that is the red of blood, is an opposite of that which is the calm, the white, the pure, as seen or imbued to that which is the moon. It then becomes an opposite force not pulling upon that which are the physicals or physical being as tides and forces upon the earth and those that dwell within. But that which is interior or part of as represented of the blood, and especially in the blood that is sanctified within an individual that becomes a life force changing the nature of the worlds, the universes, the cosmos, that are yours as a being.
Q In reference to the worlds, universes, cosmos, nations and races within that we have created and are creating, what happens to these upon death? Do they go with the soul?
S Remember, nothing dies. All things are vibration. No vibration is lost. They are there in their proper place to be called upon, to be reorganized, refitted, and reused. It is like a balloon and the string that holds the balloon to the hand. If you don’t slip, you can bring it back to you. There are those who wander and wander and wander because of their own self-development. They can’t find it – their body. Take note of those entities that you would call ‘ghosties’ that linger trying to get back into this plane to find their body. Those animals that stay around their bodies until their bodies have been disposed of. They don’t know or understand, you see, the body-spirit concept or animal-spirit concept or physical-mental-spiritual being. [10-131]
Revelation 6:13
And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
S The fig tree is that which represents Jesus the Christ. It is the opening of the door. It is the use of the key. It is that which casts through self and the worlds of self the seed of life and light. It is that which is the propitiation of the Word. It is that which cleanses and gives life to those universes that are held within.
Revelation 6:14
And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
S This is the rearrangement of the mental conditions. This is the rearrangement of the physical conditions. This is the prominence of the soul force, rather than those forces that have captivated and beleaguered the soul and the spirit of the individual.
Revelation 6:15-16
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:”
S Well, this is both the general and individual. For those of power, those with title, those who are linked mentally and spiritually (with the spirit being in chains) to those positions, those mental attitudes, will seek to hide themselves in the physical world in a manner that they think would be best, or throw off the forces of God or the realization of same – much as a child would dive in bed and cover itself with a sheet or blanket, thus finding protection where no protection exists. It is that which is the rupturing of the ego.
Revelation 6:17
For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
S From the cleansing of God comes as a healing in the wings of Him that is, was, and always will be. None can hide. All must face. It is deadly to that which is self-centered, the selfish, the foolish. But it is life, health, and joy to those that seek and try to find the Lord in all manner of ways.
Q What is the great day of His wrath?
S The great day of His wrath is that which is the opening up. It is that which, as we have given before, a wrath to those who would decry the Lord, who would not find the way, who are wrapped in that which is selfishness. Bit is also that is wrath, or wraith, for that is the spirit or the angelic host that comes to do the bidding. It is also that which is misunderstood as wrath or hate or anger. For what are these things but emotion? The Lord that acts, the Lord that is as the Christ force understands emotion. What greater emotion is that than disappointment and anger at that which is not the individual or the soul but the deed or deeds? It is anger that is the flame; it is the crucible. It is that which refines the fine gold of the soul, rather than leaving in it that which is the negative or the impure.
Q Will we ever be free of emotions in this cleansing bit?
S Heavens, no! The cleansing itself if emotion! It is that – what is joy? What is love? God is emotion, if you would see it so. Even tranquility is emotion.
Q Why are we taught to rid ourselves of desire and emotion?
S Because you have desires and emotions of this plane, this body, this mind. God, the angelic host, understand and are aware of them.
Q What are the spiritual emotions that we can understand?
S You have just a touching of understanding of joy, love, forgiveness. Even patience is an emotion spiritually. But remember, it is like trying to teach a dog logarithms for you to understand the spiritual.
Q Recently you mentioned that we are creating angels. Could we have more on that?
S Thoughts and deeds become, in the long run, angels when they are thoughts and deeds centered in that which is the constructive force of God. Imagine a smile as the root of an angel. For when God smiled mentally, the angelic host was proclaimed.