Spiritual Perspectives of the Second Coming

From a Christian standpoint, the anticipated event is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, a pivotal moment believed to herald the fulfillment of God’s plan for humanity. This expectation is not unique to Christianity; it resonates across many religions, each with its own interpretation of the appearance of a future spiritual savior or avatar.

In Judaism, the concept of the Messiah holds a central place. The Jewish Messiah is envisioned as a leader anointed by God, destined to restore Israel, bring peace to the world, and establish God’s kingdom on Earth. This figure symbolizes hope and redemption for the Jewish people, who have long awaited the Messiah’s arrival.

In Islam, the figure of the Imam Mahdi is significant. According to Islamic tradition, the Mahdi is a messianic figure who will emerge in the end times to restore righteousness and justice. Muslims believe that the Mahdi will lead the faithful to victory against the forces of evil and will rule in accordance with Islamic principles before the Day of Judgment.

Buddhism speaks of the coming of Maitreya Buddha, the future Buddha who will appear in the world to teach the pure Dharma. Maitreya is expected to be a compassionate teacher who will guide humanity toward enlightenment and spiritual liberation, bringing an era of peace and wisdom.

Hinduism anticipates the arrival of Kalki Avatar, the tenth and final incarnation of the god Vishnu. Kalki is prophesied to appear at the end of the current Kali Yuga, an age characterized by moral decline and chaos. It is believed that Kalki will ride a white horse, wielding a sword to vanquish darkness and usher in a new era of dharma (righteousness).

There are some that believe that the Messiah is already here: as a manifestation of the Lord Maitreya, head of the Great White Brotherhood. 

Many native cultures of the Americas have a common tradition of having been visited by a white robed entity called by many different names, but they all come back to the title of healer, miracle worker or prophet. Many of these cultures also await His return

So as you read this material if you are a member of any of these faiths, then merely replace the name of Jesus the Christ, with the Expected One in your religion or culture – but especially look to the instructions given to this group of Christians/Essenes to do their part in preparing the way – these actions are found in all religions: prayer, meditation, love, kindness and forgiveness – each individual is also encouraged to awaken that Avatar/Christ Consciousness within themselves – that is our task at this time. 


This document is a compilation of spiritual teachings and interpretations focusing on the concept of the Second Coming of Christ, as understood in various religious contexts. It includes perspectives on biblical prophecies, spiritual awakenings, and the role of faith and inner transformation in anticipating this event. The material emphasizes a metaphysical understanding of the Second Coming, linking it with personal and collective spiritual growth.

The original purpose of the RAM material was described as:

“A preparation of the hearts and minds of people for the time of the Second Coming.”

Topics to be covered in this file:

1.Two phases of the Second Coming

2. What is to come; and how to prepare

3. Preparing the Way: and the role of Essenes today

4. Importance of Prayer, Meditation and prayers given

5. Recognizing His Return, the signs, and the changes,

6. Events surrounding the second phase of His return

7. The 144,000 and the 1000 years to come

1. Two Phases of the Second Coming

Detailed Description of the two phases of the Second  coming.

First phase: awareness among the “faithful”.

Second phase: His coming will be known worldwide.

Mark 13: 5-6

And Jesus answering them began to say, take heed lest any man deceive you: For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

S For many deceive themselves, thinking that they manifest the Christ. And many for the power of the mind, and the power of the mental conditions therein, and the power of the material conditions, would say that they are the Christ. Know you this: each and every individual is the Christ, but not manifesting themselves. For the Christ is ever present, ever at work, ever putting forth that which is the helping hand. Turn not to those that would call themselves the Christ but wait in faith upon that time that the Prince of Love will make himself known to the faithful of the land, and in another time to all of this world.

Clarification given later to the statement about the two phases of His return.

RAM READING 10-58 3-24-79 

Q. Referring to the Christ, you said He would make himself known to the faithful of the land and to all the world in another time. Would you please explain this?

S This has been covered before. There will come that time when He shall return in clouds of glory, seen by all mankind, simultaneously, around this earth, by those that have passed over, by all the planes that surround this earth. And this is why you exist at this time – to prepare the Way, to be the guide, that his footsteps shall be heard by man, that his light shall be seen by man, that he will be sure upon the Way. For He is coming.

Further clarification of the two phases of His return

Mark 13:33-34:

“Take ye heed, watch and pray. For ye know not when the time is. For the Son of man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.”

S For each individual has a different time schedule, lives on a different plane. Though it may seem the same to each individual, yet it is not. For each person, each soul entity, each mind entity, each physical entity, moves at a certain pace. For even on this plane, time is not the same, mentally or physically. For there will be a time when all must face at that oneness, or one place in the movement, their God. And yet, each individual will find the Christ at their time preceding that which is the meeting of God, as a body, or as all humans, before that which is the body of God.

This passage refers to the first phase of the Second Coming; how we are to receive Him into our hearts.

Luke 8:13

They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away.

S Have you not heard your leaders, past and present, evoke God, point to that which is the truth, the wisdom, the love, and then fall away? Even at those times that they mean same, they become man again. For man is of this earth. And yet, you, as entities, are not of this earth. You are bound as man at this time. But the way, the opportunity, has come. For the Prince of Love, the Prince of Light, has walked amongst you. Receive Him again in the heart. Turn not away from the opportunity. The opportunity begins with the awakening in the morning and never ends. For your morning has come. See to it that the day is long and fruitful, lest you condemn and fall away through the same.

Suggestion that this could occur at any time for individuals.

Mark 13:35

“Watch ye therefore. For ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.”

S Even as you do not know when a stranger you see on the street, or meet in a room, is a heavenly host, or of the heavenly host. Even as you do not know which is your opportunity, so you do not know when the Christ appears or becomes part of your life. Therefore, treat all instances, and all actions, and all individuals as the moment that you may be meeting your Christ.

At present we can only find Him within, through prayer, meditation, within the temple of self.

Matthew 24:24-26

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.

S For He is within self and in self alone, to be touched, to be reached. And as His day approaches, He will be known. And not by the lips of man. Not by His own recognition. Therefore, until that time that he returns, ye will find Him only within yourself – not through another, not through a mechanism, but through that which is prayer, meditation, the meeting in the closet, the temple of self. Then be aware as Daniel of the desecration that may and can occur if ye will forsake the truth and seek to be saved by others, whether they be an individual, an organization, or even that which is given, as the scriptures themselves. Ye must search within self. All others may point to, or start you, but ye must find him yourself.

Detailed description of the two phases of the Second Coming

RAM READING 10-22 4-18-76

Q. Please describe to us in detail the events of the Second Coming.

S That, which is the second coming, is two phases. First, that which is the resurrection of the bodies of each and every individual by the resurrecting of the mind. Even as you pray, even as you meditate, even as you act, so the body – in turn – physical, mental, spiritual, is affected and is resurrected cell by cell, atom by atom. So it is done whether you know it or not. Cell by cell, atom by atom, ye rearrange your life by the deeds, the thoughts, the prayers, the meditation. This, then, is the first step. When those who have accomplished have made a platform here and among the rest of the peoples, then will come that which is the Second Coming or the presence of the Lamb again, even as He left: in body, in soul, in spirit. He will come in all majesty even as given in Scriptures, the Word, in a majesty unmatched by anything less than that which was creation itself; in a manner to be seen by all. The first step being, that night will be banished for a period of three days, by that which is the radiance of the Son of Man in the sky. More radiant than the sun that you have now. Then on the third day, or at the end of that which is the third period of twenty-four hours, will come the clouding of the skies – universal – to be seen by all sides of this globe, all men. The Son of Man in glory – a glory that will outshine the celestial bodies, not in that which is blinding, but in a rainbow of colors that is has not, or has been prohibited from seeing in it development. Some will say it is an aurora. Others will say it is a comet. Some will say it is that which is the end of the earth, the world, (and in truth it shall be) For it will be the end of the earth as man will know it in that which is the upheavals, the destructions caused by man to man, to the earth by man, and earth to man. There will be the elimination of those who are not fit to be left, to be builded upon for that which is the resurrection of a people. Then the Master of Life, Prince of Love, will come forth to walk with his brothers, His sisters, those who will be the root, the start for mankind to blossom again. For that period as given, a thousand years, will God reign in the form of He, Jesus the Christ, Prince of Love.

Q. Is that what is meant by “He will come in clouds of glory”?

S He will come in clouds of glory, even as given.

Q. How will all those that live upon the face of the earth be able to see His coming?

S It will be as a universal thing, you see. Even as the sun shines upon an entire side of this world, so shall God in His glory encircle this globe and manifest that which is the Christ to all men. Those who have become elevated within themselves shall know their own Christhood that this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ returned.

2. What is to come,  and how to prepare.

For what must come as ordained, and yet step by step, not to be rushed, not to be given the date, but in the pattern as set, step by step as invoking or being as representational of that which is as the life of the Master. There must come that which has not been seen since the time of the Prince of Peace upon this earth. But step by step, even as He learned from others, through others. Who studied? Who became, so must this one, too, study, and become that the way may be used, that the way may be. For the time draws near that there shall be the return of He who walked this earth in Love, in Light, in Peace that His brother, His sister might also find that peace, that oneness that is eternally theirs to find.

There is no schedule for His return, but we will know what to do as the call comes. As seen from above the time is short, from our own plane below it is quite a time.

Ram Reading 10-7, 3-10-74

Q. Can you give us an idea when the vibrations will be ready for Jesus the Christ to come again? Is there a schedule we should be following?

S As so often given, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and that ye must build stone upon stone, brick upon brick. Thy handiwork sets the pace. The time is coming but look not for the morrow. For that which is today is the building of that which is to come. It must be upon the basis of today, a solid foundation, not sand but rock, faith, works…As for a schedule, God sets the schedule. You will know what to do as the time comes, as the doors open, as the call comes forth. Even as given, “seek and ye shall find, and ye shall find; ask and it shall be given; and then knock, and the door will be opened”, for He is ready. The time as seen from here is short, but from your plane, from anxiety, the searching, it is quite a time. He will first come within those who are of the body of God, and then across the heavens and clouds and all men will fall before Him.

Q. Will He come in the sky through the air upon real clouds or is this symbolic? If it is symbology, please explain.

S First as said He will come within each member of the body of God on earth as Spirit in the flesh. And He will come as he left in the body, for all to know, all to see. As given He will cross the heavens and the clouds will be as servants unto him and the glory of the sun will be outshined by He who is the Master and Lord of this earth physically (as He did not come last time) in the great glory and the earth will know His coming and all men will fall before Him. And this will happen in the twinkling of an eye as He commands it to be.

Our purpose here in this plane at this time, is to create the proper attitude and understanding that He will return in the physical form.

Ram Reading 10-25, 10-2-76

Q Is the purpose of developing a platform for the return of the Christ to raise the level of vibration so that He can return without entering illusion?

S It is to give that which is the proper attitude, the proper understanding to that which is a group, or group idea. That He, Jesus the Christ, may return in that which is the physical form, necessary for the understanding of mankind and the work within this plane. For know ye; He is present in that which is the spirit as definite as that which is as that which is the man. But until that time when there is  that which is the overcoming of the vibration~ or that which you would term as illusion among a people, or enough of the people, the groups , or group, that He may then assume that which is the physical without detriment to that which is the spiritual cause or the spiritual being, (even as Mary became that which was the focal point, you see, the ability to hold the ideal, the Christ within the mind totally, to allow the coming of that which was the spirit into the physical) can it be.

Many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth as did the Essenes.  When those that are His, have made the way clear, passable, He will appear. This will be done by letting our light shine that we may hasten that day.

Cayce Reading 262-49

Q What is meant by “the day of the Lord is near at hand”? [See 262-47, Par. 21-A.]

S  That as has been promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time – and half time – has been and is being fulfilled in this day and generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, “even as ye have seen him go”.

Q How soon?

S When those that are His have made the way clear, PASSABLE, for Him to come.

Q Is there a message for the group at this time?

S So let thine own light shine in such a manner as may hasten the day of the Lord.

A Cayce reading was confirmed by the RAM source that the channel is the one referred to as that one who will soon appear.

Ram Reading 10-17

Q  In answer 6 of 262-49, given July 9th, 1933, the Cayce source stated: that soon there will again appear in the earth that one through whom many will be called to meet those that are preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will come, “even as ye have seen him go”.

Is (110 – Channel) the one referred to? And, if not, who is the one referred to?

S Even as a voice, crying in the wilderness.

Follow up to this question regarding channel’s date of birth:

Q  A follow up on my last question regarding 262-49. Why was the future tense used when (110 – The channel) had been born in the earth two years and thirty-three days earlier.

S It’s a spiritual thing, rather than a physical thing.

A member of the group wanted to know when the Messiah would come for them.  They were told that His presence will grow within, and there will come the knock at the door, and He will be there.

(Reading given prior to the RAM appearance given by Roger Braden in 1972)

Q As I discover more specifically my ideal and my purposes, it seems I’m preparing myself to help point the way to the new age and the Messiah. However, I know next to nothing, or specifically, how will He come. Will He find me, or will I find him? Will I know for sure who it is? Will he come into the world suddenly or as a thief in the night?

S The Messiah is being born in the entity in his searching, his finding, in his mental condition, in his spiritual condition, and even in his physical condition and He will grow in thee until thou art properly attuned and then there will come the knock on the door, there will come the call in the night and He will be there. For He often walks and talks with this entity, though the entity only at times has feelings of such. For there will come the time when the entity will turn his head and lo, there shall be at his side, the One that he will know as the Messiah or the Christ Incarnate. Then the entity will know that he will be found by the Master through his own searching and knowledge.

Our Life’s Purpose and the Messiah. 

Q. How would I relate to Him in terms of my life purpose?

S As ye would have the relationship be, as to the understandings the entity is developing, has developed, as to the yearning of the entity in his own mind, his own consciousness, as to the entity’s search, as to the entity’s obtaining those means to the end as the entity grows, so shall the knowledge of the relationship or the relating therein as to the life purpose. All shall be obtained as the entity is ready.

We are not to worry about the end times, but are to trust and have faith that we will know what is to be done through our own meditations and dreams.

Ram Reading 10-20, 2-22-75

Q. The world, and specifically this nation, may soon experience major political and economic cataclysms as prophecies of the times of darkness and the Second Coming come into reality. If this is the case, what preparation, physical and economic, as well as mental and spiritual, would you recommend?

S Trust. For that which are the troubles of the morrow are sufficient to them. Build on this day. Love, forgive, trust. For those who have faith will survive. This nation that ye live in, this world that ye live in, is but touching the tip of that which are as the troubled times that ye find present at this time. Have faith. Let thy mind, through the meditations and dreams, direct self as to what is to be done in the physical as to that which is the financial, as to that which is the positioning of self, as to that which are the food probabilities.

Clarification of the Return in 1998. We are told that His coming will be based on the mental and spiritual conditions in the earth. Prior to His coming, He will have talked and walked with many.

(Reading given prior to the RAM source appearance in 1973)

Q. It has been stated through several sources that He will come about 1998. Is this coming the rising up of His Kingdom as a world movement or is it when He first physically appears?

S This will come as a culmination of that which is the mental and spiritual conditions of the entities that are in the earth at that time and He will come in the glory that is His, that is beyond the understanding and to see will bedazzle the eye and set that which is the true heart afire with love, with the magnificence of His coming and His glory will shine all around. Then mark ye the time when ye see him coming and yet He will have walked and talked with thee. Though others will not have seen Him, ye shall; though many will be deprived at that day of having Him at their side as He also rides the heavens.

3. Preparing the way, The Essenes

The group were told that they were Essenes and instructed as to how they should proceed.

Ram Reading 10-3, 10-13-73

Q Concerning the lesson given on September the 22nd, 1973, the statement was made in the lesson about preparing the way. What is meant by preparing of the way?

S Behold, I send My messenger before thy face. He shall prepare thy way, see? (that the entity and those about the entity that is the channel, to be about the Father’s business. What business? That of preparing the way, or that which is as the coming of the Son of Man in the earth. As to the role of the entity that is the channel: to be the key – not a key but the key, see.?)

Q. What was meant as the key?

S AS given, behold, I send My messenger before thy face! This is as the key, that which goes before, as has been before, or even as that group known as Essenes came before too, see? In the preparation of the thought, in the preparation of the way, in the preparation or the presentation or the awakening or the awareness to give to that as the platform to that which will be as the awakened return of the Spirit or the One Who is the Master of the way, the Master of life, the Master of Love, see?

The group are told that similar to the Essenes, they were to be building the platform upon which He will return.

RAM Reading 10-3 10-13-73

Q. We’ve been told, sir, that the channel is the key in preparing for the coming of the Son of man. Does this refer specifically to the entering into the earth plane of our Master, Jesus of Nazareth, as He was?

S And He shall come again in glory, prepared by those who would form again, as before that which was as the Essenes of old, see? And even the herald of the coming, see, that He may return as He left in body and glory. See?

Q. How are the members of the committee to assist the key in carrying out the mission? How does the mission – is it applied to the material plane?

S First we would give this: as to become as of old, as these entities were before, as Essenes, see, to be the prayer, to be the cleansing force as a nucleus, to spread, to be the power, to focus upon that which is the law, that which is love, and each in his own way will be told in the proper time and place those specific things beyond that which is as meditation, prayer, love, and endurance, see? For it is an act of endurance to be about the Father’s business in so many ways and to be as a channel of power, a channel of love, the basis, as given, the platform from which he will return upon.

The role of Cayce Search for God groups in helping to prepare the way.

RAM READING 10-3 10-13-73

Q. Do we continue to work with Search for God groups as one of the bases for this preparation?

S Yes. For there shall be continuation not only among these peoples but other peoples as the work, as the light, as the message, grows bolder, grows stronger. It cannot be repressed, but to spread among that organization as it did in days of old from the Essenes to those others who believed, who became as the followers, as the disciples, as those who were Christians first, see?

Many Essenes are back in A.R.E. Study Groups but also as prominent Buddhists in this country

RAM Reading 10-23, 6-12-76

Q Are there a lot of souls in the existing A.R E. Study Groups that-were Essenes before the birth of Jesus that are back to help with this work?

S There are some here, there are some among those which would be termed the Eastern beliefs or path. We see several prominent Buddhists that are in this country as Essenes of quite influential being at other times.

For a period of four hundred years, the Essenes were preparing the way for the coming of the  Messiah.

Ram Reading 10-8

Q The Source gave, at one [time], that we were all of the Essene group earlier. How long did it take us to make the way possible the first time? (10)

S Four hundred years of concentrated effort.

The group’s connection with the Essenes


Q. What do we as a group have in common that we were chosen to do this work?

S Ye have in common that the Lord, thy God, has chosen thee. That is what ye have in common! Ye have in past times chosen to serve the Lord, thy God, especially among those called Essenes, especially in those times preceding and after the coming of the Prince of Love within this earth. This is what ye have in common: the love of God and the search. However, the many mistakes you have made, it’s the search. Keep it up.

We are being offered the opportunity and admonished to take it and open ourselves to the spirit of the Lord

Luke 9: 44-45

“Let these sayings sink down into your ears; for the Son of man shall be delivered into the hands of men.” But they understood not this saying, and it was hid from them, that they perceived it not: and they feared to ask him of that saying.

S You all have been given the Word, the Light, the Love. You have been given the action in one stage or another. For the Christ has been given and has “been sunk down in man.” Would you open yourselves and let the spirit come forth? For God has delivered that which is your deliverance to you. He lies within to be used. Then open up selves that the spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, and the Christ within may form the union that releases all from bondage, from the chains of the earth, from the ego, the selfishness, from the mire that ye have fallen into. The opportunity is here. The place is here. The time is now. The way is now. Use it.

He will come in the physical, drawn by the all-powerful beam of light to be with His people.

Q. How will men come to know or recognize the Messiah within first, or will he lead others into the manifestation of the Christhood though the association in the physical body, or is there some other way?

S As the entity, Jesus, who become the Christ, came in through prepared subjects, through preparation of others, so shall the Messiah be nurtured in the individuals who have found the way, the means, and the light and then He will come in the physical as given. But it will be nurtured through the growth in the individuals to an all-powerful, all compelling , beam of light that will draw Him in the physical to be with his people, His brothers and sisters. So shall it be, for it is written.

Here is the true gift: To prepare the way our Mantra should be: “Jesus the Christ cares for us.”

John 8: 12-20

Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” The Pharisees therefore said unto him, “Thou bearest record of thyself; thy record is not true.” Jesus answered and said unto them, “Though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true: for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go. Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man. And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is also written in your law, that the testimony of two men is true. I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me.” Then said they unto him, “Where is thy Father?” Jesus answered, “Ye neither know me, nor my Father: if ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also.” These words spake Jesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple: and no man laid hands on him; for his hour was not yet come.

S In that treasury (which lies within yourself) you may, too, talk and learn from the Christ. Would you find redemption today? Would you overcome the world today? Then believe in Him. It’s as simple as that. Believe truly that He is the Light, the Way and the Truth, and He will be your light, your way, your truth. If you could hold that in your heart through this, and know this that we are about to give is the truth – alleluia, your soul would shout! JESUS THE CHRIST CARES FOR YOU. There it is. Train yourself. Train yourself to open up to that, because it’s your ticket. Be greedy with this! Hold it to you; hold it in you! Admire it! No one else will want to share it because they won’t believe it. Not until their time comes and it is presented to them. This is your jewel. This is your treasure. Jesus the Christ cares for you. It’s true! Live it!

Our job is to seek and nurture and find the path, the light, and the truth.

Luke 9: 46-47

Then there arose a reasoning among them, which of them should be greatest. And Jesus, perceiving the thought of their heart, took a child, and set him by him. And said unto them, “Whosoever shall receive this child in My Name receiveth Me: and whosoever shall receive Me receiveth Him that sent Me: for He that is least among you all, the same shall be great.”

S In the receiving of the child, you have that which is the receiving of the responsibility to train, to protect, to build, to feed that individual. And it is the same with the seeking for the place, the seeking for the door, the seeking for the path, for the light, for the truth, for love. It must be nurtured, defended, built upon, loved, guided. This is your job, and He, the Christ, is ever present to help you. Therefore, fear not.

The blueprint of God is that we create the vehicle for His return (Second Coming) through our mind and action.

Revelation 7:17

“For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.”

S It is given in the East that water is that which was chosen as the vehicle that life would be formed from, and therefore it is a symbol of the spiritual. It is the symbol of that which is life to those who believe in Jesus the Christ, the Way. It is the symbol used by that entity, John, to baptize. It is given to drink. It makes up the greater part of your body. But what is water? It is a flowing liquid state that moves, has body and force of its own, but the form is changed to fit the need. Therein lies the real truth of the spiritual quality of water. It can cleanse by changing shape, form, to fit the need. It infuses itself, it integrates itself, and it carries itself and others in it.

Q Please clarify “vehicle.” What kind of vehicle?

S You have vehicle in the sense of thought, deed, or that which is mind and action becoming the vehicle of the means for the transportation, created by selves or those who are dedicated spiritually to the return of the Master which you see meets that which is the need and the calling. For the Master could create the vehicle, the vehicle to be used in this plane, but that would not be as to the satisfying of the wants, the desires, yes, the blueprint of God.

The suggestion is that not only do we each work on our own, to bring about the second coming but also seek out others to come together, to create synergistically, an energetic field stronger than each of us working as individuals.

John 4: 43-45

Two days later, Jesus departed thence and went to Galilee. For Jesus Himself testified that a prophet is not honored in his own city. When He came to Galilee, the Galileans welcomed Him, for they had seen all the wonders He did at Jerusalem during the feast; for they also had come to the feast.

 S Your life is entwined with others. And then remember that old saying, “birds of a feather flock together”. And once you have found your Christ, your God, your way, you search out those who are on their way, or have found the Path, their God, their Christ, their way that you may become another link in that chain that binds the spiritual to the spiritual, that the greater body may know that which is the lesser body, and the lesser body may be strengthened by the greater, and then minds and spirits may become one, even in the touching through that which is the community prayer, through the offering of that which is the spiritual for the good of others.

We are the messengers going forth preparing the Way for His Second Coming. However we each have a choice to make: God or self? The critical choice we make will determine our future.

Luke 3:15-17

And as the people were in expectation, and all men mused in their hearts of John, whether he were the Christ, or not; John answered, saying unto them all, “I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and He will thoroughly purge His floor, and will gather the wheat into His garner; but the chaff He will burn with fire unquenchable.”

S You, too, must be as John, recognizing the place and position of selves. All must recognize the position of selves: that they are God’s messenger going before that which is the Second Coming. Would you be as that which is cast aside, or that which is of use? It is the pleasure of self to select. It is the right given to you by the Almighty Creator that you may make the choice. Will it be for that which is God, or that which is self? You have made decisions before, this way and that way, some selfishly, others unselfishly. You have climbed and worked to reach this time, this age (as man would see it), that you would come to this time to make the decision. For howest thou go will be that which determines for many, and for selves, the future, as time is.

We may all be messengers and forerunners of the return to that which is the Father.

Luke 1:14-15

And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth. For he shall be great in the sight of the Lord and shall drink neither wine nor strong drink; and he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost, even from his mother’s womb.

S For John is the light, the light that shines within each and every individual (often shrouded, often hidden, but it’s there), that all may be as a messenger, a forerunner, a hand, a foot, a mouth for God. Can you ask for more, or for less, that you may find the faith, the strength, that you may fulfill, even in the depth of selves, that which is the task that you have set for yourselves to do. For all mankind is alike. From that time of the entry into the material, all mankind knew that the task of returning would come, that it is upon the deeds of your brothers, your sisters, and to your brothers, your sisters, that as a group, you may return to that which is the Father.

4. The importance of Prayer and Meditation in preparing the Way

Luke 11: 33-34

No man, when he hath lighted a candle, putteth it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. The light of the body is the eye: therefore, when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.

S For as you act day by day, you open the way for those who will come in to change this world for the better, to bind the wounds of this world, to wash away that which are the fears, the destruction, the negative. Prayer and meditation is your key, but your actions are the candles that are lit. Watch yourselves; pray for guidance; forget not the reason, the mission. For the mission is: “others first”, always as “others first”.

The Prayers that were given for peace as a catalyst for His return.

RAM Reading 10-4, 11-10-73

S There are the prayers then for peace and love, for that which is as mankind, that which is as that which would benefit the most here, or the petition to bring peace, forgiveness, into this plane, the primary prayer for each and every individual.

Q. You said that we were to pray for peace. This has always bothered me, sir, because of interfering with law and ….

S Ha. The peace of God which passeth understanding. Forgive us for not making this clear. Not for peace as man to man but peace within each man that they may find their way and understand their Maker. Even as peace was given through the Essenes so that He might come, so must a platform of peace within individuals and a group come into this world that he may come again, see?

The prayers that have been offered by many, have prevented this world from becoming a desert of sin and destruction.

RAM READING 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. What affirmation or prayers could be used to help this group, and those outside this group to prepare for the Second Coming?

S Oh God, fill my cup so that it may run over, that my neighbor may be filled, so his may run over, and his neighbors, for all mankind even as Christ Jesus.

Prayer or affirmation concerning the Second Coming.

Q Are these the exact words the Source gave as an affirmation to be said concerning the Second Coming?


S This is correct. [10-64]

Prayer and meditation is the most important thing we can do.

Matthew 24:35-36

Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but My Father only.

S Lo, the time is at hand. And the Prince of Love shall return. Know ye this: the time is close. Ye are in that time which is as reaching the peak. Thence, ye shall know; thence it shall be given; thence, He shall return. Be wary, be loving, be kind. Be as a blessing, a channel for those that would come after you, those who would come around you, that they, too may find the Light, the Truth, the Way.

There is much to be accomplished as we prepare for His coming, such as Noah in building the ark.

Matthew 24:37-39

But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

S Therefore, let the ark be thyself. Therefore, make the ark thyself (and they brother and sister awaken to that which is the Prince of Love) God’s hand within the earth, that ye, too, may start again that which is the redemption of this earth and the peoples.

Our awareness  of the Spirit of God within us will determine our salvation and the salvation of the land. 

Matthew 24: 40-42

Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

S Therefore, ye must purify yourselves, your ways. For it is not for your neighbor to save thee, nor for your brother, your sister, to save thee, not for your teacher to save thee, not for your king or leader to save thee, but self must be aware of the spirit of God within self and in the land. Then time has no meaning once ye find the path, and ye will receive the day of reckoning as glory – glory unto God.

Promise of the Second coming to the world – yet we are given the  importance of prayer and meditation that will lead to our inner spiritual growth.

Luke 11:31-32

The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and behold, a greater than Solomon is here. The men of Nineveh shall rise up in the judgment with this generation and shall condemn it: for they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

S For the very presence that proclaims the coming of the Prince of Love again among the peoples of this world–for this nation will be blessed by that which is the knowledge and the opening of that which is the way, again by Love incarnate among the peoples, as surely as God’s promise is forever and forever correct. As surely as God is love, so this nation will have the opportunity to be as Mary and fall at the feet of the Lord Christ in action, rather than be as many other nations, the Martha who skitters here and there, mouthing that which are the supplications to God and pointing the finger at others to declare their outward holiness, and will then (that which is as the Holy See, among others) proclaim the Day of the Lord as established within this nation. But there must come within this nation, before that opening of the door, the awakening through the actions of this nation towards its own people in honesty, in love, and towards other nations. For there will be fear in the land of each other and of the military power of other nations. And yet, the key to that which is the overcoming is that which is in actuality given so often, prayer and meditation, leading to that which is the inner flowering of that which is the force, that which is the healing, that which is God.

Prayer and meditation prepares us for the day of Our Lord. Our spiritual centers/chakras are ever ready to be awakened through our efforts.  To do this we must overcome desires of the body and mind, then God makes Himself known to us.

Luke 12:37-38

Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them. And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.

S The servants, here, are your servants. These are the seven centers. These are that which is used by God as the path to feed you, to anoint you, to prepare you for the day of the Lord. Then work upon your centers. Bless your centers. Rejoice in your centers. For as you pray and meditate and develop at all times, your centers are ever ready. They sleep not but are forever aware and awake, as sentries, that they may trumpet the word, the coming of the Lord, and that in those times that you call upon God, the word will travel through that which is your endocrine system and awaken your entire being to the face, to the love of the Lord.

5. Recognizing His Return, signs, and changes,

RAM Reading 10-13, 12-4-74

Q. In the October 13, 1973, reading, please clarify what was meant by the “awakened return” in the second question.

S The awakened return so mentioned here, well, this is an extensive understanding. The awakened return begins, you see, not in the cosmos in those spheres that surround this earth, that surround this universe, where the awakened understanding begins to accumulate; that the planets themselves begin to rearrange themselves; that the individuals that are, as ye would say “out there”, begin to arrange themselves; that the proper balances occur within and without even to the center where the occurrence will come, even in this sphere, this plane, among these peoples; that this may through the proper peoples here in the arranging of the mind, in the arranging of the mental structure (and this is not the mind but the mental structure) through that which is the understanding, the prayers, the love, the actions, may arrange in themselves, even as the cosmos, is a rearranging and balancing, will (whether they know it or not) begin the arranging of themselves cellularly, atomically, spiritually that all may be arranged to the proper and for the proper, the coming.

Further descriptions of His return.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. How will this entry of Jesus differ from the other three entries of Jesus, where there was no birth?

S Well, never before did all know of Him. For His coming in before was as a quiet, as that which was only observed or known by a few through holy moments through that which is the love of God. Then through the love of God, all will know, all will see in that fantastic time which will erase those who should be erased from the bodily scene.

Q. The Bible also tells that Christ will come as a thief in the night. How is this to be reconciled with everybody seeing Him coming in glory, et cetera?

S A thief in the night is known when he has broken in, you see, after the fact, you see. So, this, the entry be known only at that time where no lock and key may keep Him out; no mind power shall make a stumbling block for Him. He will come when ye are least aware, or least prepared. Therefore, watch thyselves.

The World after the Second Coming.

RAM Reading 10-18, 7-26-75

Q. What are the things that Jesus the Christ will do when he returns?

S He will return in that which is His Glory, that which is the work of God. The dead will walk. The sightless will see. Those who hear not, will hear. Those who speak not will speak. There will again come that which is the reign of love and peace for those who will accept. The miracles that were shall be again, or ghat which you would term as miracles. And even greater miracles will be done by Him and those who follow Him. There will be light in the darkness. There will be understanding for all ages.

His coming will stir the souls of the entire human race.

Matthew 24:27

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

S Behold the Lamb whose blood washes thee clean! Lift up thy hearts unto Him! For, in truth, so shall He come as an event that will stir the souls of the entire race or mankind whether it be those who would sin again or never again. At that time, the bodies, the minds, the souls of mankind will register that which is as the coming of Him who is the substance of God in the flesh, total. He will not come as a shadow or as a princely individual, but as the ruler of heaven and earth – for He is.

Two phases of the Second Coming; first within ourselves, secondly He will come and manifest in the clouds of glory.

S Even as the awakened Christ within yourself gathers those forces within your body, your mind, and your spirit, so He the Christ, at that time of your reckoning, your personal judgment, gathers those forces, those thoughts, those deeds, and weighs them, as you look upon yourself in all lives and in each individual existence.

Q How will we know Christ when He returns since the Bible tells us that even the faithful will be led astray by those who claim to be Christ?

S When He comes, all will know. For even as given, He will come in clouds of glory. All will feel; all will see; even the doubters will know this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ. There will be nothing as like it that has happened to mankind since the day (or that which ye term as day) that the stars sang; that there was creation; that man became. [10-7]

Q What major events would have to come forth to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus? 

S Well, it is inconceivable because there is not the basis or the platform for His coming. Those who live right, and by right we mean in the ways of the Lord, (that does not mean a certain amount of prayer is given, a certain amount of washings given, of feast days observed, of fasting days observed) but the fasting of the ego, the centering of self in God, and becoming servants of God by being thy brother’s keeper. This is that which becomes the rock-hard base upon which to build.

We will know the presence of the Christ by the still small voice within.

Mark 13:21-22

And then if any man shall say to you, “Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, He is there;” believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect.

S Trust in that which is the still small voice within yourself, yourselves, that you may know the Way and the Truth. For if you are prepared, if you have the faith, you will know the presence of the Christ. For the Christ comes from within to meet that which is the Holy Spirit without, opening the way for He that is to come, Jesus the Christ, returned as he left, in glory.

How His return will occur within individuals – a quickening by the Holy Spirit.

Mark 10:1

And he arose from thence, and cometh into the coasts of Judaea by the farther side of Jordan: and the people resort unto him again; and, as he was wont, he taught them again.

S When that which is mankind, or the people, or the land, receives that which is the coming, or the quickening, or the Christ, then the Christ will teach, will show the Way. Then you (each individual) must receive the teaching of the Christ, that which comes from within, quickened by the Holy Spirit from without, that you too may be given the word. Will you receive or will you reject?

Question about the timing of the Second Coming: Our time is not God’s time.

RAM Reading 10-7, 3-10-74

Q. Can you give us an idea as to when this group will have the vibrations ready for Jesus the Christ to come again? Is there a schedule we should be following?

S As so often given, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and that ye must build stone upon stone, brick upon brick. Thy handiwork sets the pace. The time is coming but look not to the morrow but today. For that which is today in the building of that which is to come: it must be upon the basis of today, a solid foundation, not sand but rock, faith, works, even as explained as the use of the Holy Spirit. As for a schedule, God sets the schedule. You will know what to do as the time comes, as the doors open, as the call comes forth. Even as given, seek and ye shall find, and ye shall find: ask and it shall be given, and it will be given; and then knock, and the door will be opened, for he is ready. The time as seen from here is short, but from your plane, from the anxiety, the searching, it is quite a time.

In light of the Second Coming,  what physical, economic as well as mental and spiritual preparation is recommended?

Ram Reading 10-20, 12-6-76

Q. The world, and specifically this nation, may soon experience major political and economic cataclysms as prophecies of the times of darkness and the Second Coming come into reality. What preparation, physical and economic, as well as mental and spiritual, would you recommend?

S Trust. For that which are the troubles of the morrow are sufficient to them. Build on this day, Love, forgive, trust. For those who have faith will survive. This nation that ye live in, this world that ye live in, is but touching the tip of that which are as the troubled times that ye find present at this time. Have Faith. Let thy mind, through the meditations and dreams, direct self as to what is to be done in the physical, as to that which is the financial, as to that which is the positioning of self, as to that which are the food probabilities.

The Source encourages us to awaken to His presence within. Nonetheless, He shall return even as He left.

Matthew 25:30-31

And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. When the Son of man shall come in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory:

S That glory is the awakening within selves, and the reaching to and the striving for the presence of Him who is indeed the Prince of Love and Redemption. Therefore, if ye would be as that which is as a block in that which is the temple of God, be ye then he who is aware and uses the opportunity and the abilities, as best self can, to open up that which is the spiritual center of self to the awakening.

Q. I understand the return of Christ to this planet meant the flowering of the Christ spirit within individuals, rather than Jesus Christ returning physically. Is this concept incorrect?

S Incorrect. It is the flowering, of course, yes, but it is that He will come,

6. Events surrounding the second phase of His return

He will know us, and we will know Him upon His Return.

RAM Reading 10-7, 3-10-74

Q. How will we know Christ when he returns since the Bible tells us that even the faithful will be led astray by those who claim to be Christ?

S When he comes, all will know. For even as given, He will come in clouds of glory. All will feel; all will see; even the doubters will know this, indeed, is Jesus Christ. There will be nothing as like it that has happened to mankind since the day (or that which ye term as day) that the stars sang, that there was creation, that man became. There will be no doubt of who is Jesus the Christ. Even if the soul of selves did not respond in such a joyous manner, the eyes, the mind, would behold such a sight as even the imagination would be staggered by. Don’t worry. He’ll know you and you’ll know him.

Detailed description of the two phases of the Second Coming

RAM READING 10-22 4-18-76

Q. Please describe to us in detail the events of the Second Coming.

S That, which is the second coming, is two phases. First, that which is the resurrection of the bodies of each and every individual by the resurrecting of the mind. Even as you pray, even as you meditate, even as you act, so the body – in turn – physical, mental, spiritual, is affected and is resurrected cell by cell, atom by atom. So it is done whether you know it or not. Cell by cell, atom by atom, ye rearrange your life by the deeds, the thoughts, the prayers, the meditation. This, then, is the first step. When those who have accomplished have made a platform here and among the rest of the peoples, then will come that which is the Second Coming or the presence of the Lamb again, even as He left: in body, in soul, in spirit. He will come in all majesty even as given in Scriptures, the Word, in a majesty unmatched by anything less than that which was creation itself; in a manner to be seen by all. The first step being, that night will be banished for a period of three days, by that which is the radiance of the Son of Man in the sky. More radiant than the sun that you have now. Then on the third day, or at the end of that which is the third period of twenty-four hours, will come the clouding of the skies – universal – to be seen by all sides of this globe, all men. The Son of Man in glory – a glory that will outshine the celestial bodies, not in that which is blinding, but in a rainbow of colors that is has not, or has been prohibited from seeing in it development. Some will say it is an aurora. Others will say it is a comet. Some will say it is that which is the end of the earth, the world, (and in truth it shall be) For it will be the end of the earth as man will know it in that which is the upheavals, the destructions caused by man to man, to the earth by man, and earth to man. There will be the elimination of those who are not fit to be left, to be builded upon for that which is the resurrection of a people. Then the Master of Life, Prince of Love, will come forth to walk with his brothers, His sisters, those who will be the root, the start for mankind to blossom again. For that period as given, a thousand years, will God reign in the form of He, Jesus the Christ, Prince of Love.

Q. Is that what is meant by “He will come in clouds of glory”?

S He will come in clouds of glory, even as given.

Q. How will all those that live upon the face of the earth be able to see His coming?

S It will be as a universal thing, you see. Even as the sun shines upon an entire side of this world, so shall God in His glory encircle this globe and manifest that which is the Christ to all men. Those who have become elevated within themselves shall know their own Christhood that this, indeed, is Jesus the Christ returned.

Men of every clime will see Him coming in all glory and power.

Matthew 24: 29-30

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

S Behold it will happen in the individuals even as given here. And yet the very words given here as the truth for all mankind. For the eyes, even those not enlightened, will see the coming of the glory of Him who is, has been and always will be, who is the Light of Life, Mercy, and Justice. He who is that which is Grace, that may wash ye that your sins may be naught. Oh man, fall down before that which is as Him, allowing not thy ego, thy lusts, thy desires, to trip, to turn selves from that which is the altar, that which is the love, or the way.

Q. Must we be physically present to partake in His return?

S All souls will be present, whether they are of the lowest elements or the highest elements in the earth, near the earth, around the earth. For this is the event, this is the opening, this is that which is the gateway, the light. And, oh, will the souls sing!

Q. And more specifically does it refer to the accumulation of planets in the region of Aquarius in the 1997 and 1998 time, especially Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus?

S Oh yes.

Q. Then His coming back refers more to just this solar system. Does it refer to other systems as well?

S To that which is as the Creation of God, which is eternal, which is never ending. It is as a note. It is as a song. It is as a light that will beam, be heard and revered through creation.

The promise of His return in power and authority.

Luke 1:71-72

That we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us; To perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember His holy covenant.

S His promises are not in vain. And that which you see in yourselves, or your neighbors are those things which have been brought upon selves by self. See all things as that which is the opportunity to lift yourself up through faith, through love, through the mercy of that which is the God Force. And know this: that those physical and mental discomforts that come to you are but those things that temper the spiritual qualities and open the path for the soul to recover that which has been lost. Consider yourselves as a piece of silver that is being sought for recovery, as the lamb that has strayed and the Good Shepherd will return, in the promise as given by Jesus of Nazareth, with the power and authority vested in Him by that which is the God-Father Force. Know that even as you love your Father with all your heart, your mind, your spirit, that you too, must love your neighbor. Therefore, love yourself as you would love the Father and the Father as yourself. This does not mean to crown yourself or to place yourself above others, for as given, “Others first, Father, others first.”

Further description of the sign in the heavens to be seen at the Second Coming.

RAM Reading 10-13, 12-4-74

Q. Please comment on the sign to be seen in the heavens as mentioned in the October 13, 1973 reading. What will it be and when will it appear? (101)

S First will be that, as if another sun up in the sky, that which blinds this earth in grace, in beauty. That will be awe-inspiring, and yet terrifying those who do not understand. It will bring forth a cosmic reaction. It will also bring about physical reactions within the earth plane. Both for those who believe, those who understand, even in the physical destruction or upheavals, will bring forth rejoicing, the love, and the expansion of the mind, the bodies, and the spiritual conditions of each and every entity, so chosen.

Clarification of His  Return in 1998 from Edgar Cayce.

RAM Reading0-23, 6-12-76

Q. The following is a quote from Edgar Cayce’s reading 294-151. In speaking about the great pyramid of “It was formed according to that that had been worked out by Ra-Ta in the mount as related to the position of the various stars, that acted in the place about which this particular solar system circles in its activity, going towards – what? That same name to which the priest was banished – the constellation of Libra, or to Libya, were these people sent. Is it not fitting, then that these must return? As this priest must develop himself to be in that position, to be in the capacity of the liberator in its relationships to individuals in those periods to come; for he must enter again at that period, or in 1998.” The statements contained in this quotation have puzzled me, and I’m sure many others who have read it. Could we be given more on this so we can understand what is meant.

S Bring forth the question or the statement. Or parts of the statement, that trouble you.

Q. Well, in the first place, as liberator, it would seem to me that that would apply to Jesus, and not to Cayce.

S All using that which is the Christ force that which will give to others that which will give them the key to their liberation. None can liberate another. This is as giving the key to someone locked behind bars. It is for them to use. The term could be used as liberator or turnkey – what have you. But it is up to the individual to open the door.

Q. On the last part does it refer to the Master’s return in 1998 or Cayce?

S The Master of Life and Love.

Clarification of Edgar Cayce’s statement  “His light will be seen in the clouds.” 

Mark 13:26-27

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And then shall he send his angels and shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven.

Q I’ll have to paraphrase this because I don’t have the Edgar Cayce reading at hand, but there is one prophecy where he states something to the effect: between 1958 and 1998, the forty-year period, His light will be seen in the clouds. To the best of my knowledge there is no clarification in the readings as to what was meant by that. Can we know what that meaning was?

S There will be that which is the approach of what you might call a super-comet that is unlisted by astronomers, or those of the past also. At this time it is in the making in that area that is beyond the planet Neptune. Whether and when it comes is determined by that which is the growth of the human ability to shed itself from that which is its selfishness and call in its need upon the name of the Lord--whether it be through that of the western religions, or eastern religions, or the general realization that there is a God, is an answer, is a truth, is a salvation. This does not mean that the majority of people upon this planet will ask, will call, or realize. It is for that dedicated group that are brothers in the search (regardless of names, races, creeds) call upon–not in selfishness but in love–for that which is the light of the Lord. [10-107]

Q Will the return of the Christ be simultaneous to all when it happens?

S Oh, yes. For even the spirits of the departed, the entities that have passed over, will know, will see. Oh, they will gather around this globe, even from afar, to know that which is the coming of God within the earth again.

Source commentary on those who do not choose, the Way of the Lord

Matthew 22: 8-14

Then saith he to his servants, “The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy. Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage.” So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests. And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: And he saith unto him,” Friend, how earnest thou in hither not having a wedding garment?” And he was speechless. Then said the king to the servants, “Bind him hand and foot and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness”; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. For many are called, but few are chosen.

S Woe unto them that choose not the way of the Lord when the knowledge is as given to them. For He gives of Himself freely. And those who use that which is given in the improper manner, use not that which is given with wisdom, will have great tribulation at that which is the soul level. For they will feel that they have been cut off from that which is love that which is light, that which is as the spiritual feeding. And those, in that time, that do not receive that which is as Christ’s Second Coming in the physical will be those who must face themselves again, and again, and again, for that great period of time, or they (will) be those that will be taken up into God, knowing not the individualism, or the individual personality or truth, that has been given as a gift of God to every entity.

Do we need to be incarnate to experience the Second Coming? 

Ram Reading 10-45, 5-7-78

Q. Referring to the Second Coming in the physical, as given for the reading on Matthew 22:8-14, does one have to be present in a body in the earth plane in order to receive the Second Coming and avoid the returning over and over again.?

S All the earth, all the heavens shall know the coming. And there shall be that which is the love and earning of those present in the earth plane to relieve and help and guide those who are from (in) other planes. For those who are on the fringe, who have reached, it is time of rejoicing. For the chains will be dropped, the jail will be burst, and they, too, may say, “It is over.”

The trumpet sound shall be heard on all levels of consciousness

Matthew 24:31

And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

S So there shall be known to all, whether this plane or beyond, whether in other realms, that He that is, was, and ever shall be, is as that which is mercy, that which is grace, and all will know. For the vibrational pattern of all that has been created will have been changed to the higher note.

Q. What is the meaning of “a great sound of a trumpet”?

S It is the sound that will be heard in the center, in the pituitary, of each and every enlightened individual, or those who seek. Even as a light, even as a sound – for they shall be one. It is the trumpet of the soul that will harken to that which is as the birth again. Yes, the birth of the Prince of Love and Salvation in time and space again.

7. The one thousand years after His return and the “144,000.”

Ram Reading 10-19 

Q. When referring to the return of Jesus the Chris in the Edgar Cayce reading 365-8, the Source said in Answer #1, “As given for a thousand years, He will walk and talk with men of every clime. Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a thousand years for this will be when the changes materially come.” Would you give more on this, especially the reference to those of the first resurrection?

S Those who resurrect within the mind that are alive are the first resurrection. And those who resurrect again are those who come in, who have earned, who will resurrect, even as he has given them life to do and to be, as they have met and made the selection and overcome.

Q Is the 144,000 in Revelations pertinent to this?

S Not to the number of individuals, but that which is as makes up the spiritual centers of self. 

Confirmation of the one thousand years and Satan bound as given by Edgar Cayce.

( Editor’s note: Question from an early reading before the advent of RAM.)

Q. I have a question. Will the Second Coming be in my lifetime?

S Thou shalt see Him. Thou will hear Him. And He shall speak to thee. And He shall walk the land for a thousand years.

Q. You mentioned walking the land for one thousand years. Would this possibly correspond to Revelation in which it talks about Satan being chained for a thousand years?  Edgar Cayce said that this meant that for a thousand years there would be no incarnations, or leaders of anyone, except those who would seek the will of God.

S This is correct as has been given. For the word that came through he that was known as Edgar Cayce, was at that time as ye have quoted from, came from God Himself and no one else.

Teachers during the one thousand year period.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. Will souls from other planets or systems be playing their part in the teaching, and so on, during the one thousand years?

S Entities from other various places will help arrange or do as they are commanded along with that which is the heavenly host.

The one thousand years suggests that this will be the time when selfishness will be bound, our consciousness will be cleansed  and we will remember the laws of God and love of God; to mend, repair and relive the goodness of God.

Revelation: 20: 1-3

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.

S You have that which, here, gives you an outline of what happens, not only to the world in general, but the individual mind and soul force at that time. For at that time, you see, when you and all meet that which is the angel which binds Satan, or the selfishness, or that which is the misused mind and intellect God will act for that which is His day or that which you would see as a thousand years. For it will take you individuals a thousand of your years to thoroughly cleanse yourselves, to re-teach the structure of yourself that which is the law of God, that which is the love of God. For it will be up to you, then, to mend, repair, and relive that which is the positive nature, or that which is the goodness of God which has been given you from that time of creation and forward.

During the one thousand years, we will know ourselves, to be ourselves, it will be Universal Knowledge.

Q. Paul said that we see through a glass darkly now. Will we, are we going to be able to see clearly during those thousand years? When do we see clearly?

S Oh, yes. This is the – on the coming, will become that which is the seeing of clearly. Se the mirror will become, not translucent, but transparent. And you will see and know all of yourself that has been, that is, and will be. The training, then, in the thousand years will be on that level that ye may use the abilities that lie so dormant in yourselves.

Q. Will that be the time when the lion and lamb lie down together since Satan will be bound?

S This is correct. This is lion that is within self, the predator, the meat eater, the destructor, with that which is the inoffensive, the sacrificial, becoming as brothers.

Q. Does this seeing clearly, apply only to the 144,000 who are on the earth at that time or to all entities?

S All who pass over will know. All who stay will know. Universal knowledge. And yet there will be those who choose to lose themselves once again in that old bug-a-boo Satan, (the mind), unused by that which is the spirit, will shove aside the spirit, making their choice rather to be the ego centered, the material centered, the self-centered.

Those who have found the light will go on and the earth will be returned to those who must learn over and over again.

Q. Will He reign only for a thousand years or forever? If not forever, why, and where will He leave after that?

S Then let the entity know that this state is but a beginning of the end. It is but the apex of the climb upward. Oh, the hill on the other side is long but downhill and let the entity know not to confuse the difference between the Christ, as spirit, the Messianic spirit, the God force, and that One who was known as Jesus the Christ or He who is in physical nature or as a personality. For that one will have gone on to greater glory, to greater understanding. For the spirit will reign forever but the kingdom here on the earth for certain purposes will be gone on to other things and they that have found the way, the means, and the light, that have been reborn to the thousand years will go on and then the earth will be returned to those who must learn over and over for they then will have missed another chance at that which others will have found. Do not believe that Jesus, or Christ Jesus, is chained to this earth for His mission will have been completed as the Messianic Law is invoked or the Messiah of this time, place, and period will have done its job and brought forth those who are ready to go beyond.

Warning: We must not lose the opportunity to be among those that remain for the 1000 years and who will not have to return over and over again.

Matthew 24: 48-51

But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; And shall begin to smite his fellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken; The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of, and shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

S Make each day a striving to be that much closer to God, each time thoughts come, each time actions come, one more step closer to God. For even when ye falter, and yet your motives are as that which is as the upward movement, ye are attaining. For if ye turn aside and say to self, “I will do my job the better later,” ye have fallen into the trap of the mind-will link to that which is the material. And ye may stone yourself for the error committed. For if it is that time of reckoning, ye will have lost the opportunity to raise self beyond that which is as the level of the returning (of) over and over and over again.

The second death is for those that must go back and begin again and rework, relive and erase those mistakes for thousands of years. Those who become that which is the priests of God, will be lifted up, for the climb forward into the higher heavens. Most others will have to return.

Revelation: 20:6

Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.

S The second death is that which repeats the theme that you have heard before: that you must go back and begin again and work through that which is the new turning of time for those thousands of years to relive, rework, to erase those mistakes that you have made as mankind. And for those that cast aside the being as a human and become that which is the priest of God in the form of the animal man, you shall succeed. For you will be lifted up to go ahead to construct that which is the second step on that which is mankind’s path. For beyond that which is this plane is what one might term as the staging area where the newly crossed will be resurrected in that degree as is necessary for that which is the climb forward into the higher heavens, and much is to be done there. For many teach at that stage now, but most of those that are taught in that stage must return to this plane to face that which is the material. For they have not overcome the material aspect of themselves that must be overcome that they may attune themselves to the higher echelons or levels that are prerequisite for the highest or the greater stages of development of the spiritual nature of self.

Confirmation of the Cayce Revelation material in which the 144 are representative of the 12 nervous centers in the body, which the Master was able to balance: also represent with the zodiacal signs.

Matthew 19:28-30

Q Then the astrological houses or signs do directly relate to, in a given entity, those twelve neurological factors. Is that correct?

S This is correct. And the man who was called Jesus, who became Christed, was one who found the balance between that which are the zodiacal signs and that which were as the nervous system within self, the thought process systems, even which is balancing the twelve times twelve being 144 as representative of the 144,000 centers within self or, as given, as souls that are those which are saved, or are those which bring upon an individual the salvation or the awakening to that which are the God forces.

Clarification of the 1000 year period and destiny of souls.

RAM Reading 10-10, 6-21-74

Q During the 1000 years that Satan will be bound, and the 144,000 souls will inhabit the earth, will there be no death as we know it or will these souls continue to incarnate and reincarnate? (101)

S There will be no death for these souls as you would know death to be–no physical death. They will use the bodies perfected at that time so that they may go about their Father’s business of raising the rest, that will come in, to those abilities that will bring them forth into the light and love.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. During the one-thousand-year reign, what happens to the other souls or will there only be 144,000?

S There will be as given, 144,000 souls and those who are departed shall wait in the levels that they have earned and learn the more – selected, then, from the higher levels to return to that which is the relearning in the material plane through the 144,000 and the Prince of Love.

All will know when His return occurs.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. Will the return of the Christ be simultaneous to all when it happens?

S Oh yes. For even the spirits of the departed, the entities that have passed over, will know, will see. Oh, they will gather around this globe even from afar, to know that which is the coming of God within the earth again.

Q. Will any of those that have passed on and are out of this plane be able to participate in those lessons and the training given by Jesus?

S This will be as an amphitheater for those who have earned, even as it is for those who become the 144,000 souls. Remember this: God knows no difference. In the symbol of Jesus, the man, washing the feet of His disciples, was given the lesson to all mankind that the highest is not higher; that all are the same in the end. There is no task too high or too low. All are the same. And as those who stay or those who cross over, it is the same. For in the end all will be as God would have them be. Unless in their free choice they become that which is the oneness with God without the individuality or their true personality.

Entry of the souls during the 1000 year  period

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. How will souls come in during the one thousand years?

S Only as the bidding of that which is the mind and soul power of the 144,000 as taught and directed by Jesus the Christ. It will be as selection of the 144,000.

Discussion of the 144,000 at the time of the Second Coming

Q Will any of those that have passed on and are not of this plane be able to participate in those lessons and the training given by Jesus?

S This will be as an amphitheater for those who have earned, even as it is for those who become the 144,000 souls. Remember this: God knows no difference. In the symbol of Jesus the man, washing the feet of His disciples, was given the lesson to all mankind that the highest is not higher; that all are the same in the end. There is no task too high or too low. All are the same. And as those who stay or those who cross over, it is the same. For in the end all will be as God would have them be, unless in their free choice they become that which is the oneness with God without the individuality or their true personality.

Q That is similar to, well, it’s exactly the same as the question of prayer for healing. You don’t pray for somebody to be well; you pray for God’s will to be done. This is what’s got to be applied for the preparation as far as the 144,000 are concerned?

S Exactly! [10-22]

Q We are told that 144,000 entities will remain on this earth to assist Jesus after the Second Coming. Are these to be individual entities, which are undivided, or are they to be aspects, or both? Please clarify.

S Oh my, this seems to throw people over and over and over. They will be the individual entities, but remember they magnify themselves as necessary with that which is enlightenment into the necessary amount of aspects, which includes so many, many, many, many others.

Q So it isn’t 144,000 then?

S Well, 144,000 times whatever. [10-108]

Q After the physical bodies and the souls that are not fit to be built upon are taken from the earth, will there only be 144,000 individuals upon this entire planet, or will there be others here that can be built upon at that time?

S There will be others, but they will be deformed physically, mentally and spiritually. The 144,000 will be as that which overcomes the body of mankind to establish a spiritual realm, that which is the glory, the truth, the love may manifest itself within this earth plane, doing that which is necessary in rebuilding the structure, physically and mentally, of mankind to carry better that which is the spiritual growth. There will be in essence, some seventy million of these for the 144,000 to work upon. And through the 144,000 and their ministrations to others will come that which is the growth and return of those other souls that will re-enter in this phase of growth.

Q When you speak of people being deformed physically, mentally and spiritually, are you speaking about as we are now?

S No. As a consequence of that which is pride, egotism–those things, man will deform self through the action of man bringing upon destructive elements within the bodies–some from that which is the cosmic forces doing its cleansing, and those physical forces released by mankind through the mental endeavors.

Q Are you speaking of nuclear accidents?

S Biological, nuclear, terrestrial manifestations of man’s destructive nature.

Further questions about the timing at the end of the Astrological Age.

Q. Can you take the literal words in Revelation about the 144,000 souls and the Master, and Satan being bound for 1000 years to mean that this will happen in the Aquarian age and that the Master will condition 144,000 souls to act as a leaven to try and help the rest of humanity?

S This is correct, and He shall return about that year of 1998.

The 144,000 will not die during this period and will work to raise in others the ability to bring them into the light and love.

Q. During the 1000 years that Satan will be bound, and the 144,000 souls will inhabit the earth, will there be no death as we know it or will these souls continue to incarnate and reincarnate?

S There will be no death for these souls as you would know it to be. No physical death. They will use the bodies perfected at that time so that they may go about their father’s business of raising the rest that will come in to those abilities that will bring them forth into the light and love.

Major points that are to be brought forward when teaching about the Second Coming.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

That each and every individual like a pebble on the beach, like a grain of sand, becomes a part of the whole. This is not for each and every individual to wish to be as part of the 144,000 but to be as a help to those who will be of the 144,000. For in seeking to be as one of the 144,000 comes selfishness. Then pray and work that those who will be, may elevate the more that they may fulfill that which are the needs of mankind in God’s way.

Those who choose to serve God and not selves will be those that will teach, and lead, and will each be responsible for one million souls.

Revelation 20:4-5

And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.

S Those that have sacrificed the intellect and the intellect-controlled mind and replaced it with the intellect and mind of Christ are those that are not signed by the beast. For they have not misused the power, the gift of God. They will be those that teach and lead and do the deeds in this place. Make this the goal of selves, if one would have a goal. It is a position of great responsibility. For each that will be the teacher, there will be the million souls that need the teacher. Therefore, set before you this day; whom you will serve – God or selves.

What to expect after the Event:

Q. When he comes again there will be an opportunity for redemption and losing the ego

S And in the time then, when the Prince of Love returns to that which is this earth and starts that era again where there is the chance of the redemption for all mankind, if they will be but accepted, or find it acceptable to them. Then there will be that period of learning, of giving that which is the life of self for God, losing that which are the ego and the personality of this world, or mammon, or the intellect interwoven into that of the material, casting aside the desires of the flesh, of the mind, and redeeming that which are the spiritual and the mental processes of the spiritual, and finding the love and mercy at all hands.

Events immediately following the Second Coming

Q What events immediately follow the Second Coming?

S First, it will be heralded as has been given. The following will be as that which is the appearance of the Lamb, the Love incarnate–that the Prince of all worlds, all light, will visit, teach, bless, and love those elements, those forces, those individuals that have chosen the Path, the Way, the Truth. There will be that which you would consider gatherings, meetings of the minds, physical bodies, spiritual natures of selves. For the individuals will begin to know and realize the oneness of creation, the gigantic proportions of God’s creation–and the cleansing beginning in a circular pattern and spreading over that which is the globe.

Q. What additional details about the period following the second coming should we be made aware of?

S None. Be aware of the way to be there. Then you will know.

Q. What will the 144,000 be doing during that thousand-year reign of Christ?

S As given to the last question on same, make thyself one and know.

He will raise us up.

S And those who have preceded you and are about their Father’s business (as you would understand leaving this realm to higher realms) will receive those who come at other times as coming at the same time, or leaving, or ascending to that which are the higher realms, at the same time. And He who is the One who has ascended in the truth, and is the Glory and the Light and the Way, will raise you up. For He is that One that has overcome and become the path and the salvation for this world, these peoples, these nations, through love and selflessness.

Through His grace and mercy, we will cast aside those chains that have bound us to this plane.

And yet, that selflessness has given the greater personality, or the greatest personality as produced by that which is this earth plane, the peoples therein who have worked and lived within the folds of that which is this planet, the environs, the galaxies, the worlds. The great personality that has developed the blueprint here, has given you that which is grace and mercy, that you may not have to justify yourself, but rely upon that which is love to cast aside those chains that have bound you to this plane.

A member of the team had a dream, and it was interpreted as being related to the second coming.

S And she turned and saw that which is the Radiant One on the return. For this is that which is as a warning, as a promise, that he, indeed, will walk among thee. Be ready. Be content even with that which would come as suffering, sorrow, tumult, destruction, or those negative things recorded within self, and recorded on the material. For He will make right that which)is not right. He will wash that which is filth and make clean. For He will restore, (even as he did once), the Kingdom of God within this earth beyond that which is the understanding of those present here or beyond this room.

There will be those who choose not to see nor hear The Event:

Mark 13:20:

“And except that the Lord had shortened those days, no flesh should be saved but for the elect’s sake, whom He hath chosen, He hath shortened the days.”

S Remember, all are chosen. And yet, some will go, some will not. The centers of your body have been chosen, and yet may be damned. It is for selves to make known to God you are aware of the choice. It is for you, in this plane, in your free will, to choose whether you shall be of God, or of man. Choose wisely. For it will be a long, long time (as you term it to be) before the opportunity will, once again, arise that presents itself in the Christ and the return of same.

Effect of the Earth Changes on those left behind.

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. Is the other three days, and the coming of our lord, contiguous to the earth changes and will these result in the elimination of the physical bodies of all those who are not fit to be with Him and trained for the future?

S This will be a contingency on man himself. For as man develops himself towards the spiritual, so will be put aside much of the earth changes and that which will be an easing of the individuals away from this earth plane to those higher elevations. But as man in his destructive nature towards selves builds, so will come the earth changes as a chain reaction augmented by man’s own merciless use of that which was given to him – his knowledge over which are the elements and the forces within nature, the forces in man’s hands to help destroy the bodies that house the soul forces of individuals. They will depart and there will only be that which is the 144.000 souls at that time.

By putting God and others first we gain life and lose self

Luke 17:26-37

And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. Likewise, also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, the bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop and  his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. Remember Lot’s wife. Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, “Where, Lord?” And he said unto them, “Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.”

S When the call comes, you must receive it, finding not that which are those selfish things, those things of this earth, or even those things of the intellect, to stand within the way. In that which is the losing of that, or giving the life of self to others, or for others, and immersing yourself in the call to that which is of God, you gain that which is the life. But those who would put themselves first are those who condemn themselves to that which is the rebirth again.

And in the time then, when the Prince of Love returns to that which is this earth, and starts that era again where there is the chance of the redemption for all mankind, if they will be but accepted, or find it acceptable to them. Then there will be that period of learning, of giving that which is the life of self for God, losing that which are the ego and the personality of this world, or mammon, or the intellect interwoven into that of the material, casting aside the desires of the flesh, of the mind, and redeeming that which are the spiritual and the mental processes of the spiritual, and finding the love and mercy at all hands.

Finding the spiritual life and leaving of this earth plane for better places.

S Finding contentment then in that which is life, or that which is the spiritual life, rather than that which is the agitation that is caused by the desires of the ego of this mortal coil, is the opportunity to proceed to that great time, to the leaving of this earth plane for better places, or the selection to stay and be of this world, and lose the opportunity again for those eons of time. It is the choice of each individual, and though they may come at different times, as seen by your eyes, it is all one time.

Promise of the Second Coming: He will return in power, in glory. It will be a time of rebuilding, a new world, new bodies, new thinking.

Luke 21: 23-27

But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people, And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

S This is the promise. This is that which is a covenant. For regardless of what happens to the body, or the mind, or this physical plane, the Son of man will return in power, in glory, to lead those that would be led into the understanding, into those times of rethinking, rebuilding, reconstitution, that which would constitute a new world, new bodies, new thinking. For those trials that are spoken of here are not only of the physical but of the mental and spiritual natures of mankind, too. And the only woe is on those who would put their minds and bodies into those things that are not of the spiritual nature. And the consequences then will be [that] they will be separated to learn of the spiritual, while others grow through the spiritual.

Miscellaneous comments related to the Second Coming:

Numerology and the Second Coming

Q. In the form of numerology based on the Hebrew cabala, the name Jesus is a 63 and the name of Christ is 81. 63 plus 81 equals 144. Does this refer to the 144,000 souls mentioned by John?

S This is correct. It also is that which is the square of the sum total of the nerve centers of the body or that which are the cranial centers in perfection, see, each being the twelve outlets of same to the twelve or the highest power of self, in cleansing self and uniting self with the highest elements, the Christ Force.

Q. Would any of these numbers be associated with the second coming?

S All will be associated with the second coming.

Q. Another numerology question in modern form. The name Christ is 77 or 7 times 11 and I was wondering whether the number 154 which is twice 77 or 7 time 22 will be a significant number with regard to the second coming?

S It is as the name of the second coming or the revelation of the true name of God Himself, see. Thus will come at that time, the giving of that which is asked here, in numerology, but actually in the word to be understood. For Jesus the Christ shall return with the true name of God; salvation, upon His lips for He is the Redeemer.

Reason for the crucifixion

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76

Q. Well, why was he crucified?

S To show that which is as this: there was no ego left. Ego is of the body and of the mind. In doing that which was the totality of humiliation, what was there left? He gave totally of himself. No love of Himself. No honor of himself. Yet He could have called upon God and had it erased. But what would have been achieved? He was showing His image, His ego, His mind. For what did He call out? He called that which was to God, “Eli”, that the body, the mind was left and the spirit was gone. What more can ye give than the spirit of self, the force of God, the Christ, for others.

Q. In the beginning of the reading 7-26-75, the Source says, “in that day He will return as the Prince of Redemption”. How will He redeem?

S Through the soul level He will redeem. By waking anew that which is the God force. By bringing forth within selves the understanding, the power, the love of God, which is you. What is the name of God? You.

Q. Why did he say, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?”

S This was as the mind and the body knowing that which is God has fled from self. This is what we were saying. Can you imagine the mind of such a man totally aware and in harmony with God having the spirit taken from the mind? Can you understand?

Q. What does it mean in reading 4-12-74, number 7, “that coming that will be of no crucifixion but the crucifixion of all who will follow the way, who would be the light, who would be the doorway, even as the platform?

S This is not the crucifixion of the body but crucifixion of the mind, the desires, that which is the ego. Even as He did same for thee, that selves may become as a lamb, even as He is the Lamb.

Role of the three Wise Men in the Second Coming.

Matthew 2: 8-16

Q. Please discuss the three wise men and what part, if any, they will play in the Second Coming of the Master.

S These entities have been back more times than was necessary for them. Have returned quite often to India, Tibet, to a lesser degree among the Christian people of the West. At this time Melchior is in the area bordering to that which is the Himalayas as one who is as a master of that which is the search and the way of the Eastern method or manner. Those two others are in abeyance at this time, waiting that which is the return that they, too, may work their way again in helping to carry the burden of mankind.

Why he did not come in the Middle Ages or at an earlier time:

Ram Reading 10-18, 7/26/75

Q. In the last reading, the Source indicated the reason Christ hadn’t come during the Middle Ages….Now that we are expecting the return of the Christ anytime, does this mean that all the souls that are now on earth have been exposed to His teachings?

S All the souls that are, and that will come in, now have been exposed to that which is the understanding of the Christ Force, and God.

Christification and overcoming the Earth

RAM Reading 10-22, 4-18-76, 

Q. I believe the following is necessary in order to go back and understand something in order for us to prepare for the second coming. The Source has stated through this channel that our Master, Jesus, was christed at the time of the baptism by John and again before his death on the cross. Does this mean that since He completely overcame the earth at the time of the last christing, this is the resurrection spoken of in the New Testament and not the raising of the body physical after death.

S Correct.

Q. Then we also have been told by the Source that one must overcome the earth by completely unlocking the mental and thus unlocking the spiritual and then becoming the perfect person. When this is completely done, is one resurrected?

S They are resurrected. Even as they become step by step the ideal that God has of thee, the idea of man – the ideal man, the Christ, step by step and at that time, as given, as mentioned, then you are christed.

Matthew 25: 3-6

They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.

S You have that which is the meeting of God, or the Christ Force, by those that have prepared themselves. That even at that time of rest they have held that which is the benediction, the blessing as given in the oil, and wasted not the blessing, the benediction of life, as the foolish have, who burn it in the night when it is not to be used, or in that hour of sleep. These are the wastrels, those that use not wisdom to that which is the level of their knowledge.

Q. Do the lamps symbolize spiritual centers?

S They symbolize that which are as the spiritual centers, and that which is the feeding of same in the blessing of that which is of God and the use therein by that which is prayer and especially that of meditation.

Clarification on the role of the White Brotherhood

Ram Reading 10-105

Q Are the so-called White Brotherhood a part of the angelic host in regard to the healing and help coming from the other side?

S The true White Brotherhood is a neither–neither situation. For they are not what you would consider quite human, but they are certainly not angelic. They exist at a higher level of understanding and control then that to which you would call the human entity. Make no mistakes, they are human entities but raised human entities, who do not cross that which is the line between the living in this plane and other planes. They are as that which you might call the maestro rather than the musician.

Multiple Ameliuses and the Planet Vulcan and the return of the Christ.

Q Can we be given how many Ameliuses were there totally? We were told of three, I believe.

S   Six as to that which is the teacher. 

Q   Can they be identified for us and the purpose for each given?

S   The purpose is of importance only as that which is the Amelius for each of the major centers, and that, then, which is the return of Jesus the Christ as the final Amelius which will then go to the seventh center and the perfection of same for mankind. It also has to do with that which is the coming discovery of that which is Vulcan.  

Q Have all six Ameliuses entered at this time?

S   Correct.

Q Was Enos, son of Seth, also an aspect of the second Amelius?

S   Yes.  Q

Q Was Abram a life of Enos or Seth?

S   Seth.

Q Into how many aspects did Abram divide as signified by the change of name to Abraham?

S   Four. 

Q Did the second Amelius fall during or after the life as Ram?

S   After the life as Ram.

Q Was this then before the life as Seth?

S   Correct.

Q  In reference to Vulcan, are you speaking of an additional planet?

S   Correct.

Q Is this planet one of the larger planets like Saturn, Uranus, and so forth?

S   Pluto?

Q Yes. No. Vulcan? Vulcan, I mean.

S   Vulcan.

Q That’s what I had reference to.

S   Vulcan is so big that only the sun is in the same category. But it has not lit its fires as yet to be picked up by mankind. For Vulcan is that which represents the zenith, even as the 13th member of the twelve symbols became Christ. So, the tenth planet, then, becomes the perfection of mankind and is the essence, or in essence is the sign of the return of Jesus the Christ as Master of all.